陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
“混”- 中国人虚无存活的自供
Passing Time-Nihilism among Chinese
价值一语: Words of Value:
You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time. --- Abraham Lincoln
你可以在一段时间欺蒙所有的人,或永久地欺蒙一部分人。 但你绝不能永久地欺蒙所有的人。 --- Abraham Lincoln 林肯
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/4/2011)
“混吧!”,“混得怎么样了?” “混出来了“,”混日子“、、、-- Simply passing time is one expression you may have heard the most among the Chinese. Many of us are numbed by such an expression as not to react or dwell on the meaning of it.
Passing time in one's life, NOT living one's life, is what the most Chinese are experiencing daily, moment to moment. I hereby ask you this fundamental question about your life:
"Are you merely passing time, waiting to die and be buried, or are you living your life like a dignified human being seeking joy and meaning in your existence??"
"混”- merely breathing, merely passing time, reflects some deep-seated Chinese pathological complex:
It conveys a sense of hopelessless, a sense of inescapable despair toward life. Life to a Chinese is only a miserable burden to be endured and shouldered upon the unwilling. This dreadful desperation kills all the passion, all the hope, all the love, all the creativity in one's life. One becomes merely a walking corpse.
It unmistakably implies a sense of meaninglessness and directionlessness. Life to a Chinese is a meaningless function of one's body cavities. As someone told me before: Life is only "香香嘴,臭臭腚,硬硬屌"-- Life is nothing but to manage one's physical and physiological functions. There is no meaning in life to them. In this sense, one is no difference from any other animal and organism.
It is originated in one's moral and spirital emptiness, confusion and decay, much like a process a drug addict goes through. Intellectual, moral and spiritual confusion that is fostered by Confucianism contributes greatly to this Chinese complex of passing time. Everyone must accept choicelessness. Everyone must accept his ascribed identity as the ultimate prison for his mind and spirit. This slavery by confusion is the focus of modern nihilism that has grabbed most Chinese.
The only cure to this Chinese addiction to nihilism is to first establish faith in one's life. A sense of purpose and direction fostered by moral absolutes is a must if one is to free himself from this morass of hopelessness and meaninglessness. Find God in yourself who represents hope for mankind and future. Find your purpose in life via a solid moral foundation: Christ teachings and Christian values are a great point to start.
Drugs, gambling, Majiang, sex, eating cannot save you from your silent desperation, for they are merely means to escape your own existence into "混"- passing time. Joy, happiness, peacefulness can only come to those who tirelessly seek the meaning of their own lives.