陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Don't Fear Your Own Greatness
价值一语: Words of Value:
Fear is faithlessness. --- George Macdonald
恐惧来自没有真实的信仰。 --- George Macdonald
When you allow yourself to shine with greatness, you are giving permission for those around you to shine with their own greatness. Fear of your own greatness impedes greatness and progress in the world. --- Unkown
当你让你自身的伟大闪光发亮的时候,你也正在允许你周围的人用他们自身的伟大闪光发亮。 恐惧你自身的伟大会导致你有意无意地阻挠这世界上的所有伟大与进步。 --- 无名者
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/5/2011)
Last night I watched the movie "Coach Carter" again on my cable TV. In the movie Coach Carter repeatedly asked one of his players the question:
"What is your deepest fear?"
It took quite some time for the player to realize the meaning of this philosophical question. Toward the end of the movie, the player answered this question resolutely:
"Our deepest fear is NOT fear of our own inadequacy but fear of our own greatness in our potential. Only when we allow ourselves to shine, we are giving permission for people around us to shine as well. Only then the world can be a great place."
Beautiful thought with logic and moral clarity, isn't it? This has prompted me to have thought a lot about the Chinese culture. All of the "great people" in the Chinese culture and society are ancient saints, dead heroes, despots who kills millions and those who are loyal to the state and the emperors. These are exactly the opposite of what I have just quoted from the movie "Coach Carter". In China, what is small, mean and despicable has been portrayed as great and eternal, such as Mao and those eunuch officials and intellectuals. What should be great, such as each and everyone of us, has been demeaned and degraded as small and insignificant. We as individuals have been constantly castrated by our ancestors, our culture, our power elite and our government. We as human beings are continuously dis-powered, NOT empowered into some self-loathing small men. And worse, WE have allowed this insidious and vicious cultural phenomenon to happen and to perpetuate,even today. We, as God-created individuals, are ultimately responsible for this atrosity and tragedy to have happened.
Now it is time to empower you, the individuals, with strong faith in goodness, in liberty and progress. But only YOU can do this. No one else can and will do this For you. One thing that has stopped you to recognize your potential as a great being is your own fear - fear of being excellent, fear of being alone by yourself, fear of your own responsibilities to realize that greatness, fear of other and your own cultural tradition, fear of joy and happiness, fear of future and the known....
However, there indeed is a strong antidote for your fear - Faith. Faith in God and goodness, faith in your own courage, faith in all things righteous and just, faith in the future.... As someone well put before:
"When fear knocked on the door, Faith answered the door - No one is there."
If China is ever going to be great, you as individuals have to be great first. You have to be courageous enough to recognize your own greatness and make No excuses to not realize that greatness. There is greatness in each and everyone of us, as God has destined in having created us as distinct and unique individuals. So dwell deep into yourself to rid off your own fear and see the reflection of God, and go out in the world to fully realize that great reflection and fulfill your own destiny.
Then and only then, China can be finally great, just like America.