Benefit from Youpai.org - Thanks for Visiting
The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right. --- Edward C. Simmons
成功与失败的区别往往在于马马虎虎的半途而废或恰到好处的执著到底。--- Edward C. Simmons
Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are. -- To be good is a great thing. --- Edwin Hubbell Chapin
良德并不在于我们在表面做的事情,而在于我们的内在是什么。 --- 良德是一个伟大的内在。 --- Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Dear Visitors:
As I surf through the internet to look for something of Youpai.org's quality, I have found none.
I have joined this great website and organization for about half a year now. I am very happy with the people I have come in contact with, for each individual I have met is of great quality. This is a whole bunch of entirely new breed of human beings, born out of their own great characters and conviction. We are not many now for sure, but we are growing and growing in a substantial way. The integrity and dignity that my colleagues have exhibited here in the Youpai.org is exemplary and I am proud to have gotten to know these extrordinary individuals.
The impact of this website has already been felt throughout the internet community, as we set out to perfect our craft and to spread values of freedom, integrity, progress, individual responsibilty, faith, joy and happiness. We have come to understand that these human values are eternal and it is up to us to conserve them and propagate them. So we call ourselves the Conservatives, and we believe that only through instilling and influencing the Chinese population with these seemingly alien and remote ideas and ideals that the West and America are so used to and built upon, the mainland of East Asia can start to see the dawn's early light.
We will continue to improve the quality of our website and output, and we hope that all of the visitors to this website will join us to strive for a better future, not only for China, but for the world as a whole.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯