陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

两只船两个方向 Middle Road to Death

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:27 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

One Foot on Each Boat - Middle Road to Death


An ill man is always ill, but he is worst of all when he pretends to be a saint. --- Sir Francis Bacon

一个弱智病态者永远是弱智病态。 当他在假装圣人的时候就更是弱智病态。 --- Sir Francis Bacon

The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy. --- William Hazlitt

最不能被原谅的败坏就是伪善。 伪善者的反悔本身就是伪善。 --- William Hazlitt


Dear Visitors:

The Chinese usually are very proud of their tradition and mindset of "middle-road" - to steady oneself on both boats, to press the accelerator and the brakes at the same time, to be a virgin and also a whore at the same time, to be a human and also a devil at the same time... They think this is their best characteristics in their tradition, so they name their country 中国 - “The Middle Kingdom". The Chinese character "中” means center, middle, balanced as its appearance suggests. This character "中" reflects the central theme in the Chinese existence: Passivity and choicelessness.

Passivity means not choosing, or choose all. Passivity itself is against the essence of Freedom - Choice and what logically comes with it - individual responsibility. Passivity puts one in a state of limbo, waiting for fate, for the others, for the government, for the all powerful being - heaven, for everything else but the individual himself to arrange his own life. His action, if any, is usually forced by others or the urge to survive the circumstances, rather than by a drive, guided by a vision, for a better future, a better life. He is alien, apprehensive, even hostile to all individual initiatives.

So the Chinese invented the anti-moral morals and ethics. They invented anti-human, anti-nature society. They invented anti-self existence. And they are very proud of it, for they are the descendents of the Dragon and distinguished as such. They can go on against all laws of nature; they can go on against all objective truth; they can go on against all moral absolutes. So they invented Gong Fu to fly above the sky; they invented more potent poisons to cure poisoning; they invented more addictive narcotics to sooth their addiction; now they have invented a system called "One Country, Two Systems" to make China more powerful.

The Chinese think that they are so smart and shrewd to ride both boats (despotism and freedom, socialism and capitalism) at the same time. Yet they are too stupid to realize that the boats are sailing in opposite directions. As time passed, their virgin-whore position has become more and more unattainable. Now the boats they boarded on are too far apart that the Chinese are now in a "Big Split" position, and no matter how much they think their Gong Fu will save them, they will drop in the water and drown as a necessary result. Logic is just that simple and no one can escape "1+1=2".

God's rules and morals are not intended for different groups and races. They are made for human beings. Unless one is determined to strip off all his humanity and human nature, he is subjected to all the God's rules and moral laws, as well as physical laws. No one, as long as he remains a human being, can escape the laws and morals without being punished.

Maybe in the Chinese case, the cultural and spiritual drugs they have been taking for centuries make them unable to recognize and follow these God's rules and moral laws. Somehow in their drugged state of mind, they think they are the freest beings -- free from all God's rules and moral laws. Yet this "freedom from God" existence can only result in punishment and retribution. Atrocities, man-eating, confusion, insanity, fear and loath of life, emptiness and meaninglessness are now so prevalent in the Chinese society. The ironic thing is only the Chinese themselves -- the victims of their own "freedom from God" mentality, have not realized that they are the ones who are being punished by God now at this moment. Everyone in the free world knows this.

The most pathetic characteristics of the Chinese culture is: They have no self-awareness.

When I was at the Tiananmen Square in 1989, the crowds of protesters were singing the Chinese Anthem and International. It was like the slaves singing a song to praise slavery in their fight against the slave-owners. What a despicable scene and at the moment I truly wanted to throw up.

When the Chinese started their slogan of "One Country, Two Systems", none of the free countries in the world are deceived enough not to know that this scheme is only self-defeating, for each system is working against the success of the other. But the Chinese just simply cannot see the idiocy, the illogic and self-deception in their scheme. They think they can jump off the cliff without being flat-faced on the ground.

When most linguists in the free, Western countries have researched and concluded that the Chinese character-based, syllabic language is detrimental to human rational thinking, logic-formation, creativity and morality, the Chinese themselves, being the recipient of the ill-effect and the worst victims of such a detrimental linguistic device, refuse to research their own language in order to understand their own mindset and their own backwardness. And mysteriously, un-onceivably and irrationally they are determined to preserve their ancestral language, to use it in their modern daily life to perpetuate their addiction, confusion, stagnation and degeneration. Is there anything more pathetic on earth than this?!

Misery and death is the only result from this very Chinese self-deception and addiction to their potent cultural and spiritual narcotics. "中“, the Middle Road, the choicelessness, the passivity, is as deadly to humanity in China as Aids virus to a sex addict (no matter how many orgasms one has in the spreading of the disease), as degenerative to a person as opium (no matter how good he feels), as illusory and delusional to an mind as "angel dust" (no matter how great he thinks he is), as paralyzing to an individual as polio (no matter how much he alleges he wants to jump and run).

I hope all of you realize what you are doing when you resort to and retreat into the Chinese traditional culture and fake morality of "middle road", of "virgin whore", of "riding on both boats", of passivity-centered "中”, of Chinese language induced slavery and despotism. You have to eventually make a choice or choose choicelessness. And you have to bear all the responsibilities and consequences of your choice or choicelessness, no matter you like it nor not.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

Last edited Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:29 pm | Scroll up

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