Why Do We Want To Be Free?
奴役与被奴役是同时并存在一个实体上的。 被奴役者往往期待奴役他人。 这个事实告诉我们自由不光是自然的和上苍赋予的,也是必需的与必要的。 自由的退却就是奴役的进取。 自由的进取就是奴役的退却。 --- 陈凯
Slave and master are coexistent in the same entity and codependent on each other. Willing slaves are often, if not always, yearning to enslave others. This fact tells us that our freedom is not only natural and God-given, it is a must and necessary. Retreat of freedom means aggression of slavery, and vice versa, retreat of slavery means agression of freedom. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I have posted a message on Youpai Forum to comment on today's article "给自由一个理由". I now paste this message here.
Good article. It reiterates the reason why only God is the source of our freedom.
I also want to give Freedom another reason, a practical one with philosophical underpinning: Without Freedom, one can never be truly happy.
One can be in a cage and deceive himself by comparing with other more unfortunate beings in the cage, by escaping himself, his own true feelings to merely breathe. Yet down deep when he is alone and looks in the mirror, or when he is in solitude lying in his bed in the dark, he will be truly frightened to see his own true existence -- a shell without soul, a lump of flesh and blood without meaning. Crowds usually alleviate a person's fear and anxiety and chances to face himself. (When I was in China, all communist organizations advice people to avoid solitude.) So most socialists, communists, Nazis, leftists have to exist in a crowd to escape their own freedom, to escape themselves, to escape their own deepest fear, to escape God. Yet none of them are truly happy -- another proof that God indeed exists.
People who want to be masters or slaves are never truly happy, for happiness is a profound state of being at peace with oneself, being capable to experience joy via reality.
Without freedom, there will be no happiness, for no one will truly know what he or she is and why he or she is truly unique. Without fulfilling one's individual uniqueness and individuality, how can a person claim that he is truly happy??
Slaves are usually NOT just content to be slaves. None of the slaves I have met in China is NOT harboring ambitions and yearnings to enslave another. So basically slave and master are coexistent in one person, dooming him to eternal agony and misery, regardless how many times he has an orgasm raping another person, or how many people he has castrated including himself.
Slaves and masters must be abolished altogether, the oppressors and the oppressed must be withered away altogether. Then and only then, true freedom and happiness can be achieved among humans.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯