陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Thin Line between Robber & Begger - Chinese Mentality
价值一语: Words of Value:
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. --- Unknown
通向地狱的路是用良好的愿望铺成的。 --- 无名者
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/3/2011)
A free man is a man of self-reliance and independence. He is not a slave, nor a slave-owner. He is not a victim, nor a perpetrator. He is not to be abused, nor to abuse. He is not a robber, nor a begger.
Most people don't see that there is a very thin line between a robber and a begger. Both are parasites. Both don't produce any values. Both intend to acquire values from someone else. The only difference is the robber uses your fear, and the begger uses your pity. Therefore fear and pity are both dirty feelings in your emotions. If you let them control your existence, you will effectively join the ranks of evil and perpeturate a circle of destruction and violence.
I now give you an example: In a dark alley there is a begger wanting to get some money from you. If you are a strong guy, he will use your pity to extract what he wants from you. If you are a weak one such as a woman or older person, he will use your fear to extract what he wants from you.
So there is no difference in terms of how parasites get values from those who produce them. Your dark inner feelings, emotions are the allies of these parasites. The Chinese communists are very adroit in using these dark feelings in your heart, for you are the cracked eggs and they are the houseflies to see these cracks.
To fight the communists and the likes is to fight these inner darkness in your heart. Unless you have the courage, the wisdom and strong will to face these inner darknesses in your heart,you will always fall into the bloody mouths of these parasites. Socialism is established on extracting values from others than oneself, hence socialism fosters an environment that produces only parasites, victims and perpetrators, oppressors and the oppressed, slaves and slave-holders....
This dark, robber-begger symdrome is what all the socialists and communists rely on to maintain their control. To fight against communists and socialists is to fight against the dirty, dark emotions in yourself. So constantly being self-aware and constantly being vigilant, guarding your most precious possession -- your integrity, your independence, your dignity, your freedom. Never let fear and pity take control of your existence.