"Greedy Officials" Is A Myth
“公”官拿“公”钱是一个逻辑的必然。 “贪官”一词从何而来? 承认“贪官”概念的人必然承认“公有”的合法性, 所以只有难得糊涂的中国人才迷恋在“抓贪官”而不废“公有”的自欺欺人之中。 看表象而忽略实质是中国文化,文字的必然产物。 --- 陈凯
"Public officials" take "Public money". This is a logical necessity and a logical result. Where does this "corrupt official" notion come from? Is there anyone from a corrupt culture and a corrupt system who is NOT corrupt? Those who coin the term "greedy or corrupt official" logically must be those who recognize the legitimacy of "Public Ownership" and socialism. Only the confused Chinese are obsessed with "catching corrupt officials" game but ignore the corrupt nature of "Public Ownership" that produces the corruption. Focusing on the superficial but being blind to the substantial is the necessary product of the Chinese culture and the Chinese character-based syllabic language. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I am always amazed at how confused a Chinese mind can be when they apply contradictory notions to explain phenomena around them.
When the Chinese use the term "贪官“,"corrupt officials", do they know that they have already based their premise on the legitimacy of a socialist system? If the socialist system is legitimate, then their officials must be legitimate, for by definition "public officials" are public properties as well, just like everybody in that system. As a matter of fact, all the people in China are properties of the state and slaves of the public. Remember the slogans you see every day on the Tiananmen Gate?
“全世界人民大团结万岁”and “中华人民共和国万岁”-- Everything belongs to "All the People in the World", everything belongs to "The People's Republic of China".
Then where does the notion of "greedy officials" come from?
It is from the Chinese confusion resulted from their backward culture based on a backward linguistic system that entirely blinds a person's mind and soul.
If everything in China belongs to the state, as the fact that no Chinese citizen is allowed to own any land, legitimately everyone has a right to take whatever he can get from the public property. If only certain people are allowed to take whatever he wants from the public, such as communist high officials (the higher the official, the more he is allowed to take from the public), and others are forbidden from such an act, then the system itself must be fake, must be illegitimate. Logic is just that simple if you apply English language to understand the phenomenon. But for a Chinese who have no knowledge of English or any other alphabetic language, it is much more difficult to understand and apply the most basic and simple logic.
So now they live in a country that is "one country, two systems" in which only the powerful can take from the public whatever they want, and the less powerful can take some from the public what they want and bear some risk of being caught, and the powerless will get nothing from the public at all. Logic tells us that in such a society only Power matters. And Logic tells us again in a society that only Power matters everyone will be corrupt just to survive.
Whenever I read such a term like "贪官” in Chinese, I am painfully aware of the degree of the Chinese confusion and the ill effect of the Chinese syllabic language on people's mind and soul.
I hope whenever you use Chinese to express something, be very careful what terms you coin and apply to explain phenomena around you. Maybe when you realize how difficult one can use Chinese to logically analyze and understand the natural and human world, you will appreciate why I advocate abolishing Chinese altogether as tools for humans and adopting English as the official language for China.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯