陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Empower Individuals to Combat Tyranny
价值一语:Words of Value:
We reject the idea that any American is a "common man." No man is "common" and no man is "average" in the sight of God. This is the faith on which we base our mission for human freedom. --- Arthur B. Langlie
我们反对这样的说法: 一个美国人只是个普通人。 在上苍的眼中没有任何一个人是普通与平凡的。 这就是我们为人类自由奋斗的信仰基点。 --- Arthur B Langlie
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/5/2011)
Can we have a true democracy based on individual freedom without strong and independent individuals? What would happen if we replace the current Chinese despotic government that is based on collectivism with another government that is based on the same principle of "collectives above individuals"? Can a true democratic government be established and continue to survive without a stong, individual-based civil society? Can a crowd of self-effacing, self-demeaning, self-castrating small men form the basis of a great human society that values life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?
All these questions must be answered before we start our quest for freedom, justice and a democratic form of government.
Today there is an article on the LA Times about Chinese Cyber-Vigilantism (people set up certain individuals for persecution without court proceedings -- not a surprise since China has never had independent judiciary), coupled with the current events in Taiwan in which democratic institutions are not respected and a form of "Mob Rule" is in full swing to overthrow a democratically elected president. One does not need great intelligence to conclude that only in a society with weak and crippled individuals such phenomena can happen.
A strong civil society must emerge and be strengthened if a true democracy is to survive. And free, strong individuals with unshakable faith and capability to reason with logic and rationality must form the foundation of such a civil society. Then what is an empowered, strong, free and rational individual?
1. He must have strong faith in his own conscience -- God, so that he will not be swayed by the tide of time and crowd.
2. He must be courageous facing overwhelming odds and overcoming difficulties to strive for justice.
3. He must be independent in judging what right or wrong is based on moral absolutes.
4. He must be intelligent enough to recognize facts from fantasies, truth from falsehood, reality from illusion. Common sense is his weapon.
5. He must be tolerant to differences while fighting without compromise against evil.
6. He must treasure life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and reject all temptations based on Power.
Only with such strong, empowered individuals (we often call them Americans), human progress toward better tomorrow can be possible. Everything starts from only one - you and I. Anything that starts with government, with crowds, with a mysterious cultural habit and tradition can only be conter-productive, often regressive and reactionary in nature.
Do not follow the crowd, follow your own conscience and mind. Do not fear the crowd, fear only God. Do not be a slave of your own culture, tradition, government, environment, be the master of them. Do not be passive when encountering obstacles and difficulties, be brave to take actions, be the engine with a compass to push history forward into a better future.
I indeed have faith in humanity, in each and every individual human being, and in you and me - in God.