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五星红旗所代表的罪行与邪恶 Blood, Misery and Evil

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:46 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Blood, Misery and Evil in the Chinese Flag


如果你看不到中国五星红旗中的血,泪,无数的无辜人们的尸体,人的屈辱与痛苦及其代表的邪恶,你就是邪恶中的一部分。 当你在北京奥运会上挥舞那血腥红旗的时候,也就是你用你的软弱与原弊消灭你的灵魂与良知的时候。 我只能对你说:“你不值得自由与尊严。” --- 陈凯

When you are blind to the blood, tears, countless corpses of the innocent, human suffering and degradation in the five-starred Chinese national flag, when you are blind to the evil that the Chinese national flag represents, you are exactly part of the evil you claim that you are fighting against. When you are waving the bloody flag for China in the Beijing Olympics, you are actually using your own weaknesses and sin to eliminate your soul and conscience. I can only tell you this: "You are not worthy of human freedom and dignity." --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I have timed the publication of my book "ONE IN A BILLION -- Journey toward Freedom" prior to the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Though I may go to Beijing to watch the Olympics with my family, I cannot ignore the disgust and nauseating feeling when I see the Chinese national flag with its red color and five yellow stars.

I have represented China in sports for many years, and worn the Chinese national emblem and waved the Chinese flag. But as my consciousness grew and my conscience took hold firmly in human values of freedom and dignity, I can no longer bear the sight of that symbol of evil -- the Chinese national flag.

When you see the flag, as when you see the portrait of Mao in Tiananmen Square, what do you really see?

You see a distorted history; you see warped mind; you see rivers of blood and oceans of human misery; you see countless corpses of the innocent victims; you see countless political movements by the Communist party and Mao; you see 1976 Tiananmen Incident; you see 1989 Tiananmen Massacre; you see meaningless wars China had with China's neighbors; you see the frenzy fanned by the government against the US, the West, Japan, against human values of freedom and decency; you see the rampant corruption among the population, not only of action, but of soul; you see morally confused population manipulated by unscrupulous power elite for their own grip of political power; you see that the garbage is floating on top and the capable is being suppressed on the bottom; you see hopelessness and helplessness; you see the poisonous mist released by evil to mesmerize the expedient; you see an endless cycle of violence and the smirk on the faces of the first Chinese emperor and the Confucius, for they are succeeding in seeing China will never escape their grip in the eternal dynastic cycle facilitated by the indoctrination of the ultimately powerful, desperately paralyzing human moral confusion in the traditional Chinese culture.

I just want you to foresee what is coming up in the near future - what your choices in this moral struggle for human soul are, what you will choose to embrace and reject.

I want you to make a choice as who you are, what you are and where you stand. The world will be effected by your choice.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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