To Be Free Yourself, the World Will be Free
我绝不会信任那些只想拯救他人而不知拯救自己的人。 如果你看不到真实,你就应去做一个真实的人;如果你看不到伟大,你就应去做一个伟大的人;如果你看见了你周围的邪恶败坏,你就应作出决定永不作邪恶败坏之人。 --- 陈凯
I will never trust those who only want to save others before they make effort to save their own souls. If you cannot see reality and truth around you, be real and be true yourself; if you cannot see greatness around you, be great yourself; if you realize that there is only corruption and evil around you, make sure you are not corrupt and evil yourself. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
When someone in the black community pressured Michael Jordan to join the left and fight for the "black cause", he replied calmly with that famous saying:
"Republicans buy shoes too."
People of excellence observe only one rule -- the truth. Only people from small-mindedness and darkness in the recess of their spiritual world stick to their superficiality, such as skin color, economic classes, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, etc...
Capitalism has such equalizing and truth-seeking effect on one's spirituality that I am amazed most people on the left have never realized it. Maybe they are afraid to admit this truth for they are not willing to be equal with you in front of God. They only want to save you and maybe order you around according to their man-made rules. And I have yet to hear one word from the left that they want to save their own souls, for they only believe in power - the unabated acquisition of power via manipulation and domination of others.
All the socialists, the neo-Nazis, the communists and the leftists want you to focus on saving, helping, demeaning and destroying others, and sometimes they deliberately create the helplessness and hopelessness so their own meaningless existence can somehow have some artificial meaning. If everyone in the world admits their own potential to be great and truly free and strive to be such, why do we need any pretentious saviors?? We have great ability to save ourselves, by observing the moral absolutes, by seeking truth tirelessly and by willingness to pay a cost to be free. We do not need those self-claimed, self-important, self-righteous saviors who cannot even straighten their own family life.
Freedom starts from you as an individual. Greatness starts from you as an individual. Truth-seeking and finding starts from you as an individual. Let's not just say it. Let's do it.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯