陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Applaud Others' Luck, Joy and Happiness
价值一语: Words of Value:
Being sincerely happy for others is to allow others to be sincerely happy for oneself. Being proud of others' greatness is to allow others to be proud of one's own greatness --- Kai Chen
真诚地为他人高兴源于相信他人会真诚地为自己高兴。 为他人的伟大而骄傲源于相信他人会为自己的伟大而骄傲。 --- 陈凯
Every human soul is of infinite value, eternal, free; no human being, therefore, is so placed as not to have within his reach, in himself and others, objects adequate to infinite endeavor. --- Arthur J. Balfour
每一个人的灵魂都有其不可估量的价值; 它是永恒的和自由的。 由此而言,每一个人也都没有借口,不论是由于自己或他人,不去进行不懈的努力。 --- Arthur J. Balfour
Don't be a cynic, and bewail and bemoan. --- Omit the negative propositions. --- Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good. --- Set down nothing that will help somebody. --- Ralph Waldo Emerson
不要玩世不恭与抱怨连天。 --- 去掉负向的杂念。 --- 不要在反对与谩骂上浪费你自己,而要褒扬世间的美好。 --- 去做那些有助于人的事情。 --- Ralph Waldo Emerson
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/1/2011)
When I first came to America, I observed one thing that was curious, that was obvious, that was great in America: People are geniunely happy having seen others' luck, fortune and achievement. They sincerely wish others do well and experience happiness.
When I watch TV game shows, the audience applauds when someone hit the jackpot. They are just honestly excited to see others' great luck. What a different, great and positive mentality!
I had never seen such mentality in China. Everybody in China seems to wish others ill. It seems they want to see others' pain and suffering, failure and misfortune. It seems they not only want to see misery among human beings, they actively create the misery so their own misery will be buried along with others' in their silent desperation. The players in my basketball teams all wanted to see the starters fail or perform poorly so they could have a chance to get on the court. They openly stated that. In words and in emotions, they had sabotaged all the positive happenings. I had never seen anyone who sincerely wished others do well. What a contrast!
Now I am in America, witnessing daily the display of positive human actions, emotions, endeavors, which many Americans take for granted, I can't help but to be grateful for the very existence of such a great country. God indeed exists for he has created some thing of wonder and amazement, something called America.
In America, I often feel that this is what things should be, while in China, I forever felt that nothing there was what it should be. Have you felt the same? Have you observed what I observed? Have you thought about that all the little things happening every day around you in America, of which most American natives take for granted, reflect the greatness of this country? Have you felt as fortunate and proud to have witnessed a country with positive energy, a brave people, a normal, logical and rational mind-set, a hopeful outlook of the world?
If you have seen some small occurences that touched your soul, moved you emotions, instilled positive energy in yourself, please share them with everyone here on this forum. We will all be grateful and inspired by the great spirit of America reflected by the daily, seemingly routine, mundane and ordinary occurences.