My daughter Dominique Chen in Soccer Games 我女儿陈醒在足球场上的激情
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Build a Positive Character - Eternal Optimism
价值一语: Words of Value:
Give me a positive character, with a positive faith, positive opinions and positive actions, though frequently in error, rather than a negative character, with a doubting faith, wavering opinions, undecided actions and faintness of heart. Something is better than nothing. --- Charles Simmons
让我有一个积极向上的精神品质,一个积极向上的信仰,积极向上的观点,与积极向上的行动。 我虽然会经常出错,也绝不要那消极向下的精神品质,那充满怀疑的信仰,那时常动摇的观点, 那不做决定的行动,与那软弱的心态。 存在永远胜于虚无。 --- Charles Simmons
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 9/29/2011)
We as human beings frequently find ourselves in the situations and circumstances of undesirable kind. There are somethings indeed that are not in our control. But one thing that we can control and decide is what we are and what we do about the situations and circumstances we are in. We can indeed make a decision either as a free being to make our own decisions and be responsible to them, or as an enslaved being by our environment and ascribed traits, constantly complaining about what has happened to us.
The direction of our choices is entirely up to us. Choicelessness is indeed a choice itself. Be a positively active person, or be a negatively passive person? The choice is entirely up to us.
Negativity and passivity are always the dominant traits in the Chinese despotic culture. To overcome these mortal, and fatal cultural elements requires great will, ability and courage. Yet succumbing to these negative traits only tells us that we are yet to be free beings.
To be or not to be. --- We must decide.