Complaining Is a Cancer to Life
Those who complain incessantly are often those who refuse to do anything about their own dissatisfaction in life. They are the origin of their own unhappiness, and they would rather spread their unhappiness around to ruin everything they touch than make a decision to change themselves toward positivity. Do not become part of the problem, become part of the solution. --- Kai Chen
那些永远抱怨的人们常常是那些拒绝作出决定与努力去改善自己生活的人们。 他们实际上是自身生活不幸福的起因。 他们宁肯将自身的不幸传播给周围所有的人也不愿意自己朝着正向走出一步。 请成为解决问题的积极成分,而不要成为问题的一部分。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
Dennis Prager once said that one may not always be responsible for his own misery, but one is always responsible for his own happiness. This indeed is true.
The Chinese are notorious complainers. Somehow life is always miserable to them. If you go to a Chinese supermarket, you seldom see a happy face. Everyone is a bearer of pain and dissatisfaction in his or her own life. It is just as the traditional Chinese saying:
祸兮福所依,福兮祸所附。 “When the bad things happen to you, there must be something good in it, and when the good things happen to you, there must be something bad in it."
So when good things happen, the Chinese are afraid of celebrating, and when bad things happen, the Chinese will always wish there is something good in it. Thus, they have effectively lost their ability to be happy, or to be sad for that matter, or to feel anything. Neutered flesh and blood has become the true existence of the Chinese life. Have you seen any Chinese laugh that is truly from their heart, or by the same token, a Chinese cry that is truly from their soul. Everything of essence is neutered.
What is left is the constant cancer in life -- the incessant complaints. No one can escape from them, and they have become a self-fulfilled prophecy -- the Chinese are beyond salvation. And we can only seek freedom and happiness in our next life. This life of ours on earth is helplessly painful and hopelessly desperate. Silence swallows every soul that has slightest vitality. Living dead is the only product of this cancerous existence. What a dreadful picture it is!! Yet it is very true if you open your eyes in your mind and soul to see the every day occurrences around you.
So before you open your mouth to complain about life, about others' and your own misery, think twice about what you are doing -- you are adding on the spread of the cancer, and you have just become one of the cancer cells that will eventually smother all lives.
Those who do will never complain. Let's just do it - make a choice, make a decision, make a progress, make a difference.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯