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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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姚明的道德困境 Yao Ming's Moral Dilemma
姚明的道德困境 Yao Ming's Moral Dilemma
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:02 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Yao Ming's Moral Dilemma
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
1 X 0 = 0. 一乘以零仍旧等于零。 如果你允许虚无的心态情结进入你的生活,其结果也是相同。 你停止独立思考与主动行为的时刻就是你走入虚无的时刻。
1 X 0 = 0. One times zero equals to zero. If you allow nihilism enter your existence, the result will be the same. When you stop being an independent thinker and a positive activist in life, you cease to exist as a "living being".
不选择其实是一种选择。 只是你选择了不选择。 当一个人拒绝选择并将绝望推卸到他的环境的时候,他已经是一个行尸走肉了。
Choicelessness is indeed a choice. It is only that you have chosen NOT to choose. When a person refuses to choose and instead blames his desperation and helplessness on his own environment, he is already a walking dead.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/9/2011)
Osama Bin Laden once said: "Americans love life, and we love death. And we will prove to them that we love death more than they love life." Using death and destruction to defeat existence is the essence of the current world war of freedom-loving people against the nihilist terrorists in their attempt to annihilate life all together.
China is a political and cultural entity that refuses to choose between existence and nothingness, and by doing so for the last two thousand years, it has been actually using zero to multiply any values. The end result? China is a nihilistic country with a culture that worships Nothingness.
Love is an emotion that can only come from the essence of a free being - an existence with free will. You can not demand anyone to love anyone or anything, nor can you compell and coerce anyone to love anyone or anything. Love is voluntary and innate feeling of desire and respect toward someone or something. Love can only exist in a free country with free human beings.
When someone in China talks about loving his country, this love is a contradictory term, for in a despotic society with no free will for individuals, and in a culture that confuses coercive conditioning with love. That love is NOT love at all but a feeling of loyalty based on fear of losing one's fake identity and a sense of certainty. This fearful loyalty is defined in China as "爱国“,"loving China". In fact, this loving China is exactly one of the characteristics in Slavery. All slaves are afraid of leaving their masters for the fear of losing their own livelihood. More scary and devastating, the slaves are frightened out of their skulls and wits at the thought of losing their own identity and certainty, no matter how much that identity is damaging to their own individual dignity and self-respect. "You have to eat first, and respect and dignity cannot fill your stomach" is often used by the masters as well as slaves themselves as their excuses for inaction and maintaining status-quo.
As I watched Yao Ming playing basketball, I have concluded that he indeed loves the sport of basketball, as much as I did when I played for China. Yao Ming has passion and a genuine love for the game and devoted his life for that true existence. For that I have deep respect for him, because I know it is indeed very rare in China to have someone who truly love something from the bottom of his heart. (In that respect, Wang Zhizhi the slave player provides a sharp contrast.) To declare that you love someone or something in China is very dangerous, because China is a pernicious society and an insidious system stablized by holding individuals' love and loved ones hostages. This practice has been going on since the beginning of the first Chinese dynasty. If one rebelled, the emperor would kill not only all your immediate family, he would kill generations of your family. That explains why China has so few last names, only a hundred or so, for a country of 1.3 billion people.
One's true love of one's profession has also been used by the Chinese despotic authorities to control individuals by constant wielding threat over one's head to take away that profession one loves if one refuses to submit oneself to the government's will and total control. Thus independent individuals and athletes are constantly beaten down by the Chinese authorities to keep them in their place, as a tool and slave to be used, abused and abandoned anytime the masters want.
So can one love basketball and love China at the same time? The answer is NO.
Loving basketball means loving an objective existence - a true value, and by loving basketball one finds love for himself and for life itself. But China only wants to USE basketball, China only wants to use everything in existence, including all human beings in China's domain, for the perpetuation and stabilization of a nihilistic and oppressive entity -- itself. Yao Ming loves basketball, but more and more he realizes that his love is being used and abused by this man-eating, existence-obliterating entity. The contradiction starts to set in and his recent anger over the Chinese sports authority's decision to cut the basketball season short is only the beginning of that realization.
Everything China does is for the perpetuation of itself - its anti-human government, at the cost of damaging everything and anything, everyone and anyone. Much like the China's current "one country, two systems" scheme to deceive the Chinese masses, sooner or later Yao Ming has to realize he cannot truly love his own profession - basketball, and love China at the same time, for China is against basketball by using and abusing the sport for its political goals. One cannot love life and love someone who kills that life - a murder, at the same time. Much like nowadays China is using capitalism and market freedom to survive, but its own core belief dictates that China will forever hate capitalism and individual freedom, and when the time comes it will not hesitate to destroy it, to crush that freedom. Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 is only one example of such nihilism in full display.
Basketball is an Objective existence for its has objective rules and laws governing the sports and the athletes. China is only a Subjective occurence created by the power of the guns that aims to eliminate individual existence for its own survival. If one truly loves a sport, truly love anything, one should come to realize only in a free country such as America, one can truly find fulfillment, for in a free country there is no such contradiction and one's love of anything or anyone will not be held as hostage against oneself. One's love and value will be tne end to itself. Freedom is the end. Happiness is the goal. Excellence is the result.
I sympathize Yao Ming in his current dilemma, morally and professionally. Yet only Yao Ming himself can solve this dilemma by making a resolute, right decision for himself and his love of basketball. And he has to make that decision soon. Because if he allows himself to be a part of the Chinese deception and nihilism, he is using zero to multiplay himself. The end result is invariably a big, pretty big, Zero.
Yao Ming: You must be aware of the nature of your current struggle. China is against basketball, against an individual's true existence. You love basketball. You love your own life and existence. You must choose between China and basketball. You must choose between China and your own true existence in life, freedom and pursuit of happiness.
My best wishes to Yao Ming and to you all.

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