My Existence is Absolute and Real
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
我相信如果取决于中国的多数人与政府,基于他们的权力与利益的考量,我(陈凯)与我的书(一比十亿)是不应该存在的,因而也应该被否认,抹煞与取缔的。 官方与多数的历史只是伪历史。 在这个意义上说,美国,基于其个体自由的道德属性,保持了世界历史的客观性与真实性。 我的自传的出版就是实证。
我与我的自传的存在是客观的与绝对的。我与我的经历的真实存在并不取决于权力,利益与多数的意愿。 我与我经历的真实只在上苍的眼中,只在你(读者们)的良知之中。
I believe that if it is up to the Chinese government or the majority of the Chinese population, based on their consideration of maintaining power (face, pride) and the interests of the majority, I (Kai Chen) and my book (One in a Billion) should not exist, therefore my existence and my book should be denied, banned, trashed and eliminated. Official and majority history is only a fake history, for government and majority tend to deny individual freedom. In this sense, America, based on its moral premise of individual freedom, keeps the world honest, keeps the world history real and authentic. My existence and my book's publication are the proof of it.
My existence and my book's existence are objective, real and absolute. They are never dependent upon others' power and will, no matter how many they are and how powerful they are. My existence and my book's existence, and their true meaning, are only in the eyes of God, in your (the reader's) conscience and soul.
Dear Visitors:
As I contemplate the meaning of my book -- ONE IN A BILLION -Journey toward Freedom, The Story of a Pro Basketball Player in China, I have realized that the sole point of my writing and publishing the book is to assert my own existence and to express its meaning fully.
I know for a fact that if it is up to the Chinese, they would rather deny and distort the fact and reality that Kai Chen ever existed and what Kai Chen had been through in China was true and real, as expressed in my book. I only want to express my heart-felt gratitude toward this great country -- America, for it is America that keeps this world sane, that keeps the world history true and objective, that keeps reality real.
Only in a country that believes in God, not power by government and majority, individuals can be free and free to express themselves fully. Truth can only exist in freedom, for individuals don't have to answer constantly to power by men. A free person will always first answer to God and his own conscience. Only in such a free environment, true history of the world can be written, not by government and majority, but by free individuals.
I hope you grasp fully the meaning of my book and I hope my book can inspire you to be a free being -- a true existence with meaning, uniqueness and greatness.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯