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龙--对恐怖屈从的象征 Dragon--Symbol of Submission to Fear

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:38 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Dragon--Symbol of Submission to Fear


A man who bases his existence on fear can never be a great man. A nation which is established on fear and submission to fear can never be a great nation. --- Kai Chen

一个将自身的存在基于恐惧的人绝不会是一个伟大的人。 一个建立在恐惧与对恐惧屈从的国度决不可能是一个伟大的国度。 --- 陈凯


Dear Visitors:

What is the single most important factor that motivates the Chinese every day and every moment in their existence?

Is it love? Is it respect? Is it creativity? Is it the seeking of meaning? Is it a faith that can sustain an individual to fulfill his destiny? Is it exploration into the unknown to see what is beyond?

It is none of the above. Nothing motivates the Chinese. But one thing compells them to get up in the morning and obey their environment, cultural tradition and authority with the utmost submission. That is “Fear".

All the Chinese pseudo-morals and ethics that espouse duty and obligation to their family, their collective, their nation and authority are based only on this single most important factor -- Fear: Fear of being punished; Fear of being ostracized; Fear of being left alone; Fear of the unknown; Fear of anything foreign; Fear of anything different; Fear of anyone excellent; Fear of everything that is individual, that is true, that is clear, that is uncompromising, that is Free....

China is established on Fear alone, since the first moment it came into being. Yet the Chinese never fear God, never observe reality, never seek truth, never feel love, never struggle for freedom.... They seem only to want security and warmth, yet they themselves create the most unspeakable horrors and atrocities to scare themselves and their children into the most despicable and thorough submission. This vicious cycle has continued for thousands of years, for the Chinese think that creating horror to scare people is the most effective way of governing a society. Horror induced fear effectively creates human yearning for security and warmth, therefore creates their needs for an emperor and despotism.

People say that the Chinese are the descendents of the Dragon. It is most likely true, for the Dragon is only man-made to scare himself. Dragon is a symbol of fear and submission to fear. Dragon represents the unknown. Dragon is the image of the omnipresent and omnipotent collective headed by the ultimate power to rule -- the Nation, the Authority, the Emperors.

Dragon reduces humans into an unrecognizable and detestable form of submission and obedience. Dragon castrates everyone's ability to think for himself, to comprehend reality logically, to perceive occurrences rationally, to act morally in accordance with truth and God. Dragon reduces individual human beings into sub-humans, non-humans and man-eaters. Dragan scares everyone into faithless, soulless zombies preying upon each other after they have consumed everything alive, everything in existence, everything with a soul. Dragon is the symbol of a people's ultimate moral decay.

I now ask you the questions: Are you still the descendent of the Dragon? Can you be a free being if the Dragon still dominates your own existence?

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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