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陈凯访谈/孔子學院教師簽違規 US Finally Taking Acti
陈凯访谈/孔子學院教師簽違規 US Finally Taking Actions
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu May 24, 2012 7:54 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯在哈岗学委抗议孔学堂 Kai Chen with his Olympic Freedom T-shirt at the School Board Meeing in Hacienda
陈凯访谈/【禁聞】美國罕見通告 孔子學院教師簽違規
Finally US is Taking Actions against Confucius Institutes/Classrooms
大陸自由網路作家 荊楚:「由中共政府來出資,其實就是以納稅人的血汗,你看國內這麼多的人上不起學,看不起病,國內的人民生活痛苦不堪,生不如死,卻大貪納稅人之財去搞這一套東西,本身可以說它是反掠行為,反社會的行為。」
採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/肖顏

RE: 陈凯访谈/孔子學院教師簽違規 US Finally Taking Actions
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu May 24, 2012 7:57 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
美国要求孔子学院部分教师离境 国家汉办表震惊
发布时间:2012年05月24日 08:29 | 进入复兴论坛 | 来源:新华网

RE: 陈凯访谈/孔子學院教師簽違規 US Finally Taking Actions
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu May 24, 2012 1:03 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
May 22, 2012
State Department Denies Targeting Confucius Institutes but Holds to Decision on Visas
By Karin Fischer
A recent State Department policy directive was not intended to disrupt the activities of Confucius Institutes, the university-based, Chinese-sponsored language and cultural centers, but rather was an effort to ensure that foreign academics and teachers at the institutes come to the United States under the correct visa categories, a State Department official said on Tuesday.
And the department appears to be backpedaling from its insistence in the memorandum, issued late last week, that the centers must be part of the sponsoring college's foreign-language program or apply for separate accreditation, a stance that had greatly troubled both American institutions and the Office of Chinese Language Council International, or Hanban, which oversees Confucius Institutes worldwide.
In an interview, the State Department official, who spoke with The Chronicle on the condition of not being named, called that section of the policy statement "confusing" and said it would be redrafted to clarify that Confucius Institutes that have partnerships with accredited colleges are in compliance with visa regulations.
Thomas A. Farrell, vice president for global engagement at the University of Nebraska, said he was glad to see the government "walking back" the accreditation language. He and other university administrators had questioned what accrediting body would certify Confucius Institutes and why independent approval was necessary. "One can put the cat back in the bag," said Mr. Farrell, who is a former State Department official.
Still, the department is holding firm to another part of the policy guidance. The administration official made it clear that Confucius Institutes cannot continue with what is, for many of the centers, a major part of their mission: providing Chinese-language teachers to elementary and secondary schools.
Taken by Surprise
Regulations related to J-1 visas, which are given to people participating in work- and study-based exchange programs, make it clear that foreign professors, academics, and students at the university level are prohibited from teaching in public or private schools at the precollege level, the State Department official said. Those visa holders will have to leave the United States by the end of June and must reapply for the correct visa to return to this country.
That decision has taken administrators at the roughly 70 American universities that host Confucius Institutes by surprise. "Shocked," is how Huajing Maske, the director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Kentucky, describes her response to the memorandum. "I'm still just in shock."
Ms. Maske, who is currently in China with other Kentucky administrators, said she was contacted by Hanban officials after they received word of the policy directive. They too were confused, she said, asking detailed questions about whether and how American accreditation applies to language and cultural centers sponsored by foreign governments.
Hanban's director general has since sent a letter to American university presidents whose institutions host Confucius Institutes expressing concern about the State Department action and asking for their support. The institutes, she notes in the letter, are meant to strengthen relationships between China and the rest of the world.
In the days since the directive's release, speculation has swirled about the reasons behind the decision, especially because the institutes have been criticized by some for being too closely tied to the Chinese government.
'Simply a Regulatory Matter'
But the State Department official said the action was not intended to make Confucius Institutes a target and that the Obama administration supports their work. "This is not about the Confucius Institutes or about the Chinese model," she said. "This is just simply a regulatory matter."
As centers have proliferated at American colleges, and as they have brought in more teachers, it became clear to staff members within the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs who oversee exchanges that many of them were in violation of visa rules. The differing requirements for university-level "professors/research scholars" and precollege "teachers" are spelled out in regulations, the official said.
But in interviews, institute directors and administrators at more than a dozen colleges said they have always used the J-1 "teacher" category to bring in instructors for local schools, many for years. (Confucius Institutes have been on American campuses for nearly a decade.) "That's what all of us had done, and we go through the U.S. embassy in China," said Deborah Trott Pierce, who heads the institute at Webster University, in St. Louis. "We've always been upfront about it."
In fact, several directors said they had gotten word in recent days of visas issued to Chinese teachers scheduled to teach in summer programs or in the fall. Unless the institutes can find an alternative approach, those instructors will have to remain in China.
Thus far, the State Department has been unwilling to consider a grace period or to grant extensions to allow teachers already in the country to remain for the duration of their visas. "There's no wiggle room," Ms. Pierce said.
An Effort to Minimize Disruptions
For its part, the State Department said it had acted at the end of the academic year purposefully in order to minimize disruptions.
Confucius Institute directors say they are scrambling to find a solution by the time the school year begins in August or early September. The new rule could disrupt the plans of potentially hundreds of Chinese language teachers who currently work through university-based Confucius Institutes each year.
The University of Buffalo had planned to put eight Chinese-language teachers in local schools this fall through its Confucius Institute. Stephen C. Dunnett, vice provost of international education, is considering the possibility of working with third-party groups, such as the College Board, that are already approved to sponsor foreign teachers. But Mr. Dunnett said he has reservations about that route, worrying that it would put supervision for those visa holders "at arm's length" from the university.
"I worry," he said, "that we won't be able to keep our commitment to local schools."
At Webster, university administrators have offered to waive tuition costs if visiting language teachers, who are typically master's degree students at its Chinese partner institution, Beijing Language and Culture University, want to enroll as students in its graduate program in teaching Chinese as a second language. (Student visas are a different category and wouldn't be affected by the State Department's directive.) Students would be able to teach in local schools during the program's practicum, but only a fraction of the hours they now teach.
Another possibility is that state agencies or local school districts could sponsor J-1 visas for elementary- and secondary-school teachers. Some Confucius Institutes, such as the one at the University of Central Arkansas, already have such an arrangement. Center directors, like Ms. Maske at Kentucky, say they are open to this option but worry about the year or more it could take for districts or agencies to win approval to sponsor foreign visa holders. "You know how foreign languages work," Ms. Maske said. "If there's a disruption or a gap, that's a problem."
At the University of Pittsburgh, some 60 Chinese teachers, graduate students at Wuhan University, have come through the Confucius Institute since 2007, providing language instruction to more than 3,000 students. "We want to see if we can restructure" the exchange, said Michele Heryford, the center's director. "It's opened the eyes of schoolchildren in western Pennsylvania to China. We don't want to give that up."

RE: 陈凯访谈/孔子學院教師簽違規 US Finally Taking Actions
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu May 24, 2012 1:11 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
May 24, 2012, 5:11 PM HKT
U.S. Rule Puts Confucius Schools Under Spotlight
Associated Press Wu Qidi, vice minister, China’s Ministry of Education, spoke at the 2006 opening of a Confucius Institute at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus in Overland Park, Kan., as then Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, left, looked on.
Is the U.S. government taking on one of the Chinese government’s best known efforts to promote China’s image abroad?
That was the question ricocheting around the Chinese Internet this week after the Chronicle of Higher Education reported on a new U.S. State Department directive that could complicate things for the Beijing-sponsored network of language-teaching outposts known as the Confucius Institutes.
From the Chronicle’s report:
The memorandum, dated May 17, states that any academics at university-based institutes who are teaching at the elementary- and secondary-school levels are violating the terms of their visas and must leave at the end of this academic year, in June. And it says that, after a “preliminary review,” the State Department has determined that the institutes must obtain American accreditation in order to continue to accept foreign scholars and professors as teachers.
Among those protesting the directive was Kong Qingdong, a firebrand Beijing University professor widely identified as a direct descendent of the great sage. “Citing visas, the U.S. has set a deadline for Chinese Confucius Institute teachers to leave the country,” Mr. Kong wrote Thursday on the popular Twitter-like microblogging service Sina Weibo. “Meanwhile, in China, everywhere you look you find Hollywood movies, Silicon Valley microchips and McDonald’s French fries. From entertainment to technology to food products, the American cultural invasion is multipolar, omnidirectional and deep.”
At a daily press briefing on Thursday, Hong Lei, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, said officials were in talks with their U.S. counterparts over the matter and that “we hope it doesn’t affect the development of the Confucius Institute project.”
The Confucius Institutes are sponsored by Hanban, an organization affiliated with China’s Ministry of Education, and are similar in aim to other government-sponsored cultural outreach programs like Germany’s Goethe Institutes and Spain’s Instituto Cervantes. By the end of 2010, China had established more than 300 Confucius Institutes (plus an additional 369 smaller Confucius Classrooms) in 96 countries and regions, according to the Hanban website.
Beijinghas spent more than $500 million on the program since 2004, according to a Bloomberg report in November.
Criticized by some as propaganda vehicles, in part because they limit discussion of politically sensitive topics like Tibet and the 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen Square protestors, the institutes are nevertheless popular with cash-strappedU.S.universities eager to take advantage of the subsidized language instruction.
More than 60U.S.universities play host to the institutes, according to a list on the Hanban website.
The problem, the Chronicle reports, is that university-affiliated Confucius Institute teachers are also offering instruction to students below the college level through public outreach programs — an activity prohibited underU.S.visa regulations.
Several Chinese commentators struck a defiant tone in the wake of the report, with more than a few suggesting the directive was a sign that the U.S.had grown scared of China’s growing cultural influence. “This decision runs completely counter to the popularity of Chinese language study among American college students,” Hu Xijin, editor of the nationalist tabloid Global Times, wrote on Sina Weibo. “The Confucius Institutes have absolutely nothing to worry about. Let the American universities worry.”
In a second report published Tuesday, the Chronicle said U.S. officials had denied that the directive was intended to specifically target the Confucius Institutes and quoted one State Department official describing it as “simply a regulatory matter.”
The controversy comes at the same time as a newly launched campaign to rid Beijing of so-called “three illegal” foreigners – foreigners who either entered the city illegally or are living or working in the city without the proper visas — a coincidence not lost on Chinese Internet users.
“Looks like ‘cleaning out the three illegals’ isn’t so easy,” wrote one Sina Weibo user posting under the handle Lawyer Shen Guoyong. “China has three-illegals foreigners, but foreign countries have three-illegals Chinese people.”
Even the Communist Party mouthpiece newspaper People’s Daily waded into the debate, publishing a story on Thursday in which it pointed the finger at “political forces” in the U.S. that have “always arbitrarily criticized the Confucius Institutes and incessantly tried to discredit the institutes’ teaching activities.”
The move did garner some sympathy insideChina, however, including from a Sina Weibo user writing under the name The Past is Like the Winds and Clouds:
“Haha, the U.S. is scared of our education,” the user wrote. “It’s because we’re good at brainwashing. The U.S. is afraid we’ll turn their next generation into our current generation.”
– Josh Chin, with contributions from Olivia Geng; follow Josh on Twitter @joshchin

RE: 陈凯访谈/孔子學院教師簽違規 US Finally Taking Actions
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri May 25, 2012 8:15 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Why US is Taking Actions against Confucius Institutes
另一方面,美国对教师,特别是中小学教师上岗是有明确的法规规定的。要想进入美国的中小学课堂讲课,必须要先获得专门的研究生学位,然后再考取教师资格,才有可能进入学校当老师。我们派的教师和志愿者当然没有这个资格 ,按规定就不能上岗。05年派到美国的第一批志愿者就遇到了这个问题,不能上课堂。
以“汉语国际推广”为招牌的孔子学院,一年耗费多少税款? 2008年光预算就高达16亿。此后更是一年更比一年多。希望工程历经20多年,也才募集50来亿。这么大把撒钱到国外去搞教育,怎么就舍不得花点钱在自己祖国的花朵上?
TOP Posted:2012-05-24 11:15 | [樓 主]

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