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中国的极端种族主义 The Perpetual Chinese Racism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:04 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

My daughter Dominique's high school basketball teammates

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

The Perpetual Chinese Racism

价值一语: Words of Value:

A republican government is a hundred points weaker than one that is autocratic, but in this one point it is the strongest that ever existed -- it has educated a race of men that are men. --- Henry Ward Beecher

一个共和的政府要比一个特权政府弱一百度,但在这一个领域里它比历史上任何形式的政府都要强许多 -- 那就是: 它造就了一批真正的人。 --- Henry Ward Beecher


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/3/2011)

I have long maintained that "People Racism" 民族主义 is just a Chinese form of Racism. "People" 民 only adds some communist flavors to this insidious human disease. It covers up what it obviously is, with some Chinese manipulation in their semantics. The Chinese are always clever about manipulating words to suit their own political agendas, to deceive and brain-wash their own population.

Racism exists in all countries, as long as there are human groups. The difference between the progressive countries such as America and regressive countries such as China is that in America which is an open, transparent society, people face this human problem and morally denounce such human tendency whenever and wherever it emerges, while in China, people actively deny the existence of such a human evil tendency. They cover it up by inventing new words for it, by diverting attention to other countries' racism, by deception with some theory about "class struggle"...

When a people blindly denies the existence of their own evil, they perpetuate and foster this evil and expand the influence of such evil many folds in their words and deeds: Just imagine if a black person lives in China, what kind humiliation and discrimination he will have to face every moment. People in China will treat him as some sub-human animal. Even within China, people still treat minorities other than Han majority with many forms of discrimination.

Even from those who came to American and West, you will still discover how much racism you have to deal with among the Chinese overseas population.

I have a relative who recently graduated from a vocational school and when she tried to find a job, she told me that she was apprehensive in locating her job in an all white area, for the fear of discrimination by the white Americans, also for the fear of failure of her up-coming venture into the job market. These two fears mixed together, but what I can see is that she uses racism to cover up her own fear of professional failure.

When someone uses racism as a playing card to cover up truth and the real issues, he or she actually becomes the real racist. This phenomenon exists in the American minority groups as well. Some minorty groups often play racist card to deny and cover the real issues and truth facing their own culture's ills and defects. Some so-called minority group leaders deliberately separate races in America and exaggerate racial strives, in order to keep their own political power. And in doing so, they are actively participating in the insidious racism themselves. They have become the real racists.

For that relative of mine, my advice is: As long as you don't harbor racist views and feelings, you need not to fear others' bias and prejudice. Don't underestimate your own power to change the world. If you see the existence of racism, the best way to fight against it is NOT to become a racist yourself. Make sure you are a just and fair person in your treatment of people. By maintaining your own sanity and integrity, you are actively changing the world, for you have not allowed the evil world around you to change yourself.

Focusing on attacking others' racism obscures one's own racism. In this sense, America is the least racist country on earth, for it has faced down this evil human existence, in war and in peace time. Any racial bias and intolerance is frowned upon in America, while in China, racism and discrimination is a form of Chinese entertainment and daily excuse to escape reality.

Back during the time when I was in China, there had been racial strives between Chinese university students and black foreign students. The ostensible reason for the Chinese students to beat up the African students is they complain their music is too loud and their behavior is not civil enough to their taste. But the actual reason was some African students went out with Chinese girls, thus the jealousy and smallness of the Chinese Confucian Eunuchists among the Chinese educated class explodes into a racist rage. Of course, with the communists in charge, they downplayed the incidents. Class struggle against Americans and the West took priorities over the explosion of Chinese racism. So this issue of long-lasting and deep evil Chinese complex has never been adequately addressed and discussed.

What has been buried is not disappearing, but rather enlarging many folds. The puss now flows to the surface. Anti-Japan, Anti-Israel, Anti-American, Anti-anything that is not Chinese have become the fashion of modern Chinese racism - "People-Racism".

I now ask you: "Are you a racist? What have you done to face down your inner demons? What would you do when facing others' evils?"

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