Face and Overcome Your Fear!
Everyone has fear. Those who are courageous will face their own fear and overcome it. Those who are cowards evade their own fear and hence allow fear to control their own lives. True happiness and freedom only belong to the courageous. --- Kai Chen
每一个人都有恐惧感。 勇敢的人去面对他们的恐惧感并征服它。 懦夫胆小鬼们则逃避自己的恐惧感并由此被它永远控制自己的生活。 真正的自由与幸福只属于那些勇于面对自己的勇敢者们。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
In American National Anthem, the end of it is with "the Home of the Brave". It took me a while to understand the spirit of America and why being brave is the prerequisite of achieving freedom.
Were the Chinese Boxers 义和团 during the Boxers' Rebellion brave with their suicidal acts to kill the foreigners? Are today's Islamic Fascists with their suicidal murders brave? Absolutely not.
Being brave has a morality in it. That is: Bering brave means having the courage to face truth and justice, having the courage to overcome fear to face one's own conscience. It means one first and foremost should have the courage to face oneself and God.
All the evil regimes and organizations are established upon fear, be they the Nazis and the Japanese during WWII, the communist Russia during cold war, or today's China, North Korea, Iran and the Islamic terrorists. It is a fear that overwhelms their existence. It is the fear of the unknown, the fear of truth, the fear of their own conscience, the fear of their own future, the fear of anything different, the fear of reason and logic, the fear of love and affection, the fear of wisdom and intelligence, the fear of true faith in humanity, the fear of their own potentials to be free and happy, the fear of justice and free competition, the fear of openness and transparency, the fear of everything that is Not originated by their ancestors.
Yet, on the surface, they appear to be most death-defying, from the China lovers like 郭飞熊 to suicide bombers and murders of the Middle East. They have no idea that their murders and mayhem in the name of God and ancestors are the most cowardice acts any human being could ever contemplate, for their death defying acts are not based on truth, their own humanity and their own conscience.
Courageous people face their own existence first, face their own conscience first, face truth and reality first, face God first. Fear has no place in the motives of their conduct and behavior. Anything that is based on fear will, by logic, turn out to be negative and evil. Free and courageous people understand this very fundamental point.
If China is ever going to be free, its people have to be brave and courageous to face themselves, to face truth and reality, to face their own conscience and God, to face their own sins and inner demons, to face their own fear of the unknown and the different, to face future.
Examine your own existence to see if it is based on fear, and ask yourself:
"Do I have what it takes to be free?"
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯