China Only Has Fake History
[size=18]“官方历史”只能是用来蒙骗人们灵智的,旨在维护其非法统治的,歪曲编造历史事件的谎言[/size]。 --- 陈凯
“Official history” is nothing more than lies and deceptions aimed at maintaining a despotic governmental control over its population. --- Kai Chen
“一个专制社会不会有真实的历史,不论它存在了多久,因为专制的定义就是抹煞与歪曲历史以维护专制权力的存在。 历史有两个方面: 历史事件记载与历史事件解读。 只有官方而没有民间的专制不可能有真实历史记载;没有言论自由的社会也不可能有客观的历史解读。 一个从一开始就没有真实历史感的人群是一个从一开始就不可能独立的残疾的人群。” --- 陈凯
"A despotic society will never have a true history, no matter how long it has lasted. This is because a despotic society depends on the very elimination of historical facts and historical interpretation of these facts to exist. History has two aspects: Historical recording of facts and historical interpretation of these facts. Both are missing in a despotic society. A people without true, objective sense of history is a people who is handicapped from the very beginning." --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
If you ask a Chinese person why he is proud to be a Chinese, he will answer invariably because China has a long history and civilization. But he will probably omit the nature of the history and the nature of the civilization. Yet, it is the nature of the society that determines whether it has a true history, or a history at all. In this sense, due to the despotic nature of Chinese history and civilization, the more objective observation will be: China has never had a history at all.
Just take the modern Chinese history taught in the Chinese classrooms as examples, you will see what a distorted Chinese history with many missing facts it truly is:
The Chinese students will never learn the true facts and debate openly with different view points about what happened since the Communists took over. From the land reform to Great Leap Forward, to Anti-rightists, to the Cultural Revolution; from WWII to Korean War, wars with India, Russia, Vietnam to 1976 and 1989 Tiananmen Square Incidents; from the personal history of Chinese historical figures to the history of world historical figures..., nothing that is true will be taught in the Chinese classrooms. The consequences are that the Chinese students will never have a healthy and objective sense of what has happened around the world since there is humanity, therefore they will not have any capacity to be independent individuals able to function in a true reality.
This explains a lot about the panick most Chinese feel when they come out of China to face a true world. Everything they have been taught in China will turn out to be false and often the opposite of the truth. They, if with some personal will and courage, will have to relearn everything about the world, everything about history, in order to become an independend, free individual.
The Chinese despotic society and system only turn out tons of spiitually, emotionally, intellectually and mentally handicapped zombies. And the Chinese government call this a great nation and its products a great people?! What an illusion! What a laughing stock for the world! Some already severely handicapped Chinese are still identifying themselves with this narcotic-filled, mind-warping entity and taking it as a source of pride, not knowing that they have already become extremely damaged goods.
"China has no history!" Another innocent voice calling out from the deepest recess of the Chinese mind and soul in which some remnent humanity still remains, pointing to the naked emperor. Now it is up to you to face this undeniable truth. What is your conclusion, your judgment, your sense of reality??
Best regard. Kai Chen 陈凯