陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556


in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:36 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

抽陀螺是“中国人”永远都走不出的思维/行为模式 “Spinning a top" is a typical Chinese way of life


向前行 – 道德勇者开拓希望的唯一之路
Moving Forward - The Only Way toward Hope

- 中国的未来绝不在中国的过去 -
China's Future is Never in China's Past

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 2/8/2010, Reprint 7/28/2011)

鞭打食诱的拉磨的驴也会有“向前走”的幻觉。 但真实发生的是只有驴的主人在“过去就是今天,今天就是过去”的“朝代循环中”受益。 但即使是这些主人们也只不过是“默默地绝望着”的、维持着自己肉体存活的、在“驴上人”的虐待心理中寻找伪满足、真逃避的行尸走肉罢了。

从一个社会的文化地平线上的滋生物你就会看到、感到、认知到什么是这个社会的文化心态: 古装戏占了中文社会里娱乐界的绝大部分。 现代戏是少部分。 在中共党朝下拍现代戏尤其危险。 艺人们只能是御用的“歌功颂德者”和“助虐而麻醉灵智的产毒者”。 捏造扭曲历史是中国文化中“御用祖用”文人艺人的专长。 在中文文化圈里 科学幻想主题的作品是零。 上帝赋予人的想象力、创造力在中国文化圈子里早就被阉割了。 他们的这种能力都被虐用到为国、为族、为群、为权的“驴拉磨”的、懦夫胆小鬼的、“多年的媳妇熬成婆”的、“想做人上人”的病态追求中去了。

中国的人们似乎从不知道、也不关心什么是“未知”。 对他们而言全世界的知识早就被中国的祖先、被孔儒、被历代专制王朝奴役下的“宦奴娼”知道了。 中国人的职责就是要拼死保卫这个“伟大的崇祖拜偶文明”。 四千年来的所谓“四大发明”被中国的人们不以为耻、反以为荣地到处宣扬,似乎中国是世界科学的发源地。 殊不知今天的中国几乎没有一样对人有益的物质产品不是抄来的、搬来的、偷来的、骗来的、抢来的、模仿来的。 唯有一件是中国人致死都不放的顶礼膜拜的本土货 – 虐人奴役人的专制。 外来的共产马克思只不过是中国本土专制奴役手中的“鸟枪换炮”而已。 今天海内外的中国人许多仍在梦想回到“鸟枪专制”的时代, 似乎“自由于自由”的“复辟王朝循环”的古典文化就是中国的未来。

在美国生活的二十八年使我真正懂得了什么是自由、什么是勇敢、什么是创造、什么是闯入未知、、。 对照一下在美国文化地平线上的产物你就可以懂得我在说什么: 古装戏在美国是很少的。 现代戏与科幻片则占美国娱乐界的大多数。 优秀的科幻片与电视节目层出不穷。 “独立日(Independence Day)”、“星际探险(Star Trek)”、“灰暗空间(Twilight Zone)”、 等等举不胜举的、在绝对道德指南下的、充满人的想象力的精神娱乐的优秀艺术产品使人们的生活色彩缤纷。 人对未知探求的渴望在这些有着美好的愿望与想象力的作品中得到表达与满足。 我不能不说美国的确是一个勇敢的、“向前行”的、充满希望与乐观精神的开拓者的社会。


“向前行”的逻辑前提是人的自由与道德的指南: 建筑在“暴力强制”与“物质利诱”的社会不可能是一个“向前行”的社会。 人的上帝所赋予的想象力与创造力只有在人的自由与尊严被保障的前提下才会充分地涌流与释放。 在一个信仰“枪杆子里出政权”的“崇尚权力”的专制社会里人的想象力与创造力是被群体压抑的和被阉割在摇篮里的。 没有任何人可以在暴力与枪杆子的威胁下去思考、去想象、去创造、去进步。 你可以威胁、利诱、强迫一个人去做你想要做事;你绝不可能威胁、利诱、强迫一个人去做他自己想要做的事。 “向前行”的另一个逻辑前提是“道德指南”: 没有“道德指南”人只会在肉体的行走中(在森林中兜圈子)用幻觉欺骗自己、以为自己是在向前走。 在“朝代循环”与“默默绝望”中“行尸走肉”般的存活呼吸是专制文化中人的伪存在的必然模式。 真实、正义、自由与尊严的绝对道德感是信仰层次中的、“指南性”的价值存在,而不是肉感幻觉中的、经验性的伪存在。 基督曾说:“只有真实才能使你自由。” 没有“道德指南”人类就不会有希望感,也就永远走不出“人吃人、人杀人”的“虚无、循环、绝望”的怪圈。

“向前行”的人一定是勇于面对自己、勇于面对真实的人。 那些惯于引经据典的、对祖宗两膝发软的、没有“自我认同”的人不可能是“向前行”的人。 “向前行”的人 对“未知”不光无所畏惧,他会激情地去付出代价进入未知、探求未知、将人类的“已知限圈”用上帝赋予他的灵、智、勇向无穷的“未知海洋”中推进。 人类的“已知限圈”因此无限地扩张,物质价值也因此被无限地创造。 “等号后是零”的“均贫富”社会主义专制的绝望心态与思维模式将被“向前行”(等号后面是无限)的自由人社会的“创造与希望”的“价值被无限扩展”所击垮并取代。

人死人生、日出日落、季来季往,物来物去、、只是人的感知的表象循环而绝非存在的实质意义。 “转”的实质是“地球围着太阳转”;“生死”的实质是“人在存在中寻找意义”。 “万有引力”与“人的精神的存在与追求”是方向性的客观与生命的实质。 个体在“方向与意义”中寻找自己的选择 – 希望、欢乐与真实的幸福就此成为可能。 个体在群体的“酱缸中”、“尿盆中”、“粪池中”,在专制的“朝代循环中”,在“鞭笞陀螺的高速旋转中”无奈地、绝望地、毫无自由与无选择地度过虚无的一生则是人类悲惨、痛苦与病态暴虐的源头。

到头来,我要问你: 你今天对你自己的幸福做出了什么正向的选择与决定吗? 你在追寻自己生命的意义中有何新的发现? 你的每一个选择是出于恐惧与逃避还是出于追求与探索? 这个世界是否由于有了你的存在变得更好了? 你每一刻都在思考吗,都在创造吗,都在进步吗? 你在“向前行”吗?

Last edited Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:07 am | Scroll up


RE: 向前行–道德勇者开拓希望的唯一之路

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:09 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Filial Piety is Anti-Human

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

价值一语: Words of Value:

Some men are born old, and some never seem so. If we keep well and cheerful we are always yong, and at last die in youth, even when years would count us old. --- Tyron Edwards

有些人生下来的时候就老了,有些人到死都不觉得老。 如果我们保持自身的健康与欢愉我们就会一直年轻,即使我们度过百年。 --- Tyron Edwards


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 6/10/2011)

“孝”,Filial Piety, is a central element in Confucian ethics. The very phenomenon of Chinese society as "Old Men Society" is entirely based on such a dubious and reactionary concept. Yet if you use your common sense and simple logic to analyze it, the fallacy and ridiculousness of such a fake moral is obvious:

"孝“,Filial Piety, assumes that children owe everything they have to their parents, and their parents owe everything to their own parents.... The logic of humanity goes backward, regressing toward ancient time. No wonder Chinese society is "ancestors oriented society", not "future oriented society". No wonder the Chinese themselves lack vision and are blind toward future, have no interest in improving themselves as individuals, and constantly live in a state of silent desperation. No individuals in China owe their own achievements to their own talent, will, courage and effort. Everything in China is relative. "So why bother?" a normal person would ask. But Chinese mentality is just as such.

I have just read a message that the Chinese National Basketball Team just lost to Spain by 47 points in a tournament. I can see why regardless what others say, "Why bother" attitude is so prevalent in Chinese society, since every achievement will not be recorded under any individual's name. It is their parents', their family's, their collective's, their nation's, their skin color's, their ethnicity's, their ancestors' achievement anyway.

Children in China bear heavy burden even before they are born. Yesterday I saw a program depicting the Chinese children in a vocational (Chinese opera) school: All of them say they want to make their parents and family proud, and they cannot fail, and they have to be Number One, and they have to repay their parents' for their sacrifices... All of them are in tears. What a heavy heart for someone so young!

Do we owe our parents anything? Or it is the opposite, that our parents owe us before we are adults? Do you have children just to have some security and support when you are old? Or do you have children because you love children and you want them to be individuals, strong and successful in what they do, joyful and happy in life? Do you want your children to feel guilty toward you, as if they would never repay what you did for them? Of do you want your children to feel free to explore and venture into their own lives, finding their own lives' value and meaning?

Simple logic and common sense tell us that our children never chose to have us. It is we who chose to have children, unless we don't think we are free beings with free will, unless even when we give birth to a child it is NOT our choice, but some obligation to our parents, or family, or society... We must reverse this irrational and vicious cycle by making ourselves free beings. The moment you think you have free wills and are responsible for that free will, you ARE a free being.

Simple logic and common sense tell us that it is the parents that choose to have children. Therefore, parents owe everything to their children , and their children, NOT their parents, are their primary responsibility and concern in their lives. Responsibility comes with choices, and since we choose to have children, we are gladly bearing that responsibility.

I have two daughters. And from the day they were born, my wife and I took all the responsibility in taking care of them. I have to say, with tremendous pleasure: "I owe my children so much for the joy and happiness they have given me by simply having been born." I enjoy so much to see them grow into young adults, much like when I take care of what I plant into the ground, see the plants grow, flower and bear fruit. The plant does not owe me anything, and it has its own patten of growth and sense of purpose, designated by none other than God. If I fulfill my responsibility in taking care of them, I certainly will enjoy the fruit they will bear. But they don't owe me anything. They owe themselves everything, for if I raise my children to be self-sufficient, independent, free and happy beings, nothing will please me more. If they want to thank me for it, I can only say this to them:

"The best way you can ever thank me is to make your children feel the same way toward you."

When my children eventually have their own children and family, their primary concern and responsibility is not my wife and me, it is their children and families. This is the right logic, not the perverse way of Confucian ”孝“. Children are born helpless, yet free. It is our responsibility to make them independent individuals, not depending on us, or anyone else for that matter. But we will become corrupt and perverse if we take away their own freedom by claiming their primary duty and obligation if not to their own family and children, but to us the parents.

The degrading and vicious cycle of Chinese family which extends to Chinese society must be broken by our denouncing resolutely the Confucian fake morals and anti-human ethics. Logic and common sense, based on the value of free will and responsibility, must prevail.

Let's start from ourselves.

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