陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

陈凯一思/中国应“被灭”不是“被救” Just a thought from Kai Chen

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:21 pm
by No name specified • ( Guest )

China Needs to be Destroyed, Not Saved

陈凯一思 Just a thought from Kai Chen:


“Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

8/21/13 www.kaichenblog.BlogSpot.com

中国迄今仍旧是一个尚未被启蒙的、毫无“人”的概念、毫无人性的野蛮社会。 孔儒的专制文化将“人”的概念与人性全部抽走灭净。 男女老幼、父母儿女、兄弟姐妹、等级尊卑、忠孝节义、仁义礼智信是毫无“人”性的中国的人们尊崇了几千年的伪道德、伪理念。 至今中国的人们对什么是“人”一无所知、毫无兴趣与了解。 “宦奴娼”的社会是一个未被“人性”启蒙的文化所导致的必然产物。

如二战前的纳粹德国与日本一样,中国不是应该“被救”而是因该“被灭”的社会。 只有彻底毁灭中国儒家“宦奴娼”文化与暴力建政执政的专制信仰,“人”的概念与人的尊严才有被启蒙、被萌芽的可能。 今天中国人的家庭文化仍旧是一个毫无“人”的尊严的等级专制文化。 而中国的专制社会就是中国专制家庭文化的延伸。 这也就是为什么皇权/共产社会洗脑人们的时候强调“忠孝”与“大公无私”的根本原因。

Today China is still a barbaric society without a shred notion of "human being". Despotic Confucianism plus Communism has eradicated the last remnants of humanity. Playing Confucian social roles without being aware of one's humanity is wide-spread, established pseudo morality. Today's Chinese know nothing about "humanity" and human dignity, besides playing their ascribed despotic roles. A "Eunuslawhore" (Eunuchs, Slaves, Whores) society is a necessary product.

Just as the Nazi Germany and Japan before WWII, China needs not to be "saved". China needs to be "destroyed". Only when the anti-humanity Confucian culture is destroyed entirely, a human society with individual human beings, with human dignity will become a possibility. Chinese family culture today is still the foundation of despotism in China's society. A "Eunuslawhore" society in China is only the necessary extension of the Chinese Confucian family culture in which humanity and human dignity has no place. This is also the root cause why a despotic government always wants to instill "Filial Piety" with "Loyalty" together among the population.

Last edited Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:21 am | Scroll up


RE: 陈凯一思/中国应“被灭”不是“被救” Just a thought from Kai Chen

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:42 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

It is not logical for the Chinese to talk about "human rights", for they still don't regard themselves as humans. They always behave like "Confucian chess pieces" without a self-identity.

在一个没有“人”的概念与尊严的中国奢谈“人权”是不逻辑的。 没有个体认同的“中国人”从专制统一的第一天起就开始认为每一个人不过是“孔儒棋盘上的一个棋子”罢了。

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RE: 陈凯一思/中国应“被灭”不是“被救” Just a thought from Kai Chen

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:11 am
by No name specified • ( Guest )


Like any of China's dynasties, the Chinese communist "Party Dynasty" will follow the same pattern of self-destruction at the end of the dynastic cycle. China has not moved an inch forward and has played the same "Beijing Opera" for the past two thousand years. Yet even today no one in China is interested in establishing a new culture of freedom or moving in a linear fashion into the future/unknown. The familiar pattern of moving around a circle continues. Therefore, hope is still a too remote a notion for me to contemplate.

As far as I am concerned, the "Four Essentials" a positive culture/society must aspire to have is lacking entirely in China (Individual values, Christianity, Constitution Federalism, English Language) and no one is even interested in discussing what kind of future China should have. Everyone seems to want the old dynasties, just a better dynasty than the communist one. Pitty!

Best. Kai Chen

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RE: 陈凯一思/中国应“被灭”不是“被救” Just a thought from Kai Chen

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:42 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Comment From Fiona Zhao:

中国是什么? 它是一片疆域、一种文化、某种价值、十几亿人口,还是这一切的总和。






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