陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Chinese Lack Moral Judgment
价值一语: Words of Value:
Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love. --- Aristotle
败坏之人只服从恐惧;良德之人只听从爱。 --- 亚里斯多德
Evil is only good perverted. --- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Golden Legend
邪恶只是对良德的扭曲。 --- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Golden Legend
The Chinese never tend to judge what is good or evil, truth or falsehood, justice or injustice. Instead, they are always obsessed with the cultural practice of commenting on people's strength and weaknesses, good points and shortcomings. This perversion leads to two great cultural defects that mar the Chinese with moral degradation: Namely, endless tolerance of evil and elimination of individuality that leads to fearful conformity of individuals to the collective. --- Kai Chen
中国人倾向于从不介入任何道德鉴别,如好坏善恶,真假正邪。 相反,他们永远迷恋在说东道西,论长道短,指优骂缺的文化恶习中。 这种对良德的扭曲产生了两种导致道德沦丧的文化败坏: 那就是,对邪恶的无穷忍让与对个人天才个性的无情摧残与灭绝。 这导致了个体对群体的无条件服从。 --- 陈凯
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/9/2011)
缺点优点,长处短处,强与弱,Stengths and weaknesses, good points and shortcomings, power and powerlessness are not only what the Chinese are obsessed with, they have always been the standard of the "Chinese morality".
Everything tends to be gray in China, have you noticed throughout your life? Nothing is clear-cut with moral clarity. The Chinese are simply not interested in moral discussions and debates. They are too busy measuring one's weaknesses and strengths to take advantage of certain situations and circumstances, much like what Sun Zi's "Art of War" 孙子兵法 is trying to teach all the Chinese. Confucianism's false moral foundation is only the ascribed social classes, nothing else.
Perversion of Good characterizes the so called Chinese morality.
In Contrast to the opaque and murky Chinese morality which is nothing more than some moral perversions, America's values based on Christ teachings are exactly the opposite of the Chinese'. Moral clarity from individuals are greatly treasured and appreciated, while individual talents, personalities, special characteristics are being jealously and carefully guarded and protected. Creativity and imagination flourish in American civil society. Conformity from individuals to shamelessly please others and the collective is despised and frowned upon. Lack of individual dignity will get you nowhere. In America, to be an individual means to be special, to be different from your peers, while one is never to cross the baseline of morality, and violate the moral principles by God. Judging what is good or evil, truth or falsehood, justice or injustice is first in an American's mind when encountering unfamiliar conduct and behavior. With this great mentality to pursue moral clarity, individuality from each American citizen is not only protected, but greatly encouraged.
If you go to an American pre-school or kindengarten, you will find an environment that nurtures creativity and individual talent from each child, with strict and clear moral guidance to each child. This contrasts charply with the Chinese educational environment which stresses obedience, confomity, pleasing others, while ignoring instilling great moral clarity and capacity for moral judgment in each child. 乖,听话,别人喜欢或不喜欢 Obedience, ascribed authority, others' favor or disfavor have become the dominant preoccupation in a Chinese child's mind.
Majority, authority and collective pressure have always underline the Chinese fake morality, while since the beginning of Chinese culture, there has never been a slightest mention and interest in discovering and establishing moral absolutes. So you will find when the Chinese are left alone as individuals or act alone as individuals, away from their familiar groups and environment, they have entirely lost their sense of moral direction, for they are just too used to look into others' eyes to find a fake sense of "what is right or wrong" for moral certainty. They have never realized that they have never looked into their own conscience -- God for guidance. A hollow shell without soul is the most accurate description of the barren Chinese moral landscape within each Chinese individual.
So when you go home to face your child, your parents and family members, examine your own moral conduct with reference to your moral guidance. Then maybe you will find what I have described here and concluded here is true. And maybe when you realize the existence of this truth, you will have a motivation to change yourself.