陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556


陈凯论述最佳社会四大要素 Kai Chen on Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:28 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Kai Chen Interview/Individual Values and Free Will

Kai Chen Interview/Christianity

Kai Chen Interview/Constitutional Federalism

Kai Chen Interview/English Language

解读中文语言的专制密码 Decipher Despotism in Chinese Language

Socialism - A Clear and Present Danger 陈凯访谈/社会主义是对自由毋容置疑的威胁

Kai Chen Speech Video/From Tiananmen Square to Freedom Square 陈凯演讲视频连锁:从天安门广场到自由广场



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Four Essentials for the Best Society

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:


纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。 个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。 世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。 世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。

If you study all the societies in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive, the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government, and English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements. Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom, prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country has and is willing to acquire these four essentials.


Kai Chen's Observation:

The problem with the Chinese, a people of nihilistic culture, is they refuse to see or are incapable of seeing the truth: Human societies are government by principles based on the eternal values. Human societies are not governed by ideologies. Principles are from God. Ideologies are from men. Godless Chinese believe only in ideologies, not principles. Therefore, they are blind to truth and reality, such as good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, justice vs. injustice, truth vs. falsehood. What governs the Chinese ethos/mindset is "us vs them", Chinese vs. foreigners, enemies vs. friends, strong vs. weak, race vs. race, rich vs. poor.... This is why there have to be "Four Essentials" first before a real meaningful dialogue among the Chinese population can occur. The Chinese simply don't have the canvas, brush and paint to creat anything, be it ugly or beautiful. They have nothing to base upon to establish anything, nothing at all.


by Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 2009, Reprint 8/8/2011)

* Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness

* Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes

* Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government

* English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences

I list these four essentials of a progressive society for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.

Let us examine these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress:

1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness:

On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence, without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity.

2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes

To interpret Ayn Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny; truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will triumph over misery and suffering.... By focusing on today's human behavior under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.

3. Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government

Separation of power, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured.

4. English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences

Compared with other languages, English language lacks the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots, French roots.... It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.

The four essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and post your own opinions here on my forum.

Last edited Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:13 am | Scroll up


RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:18 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts



"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:


Artificially and arbitrarily dividing people into groups and treating them with discrimination and promotion is the very definition of evil.



- Morals behind Class Division and Tax Code
阶级划分与税收后面的道德 -

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/21/2006, Reprint 8/12/2011)

I often hear people talk about who is rich and who is poor. Yet I have never quite grasped by what standard people decide who is rich and poor. Very seldom I hear people talk about how and why someone gets rich and how and why someone becomes poor. Nonetheless, BEING rich or poor has almost universally become the preoccupation of most people among most countries, even here in America.

Once when I attended a party in my neighborhood, someone started to complain about how unfair things are because he works his butt off eight hours a day and only make a tiny fraction of someone like Michael Jordan who only dribbles a ball on the court. When I was in China where Marxist ideas permeated among the masses, people and the communist authorities always attacked America as being exploitative against the so called Third World, making them poorer. It seems from ordinary individuals to the governments, people have bought into the concept of class division, (being rich and poor) without ever asking themselves or questioning the authorities about the standard by which to judge and categorize such class division. And many wars are fought and many revolutions are started and millions people died because of conflict based on such a class division, sadly without ever knowing why and how such class division is defined and started.

To dwell deeper into the meaning and definition of such a class division, one can easily find that it is not always easy to decide who is rich and who is poor. And the arbitrary and artificial division of such classes by people in power, by governments, by force of guns is often blurred, unscientific, subjective, misleading and disastrous. $10,000 a year income is definitely categorized as being poor in America today, but would be categorized as rich in America 50 years ago or very rich even today if the standard is applied to some other countries. During China’s land reform, people in the north with three mules could be categorized as landlord and hauled away after a mass rally to be shot, while people in the south with four horses could be categorized as poor or middle class peasants and hence benefit politically under the communist rule. In America, because of the current progressive tax code, one dollar difference in income will prompt you into a distinct tax bracket by which you have to pay a higher percentage of income as tax. The damaging effect of such a lack of objective standard has never been adequately addressed and corrected. People continue to be artificially, arbitrarily and UNFAIRLY categorized into classes today.

Such an unfair practice to categorize people into classes has lasting negative effect on a society’s psyche. First, material wealth of a person has somehow been artificially/irrationally connected with morality. Viewing rich people as bad and poor people as good has always been the rhetoric of the left and they formulate their policies according to such man-made morality, often branding themselves as somehow morally superior and the savior of the poor people and the world. Communist regimes around the world are built upon the Marxist class theory and economic formula of zero-sum game. In China and elsewhere dominated by socialism/communism, people have been brainwashed into a frenzy to rid of rich people. They are told if you want to be rich, the quickest way is to kill the rich and put their wealth into your own pockets, and they believe this assertion because they believe they are poor because the rich has somehow, in an insidious and mysterious way, robbed them what should have been theirs in the first place. This rhetoric is not uncommon today in American liberal left. Corporations are always evil, the wage-earners are always good, and the government is the savior for the poor and the unfortunate.

Moral perversion is not the only negative by-product of such class division. Outright dishonesty/hypocrisy has become a must if someone wants to keep a little more what should have been theirs in the first place. They have to cook the book, find tax shelters, and manufacture business expenses…. Even Clinton’s pajama had been deliberately checked in the tax form to get some tax benefit, while he in public continued to demonize the corporations for their “greed”.

Another casualty is the poor themselves, often brainwashed by the left into a moral stupor, they are cautious about working hard to become rich, for they don’t want to be branded bad. Being poor somehow give them a false sense of moral superiority, so they can always curse the rich to hell. It is fun, safe and entertaining to engage in such hatred and venom-venting. It is not so safe to engage in such activity once one becomes rich. My English teacher used to be my friend when I lived in a single-bed room apartment. After he learned that I now lived in a five-bedroom mini-mansion, he was enraged and called me all kind of names. I told him my family was doing well and hoped to have his blessing. But somehow in his mind I had become a moral degenerate and he somehow always remained pure and poor with a illusory sense of self-righteousness. Thus the poor has no incentive to learn to become rich and better their material lives.

Logically we have to ask who gives anybody, any government, any authorities the right to categorize people like that, to divide them according to their incomes. Does God or Heaven give them the right, simply because they have majority? Or simply because they have guns? Or simply because they have manufactured some popular culture and artificial moral code? Where does their moral authority come from?

Zero-sum game in economic arrangement is fundamental to Marx’s theory, and the basis of modern liberal left in their theory of class struggle/class envy. Somehow Marx viewed productive force and human potential as finite. Market somehow is also a finite concept, according to Marx. It is based on these misconceptions and misinterpretations of reality, the communists/socialists and liberal left formulate their theory of class struggle and solidify their power base – the weakness and helplessness of the ignorant masses. They exploit the dark-side of human psyche and use it to gain power. As all the dialectic materialists, they view human beings as primarily physical beings, and their productive forces only from their muscles. Yet the reality tells us a different story about human beings. We have found that primary productive force is not from human muscles but from human mind with freedom to initiate. We have found that human creativity and ingenuity is infinite, the market potential is infinite, the resource from which humans can explore/employ and produce material wealth is not just physical, it is mental and spiritual. Therefore, the resource is infinite as well. Capital, the word itself, has a connotation of mind, head, primary means. It is not just money and material things.

In viewing world history, all conflicts, be they class, religious, racial, ethnic, gender…, erupt by an obsession with zero-sum game, with a concept of finite entities. Once we realize the existence of a none zero-sum game, with a concept of infinite resource and infinite outcome, the man-made conflicts, along with the man-eating power elite, will finally diminish and dispear.

I now illustrate this case with my own investment, hoping to shed a little more light onto this issue.

In 1992, Los Angeles had a riot due to the Rodney King incident. At the time I lived right in the middle of this riot – Mid City Los Angeles. The following year after the riot, the LA housing market reached a new low. Many people moved out of LA, because of their concern for their own safety and security. Having grasped the new reality that now was a buyers’ market, I made a very low offer on a magnificent mini-mansion near our house and got it, a little to my surprise. We moved into the mini-mansion but were unable to sell our own house for the desired price. We decided to lease it out to wait for a better time. 10 years later, our mini-mansion, purchased at a very low price, was worth many times the original price. And because the market turned into a sellers’ market, we were able to sell our original house with a good price. We re-invested the proceed into a multi-unit apartment building.

I and our family are now most definitely into another category – into the class of rich. In deep analysis of my investment history, we now can expose the zero-sum theoreticians and their fallacies.

According to Marxist theory, I can never become rich without being exploitative toward the poor. Yet in this scenario of my investment, I fail to see where/how I have exploited people/the poor. The seller was motivated and willing to sell, while I was also motivated and willing to buy. Where is the exploitation?

According to modern liberal leftists, someone must have been unfortunate or unlucky and made mistakes, so shrewd capitalists like me are able to exploit people’s misfortune and mistakes to have made themselves rich. This also is dubious explanation to say the least. There has been no evidence that the people who sold their house to us and moved out of LA lead miserable and unhappy lives. And hence there cannot be assertion that they had made any mistakes by selling. We might have both benefited from this transaction, and there is no way to tell and measure objectively who benefited more than the other for there is only subjective satisfaction by either party. Market exists not according to people’s right and wrong choices and decisions, though these choices and decisions may create opportunities. Market exists because people simply have different priorities. The people who sold their mini-mansion to us right after the riot might simply view safety and security as their priority, rather than investment opportunity. They might have had less confidence in LA’s future economy than I had. Does this mean they had made a big mistake and should have kept the house to wait for better time? No. It only means that they are not willing to take the risk I am willing to take. Should risk-taking be awarded or be punished, by some unfair tax code? All creative and inventive activities by humans imply risk-taking. To punish risk-taking is to punish human creativity and impulse to invent, which is our(human) distinction from lower creatures. To punish risk-taking is to punish us as human beings, to make us just like animals, living with only flesh and blood, not mind and souls.

I refuse to apologize to others, be it the poor or the government or the liberal left, for I came to America precisely because I want to be a real human being to realize to the fullest extent, my potential. I left China because I was treated as a tool and lackey for the collective machine – the Party-State, because I was treated not as a creative mind, an independent thinker, but only as some lower being with only body cavities and biological functions. Even that was viewed as a burden on the collective and the government. I could not see and feel my very own existence and could not fulfill the innermost, intense yearning for freedom and happiness. I now not only have dreamt an American dream, I am living in this dream. I am fulfilled not just as a material being, but as an intellectual and spiritual being. If this is not the most moral longing and behavior a human individual can have, I don’t know what is.

Flat tax, that is, imposing a fair levy on the citizens by its elected government, is the only way to ensure the meaningful limited government, and to avoid moral degradation and degeneration of human beings. It is not difficult, especially with today’s modern technology, to calculate a fair and flat tax level, to ensure the adequate and minimum funding of the government. With flat tax, every one is viewed as equal participant in a moral society, regardless how much and how little they have. It fosters human dignity and motivates people to do better as time passes. It is congruent with American spirit of risk-taking, creative endeavors, and fulfilling each individual’s potentials.

With American spirit alive and well, with each individual strives to be his or her best and not holding back, with a fair tax code – the flat tax, only sky is the limit.

Last edited Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:29 am | Scroll up


RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:35 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Cancer and Chemo - Which Leads to Death?

Contrast between Mao and Jiang

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

作者: 陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 7/7/2008, Reprint 8/1/2011)

2007 年2月,我曾在阿罕布拉市对当地中国画家将毛像与华盛顿像并列展在市政厅提出抗议。 市政官员由此将其画像撤下。 就此我曾向记者说明将毛像与华盛顿像并列只说明某些中国人的道德混乱与道德腐败。

一个人将什么并列做比较在相当程度上表明一个人道德的清晰度。最近我在右派网里发现我的一些反共朋友们将毛共与蒋介石并列,将毛共与孙中山并列,将中共与法轮功并列...我为此深感不安。我直觉地感到在人们的道德与理性中有一个盲点,有一个对自由事业有害的浑浊的盲点。 我愿意在此用一点篇幅表达我的看法并澄清一些概念。虽然我很少用中文写作,但我觉得这是一个重要的话题。 我愿就此做出努力。

我岳父在几年前死于癌症。 他去世之前我曾给了他最后一次拥抱。 我感到了他在化疗后的虚弱。 我知道他的身体已不能承受化疗所带来的负向作用。很有可能他的死和化疗带来的负向所用有着直接的关系。 化疗很有可能加速了他的死亡。 我父亲在1988年死于脑溢血。我一直有着对医生当时疗法的质疑:在我父亲中风之后血液稀释剂有可能造成了他脑溢血的并发症状。 究竟是谁(什么)导致了我岳父和我父亲的死亡?非理性与情感导致的解释是医生,药剂与疗法导致了他们的死亡。 而理性与道德(真实)的解释则是癌细胞与脑血管破裂导致了他们的死亡。

我常常想到为什么在美国相当多的一些人们今天竟将麦卡锡五十年代的反共努力说成像比共产癌症更可怕和有害的事件。难道反共的独裁者们如蒋介石,全斗焕,皮诺切特,比斯大林,毛泽东,金正日,卡斯特罗等共产独夫们更危险更有害?!这些反共的独裁者们何时公开宣称自己是以美国为首的西方自由世界的敌人,是资本主义掘墓人?! 那些被西方左派动辄就拿来指责的导致所谓“中世纪黑暗”的罗马教廷何时公开诋毁过基督的教义?!恰恰是共产邪恶一直公开宣称自己是宗教自由和信仰自由的死敌。 恰恰是共产邪恶一直公开宣称自己是以美国为首的西方自由民主社会的天敌。恰恰是共产邪恶一直公开宣称只有无神论的共产专制暴政才是中国与世界人们 的救星。 不论从“质”的本性到“量” 的危害,以共产为首的,包括纳粹在内的无神论的邪恶 (在20 世纪导致了超过一亿无辜人们的死亡)都无法与反共的独裁者们(或极端的教会领袖们)的危害相提并论。手术、化疗、放射疗法都会在治疗癌症的过程与努力中导致流血、伤害良性细胞、甚至极端的负作用会导致被治疗者死亡。但我要一再地提示人们:千万不要将不完美的人的医治手段与癌细胞相提并论。 千万不要把反共的独裁者们与共产独夫们相提并论。千万不要把人的原弊与由这些原弊所导致的危害与反人类的共产纳粹的罪行相提并论。

我叔叔李邦训曾是台湾的空军英雄。 在蒋介石六十年代的反共复国的政治纲领下,他曾多次冒着生命危险驾驶侦察机去大陆执行任务。但在今天的台湾,反共、抗共已被蓝绿两营的恐共、逃共、媚共,亲共所代替。 当年反共的侦察机已被今天两岸通航的客机所代替。癌细胞不光没有被消灭;癌细胞正在蔓延猖獗。 当年的手术医师已被贬为邪恶的代表。 癌细胞被人们的幻觉视为无害而被容忍甚至引进。我叔叔的反共功绩也由于台湾的反蒋浪潮被人们撩至一边、不再提起。一个沾满着艾滋病毒的娼妓竟然成功地用强大、统一、繁荣、北京奥运的胭脂将自己打点起来,吸引着众多的世人,尤其是台湾的已忘却了共产邪恶的人们与她做爱性交。

近来一个常常被人们忽视的但特别需要提起人们警觉的现象是: 不像毛邓江的时代,中共党政已不将“反共”作为迫害打击异见,攻击他人的罪名了。在苏俄倒台后的全球范围的厌共,疲共的心态文化中,中共基于其保命的直觉,只将所有的敌对力量,尤其是在国内外的华人敌对力量取罪名为“反华”。如继续将“反共”作为罪名,中共将进一步暴露他们自己早已知道并为之过敏的中共党政的非合法性及由其犯下的一系列反人类罪行。 “道德相对”与“文化平等”(不幸的是西方的左派们也似乎对此价值的混乱深表青睐)已成为中共的口头禅。许多来到西方、美国的华人们也对此遥相呼应,将自己在自由社会中的不顺与挫折归咎于美国的所谓“邪恶”(种族歧视、弱肉强食、贫富不均、、)以逃避自己在一个自由社会中的个体责任。 一时间在中共的宣传与人们的道德混乱中,世界上所有的国家,所有的政府,所有的制度,(不止是共产暴政)都被视为邪恶的。在人们的幻觉中,尤其是在像中国这样一个没有道德信仰的、只崇拜强权等级的价值真空的文化传统中,似乎一切都是虚无与毫无价值的。似乎所有的国家、制度都平等在邪恶和人的败坏与绝望上。 在这样一种幻觉中,真正的邪恶得以脱逃与巩固。所有人们的自由选择也都成了只不过是在不同的邪恶中选择其一罢了。真理、正义、自由、尊严这些人类的普世终极价值在被中共精神白面洗脑后的人群中变成了全然的虚无。

既然没有人相信人世间有真实的与好的,也就不会有人去付出代价去追求真实的与好的。既然美国与中国都是邪恶的,那自然中国的愤青们、愤老们就选择与黄皮肤的代表祖宗的邪恶人们认同并站在一起。既然“民独轮”也都不是好东西,那我们还是维持着中共党政保险。 起码我们现在有饭吃。 没有中共我们还不知道饭从哪来呢。像这样的“不被强奸就不能生育,没有乱伦就无法成家”的论调正充斥着被东方虚无文化统治多年的华人的头脑与精神。今天一些反共人士的“共蒋等同”、“共国(国民党)等同”、“共法(法轮功)等同”、“共左等同”的论调在相当程度上不自觉地用道德的不清晰帮助了中共,延续了中共的残喘。

世界历史已向人们证实了一点: 共产纳粹的邪恶有如癌细胞,它是无法良性化的。 你不尽快地切除消灭它,它就会无限地蔓延与攻击良性的肌体。人们一定要将手术,化疗,放射疗法对人体良性细胞的暂时损害与癌细胞的邪恶性质严格区分。只有保证我们的道德的清晰,分辨价值上“质”的不同,中共邪恶的末日才会尽快到来。与毛泽东能相提并论的只能是像希特勒、斯大林、波尔布特、金正日一样的邪恶人士,而绝不是像孙中山,蒋介石,全斗焕,皮诺切等有罪过的瑕疵人物。我们更不能将法轮功一样的被共产邪恶虐杀迫害的民间精神信仰团体与共产邪恶本身并列共语。那样的看法与做法只能说明我们本身道德的混乱,甚至道德的腐败。

铲除中共的邪恶与其对自由民主的重大威胁与阻挠是我们每一个有良知的人的德不容辞的义务。 我仅在此呼吁所有反共的良知人士们结成道德、价值的统一战线,清除自身理性、道德的混乱,作出正向的努力,为早日结束中共的邪恶暴政并肩向前。

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:45 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

Abandon Your Collective Mindset

“党文化”、“国文化”、“族文化” 对垒 “人文化”、“自由文化”、“价值文化”

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/6/2010, Reprint 7/30/2011) www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

世界历史究竟有没有方向? 人类的终极价值是否存在? 个体的人是否有生命的意义? “文化”是否只是基于群体而自由于“价值”而立? “善”是否是价值? “忍”是否是美德? 人做好事是否为了有好报? 道德与伦理/礼的区别在哪儿? 道德行为的动机究竟应该是什么? 宗教信仰是为了逃避苦难与惩罚还是为了追求意义与价值?

对这些至关重要的哲学话题,我已经在我的博客与论坛里(陈凯博客、陈凯论坛 www.kaichenforum.com )有许多的论述。 但当我观察中国人追求的动向与海外自由人士的言论时,我发现“人”、“个体”、“价值”、“自由”仍不能被认同而作为普世终极的追求。 “不做坏事”代替了“追求正义”成了“善”的定义。 “有好报”成了“做好事”的动机。 “容忍不同”与“容忍邪恶”混淆在一起成了所谓“忍”的伪美德。 当人们开始摈弃“党文化”的时候,他们却精心地炮制“国文化”、“族文化”、“群文化”、、。 对这些文化中的本应有的“人”的价值、“个体”的存在于意义、“自由”的理念、“正义”的追求、“尊严”的崇尚人们却置之不问、毫不关心,甚至将这些中国文化中所本来就缺的终极道德价值说成是所谓“西方”的怪癖而予以贬低、甚至摈弃去抬高中国本土所产生的专制伦理/礼。

中国家庭的成员个体行为与对其子女的教育为这种道德价值的虚无奠定了一个极为病态的温床。 “意义虚无”的价值“爱滋病毒”在几乎每一个中国家庭中被用“打亲骂爱”(忠孝节义)的用子女为家族长辈服务作工具的传统方式沿袭继承,甚至发扬光大。 博大精深的专制的“他虐自虐”心态在中国人的家庭中与群体中被“中国文化”的至宝传播到个体与个体间人的关系的习俗准则。 “人”为“国群族”所用作工具奴隶自然就被这种家庭文化投射到社会上成为中国人“生命意义”的准则。 鉴别“人上人”与“人下人”、“强弱内外”、“亲疏中西”、“等级血统”、“君臣父子”、“男女老幼”成了中国文化中的人们运用他们“精明而无智无灵”的头脑的焦点、特质与伪价值的基点。 将在“尿盆里游泳”与“粪池里扒谷”说成是中国人的“自然文化状态”,而将“海洋中的探索”与“按自然规律去播种施肥收割”看成是不懂“走捷径”的傻人们的“西方文化”。 无怪乎在中国历史上充斥着贩卖“炼丹术”的骗子去追求“长生不老”而丝毫也没有去发现探求自然规律的无畏的个体。 自古以来“杀富济贫”的共产农民造反成了人们追求致富走捷径的伪道德经济(人们美名这种强盗土匪的逻辑为“革命”)。“科学”、“理性”、“信仰”、“资本主义”、“市场经济”、“自由尊严”也自然就成了中国的人们从来没发现过的、至今也没认同的外来语、外来概念。


一个不能被批判分析的文化是一个不能成长进化的文化。 一个“个体价值与意义虚无”的文化只能是一个被专制用来奴役人、奴役人的头脑与灵魂的工具。 我不能想象如果今天的意大利在追求回复“罗马帝国的荣耀”的墨索里尼的统治下会是什么样子。 我可以肯定如果俄国在苏共倒台后的今天仍旧追寻“沙皇帝国”的幻梦,灾难将等待着俄国的人们。 我也可以断言如果在中共倒台之后中国的人们仍旧在道德价值虚无的“强汉盛唐”的迷境中寻找所谓过去的辉煌与骄傲,另一个专制王朝将会使中国的人们陷入难以想象的劫难。

人类的历史是一个基终极价值、基道德方向向前演进的历史。 真实、正义、自由、尊严就是人类历史的道德指南。 将“大江东去浪淘沙”的“久分必合、久合必分”的道德价值虚无的“朝代与强弱”的伪文化与“好死不如赖活着”的懦夫伪价值抛到人类文化的垃圾箱里去,并建立“个体付出代价并承担选择的责任”的“不自由毋宁死”的进步方向性的“存在”的、“人”的、“自由”的新文化是每一个有尊严的自由人的德不容辞的义务。 我只想说: 我首先是一个自由人,而绝不是一个“国人”,“族人”,“群体人”。 我想用我的生命追求的是“意义与价值”而不是“文化传统”或“伦理规范”。 我曾经追求过、也正在追求、并永远会追求真实、正义、自由与尊严。 我并不在意他人是否会像我一样追求这些道德的价值,因为我懂得一切从一个人开始,一切从“我”与“自我”开始。

愿一个“真实的、存在的、追求个体生命意义的、崇尚自由尊严的”新文化在我身上开始,在热爱自由的勇敢的中国的人们与世界的人们的生活中传播。 它虽然现在很微弱,但它的生命力是来自上苍的,是永远不会再地球上消失的。 它持续地、激情地搏动着,告知世界上的人们虽然人类的选择会有时而的偏差,但历史是沿着上苍的人的方向性轨迹向前演进的 – 从奴役到自由,从群体到个体,从混乱到清晰,从苦难到幸福,从被动到主动,从绝望到希望。 人类无奈的、无方向的、苦难灾难的、吃人的朝代循环将成为过去。 希望、幸福、欢乐、自由、正义与尊严将在你我身上、在那些完整的人的灵魂中开始一场新的复兴。 “人”- 有尊严的个体,而不是虚无的“人民”将在中国这块大地上,将在世界上站立起来。 你现在就要选择;你现在就要行动;你现在就要付出代价;你现在就要承担责任。 如果你愿意,你现在就可以有尊严,就可以自由。 不要妄期他人与救世主。 不要妄等来世。

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:53 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


不脱“中国”不成人-- 人vs.宦奴娼
To Be Human, You Must Be Free from "China"


"Free Being" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 5/9/2006, Reprint 7/27/2011)

这个主题的逻辑在此:没有真正的人便不会有真实的中国。 人先于国国才有意义。 现实的中国没有真实的人。 因为中国是以消灭真实的人而立国的,所以中国没有真正的人。 真正的人也不会建立以消灭人性为目的的国。 只有灭绝人性的人们才能建立灭绝人性的国度。 要建立真正的人就要销毁现实的中国。 在现实中国框架中生活的并与其认同的人不会是真正的人。 他们只能是奴隶,宦官,小偷,强盗,强奸者,卖淫者,御用者,皇权崇拜者,贿赂者,文化吸毒并毒瘾成性者,难得糊涂者,诡而无智者,肉而无灵者,群而无个者,虚而无实者,崇权疾贤者,苟且偷生者,胆小无为者,精神分裂者,两极阴阳者,人鬼不分者…。

所谓的“中国人”,“国人”,“国民” 其实是自相矛盾的名词。 有中国处便无人。 在中国与国的压迫下,人何谓人? 民无人而何谓民? 中国其实应称“鬼国”。 在鬼国中,人是鬼,是魔,是怪,是奴,是妓,是虚,是无。 在鬼国中,鬼吃人,鬼变人,鬼惑人,鬼拌人,鬼扰人, 鬼灭人…。

什么是人? 人不同于畜与物。

人有灵: 人能识好坏良莠。 人能辩真假是非。人能知进步与落后。 人能自知,自省,自悟。

人有智: 人能基逻辑而推理。 人能凭学习而进步。 人能借探求未知而积累知识,走向希望与未来。 人能籍反省历史而汲取教训。

人有欲: 人有幸福欲,欢乐欲,求知欲,表现欲,信仰欲,满足欲,食欲,性欲,自由欲…。

人有感: 人有爱感,悲感,崇高感,卑贱感,使命感,同情感,希望感,绝望感,满足感,平静感…。

人有尊严: 人有作人的天赋尊严。 无他人可以用人作为达到目的的手段。

人有权利: 人有作人的天赋权利。 人有言论权,创造权,生命权,追求幸福权,生育权,爱情权…。

人有意志: 人有上帝给与的自由。 人有选择并为其承担责任。

人有个体性: 猪猡不知它与它猪有何不同。 人却深知个人的独特。

什么是“中国”? 什么是中国人的“国”?


中国人没有灵,只有“忠”: 灵乃上帝所赐。 “忠”乃皇帝,国家所给。 忠君忠国之人不识好坏良莠,不辩真假是非,不知进步与落后。 忠君忠国之人没有自知,自省,自悟。

中国人没有智,只有愚伪: 对中国人而言,欺人欺己便是智,昏头混脑便是明。非逻辑,无推理,不学只记,怕探求,惧未知。 如此中国,何谓希望与未来,何谓真实历史。 “一国两制”与“专制下的自由” 是中国人“智”的胎儿。

中国人崇灭欲: 欲在中国乃是罪。怕欲,抵欲,消欲,灭欲乃世人所求。 无欲无求乃世人所取。

中国人怕表达感情: 感情外露为耻。 感情隐藏,感情压抑,感情消灭为荣。

中国人不知何为尊严: 用人与被人用是中国人际关系的定义。

中国人不知何为天赋人权: 混淆权利与强权是中国专制的特征。 一切来自政府,国家与皇帝乃是中国人对人权的认识。

中国人不知人有自由意志: 笼中奴隶是中国人唯一所知的生存状态。 许多中国人离了笼子枷锁便不知如何生活。 自由对中国人而言是毫无责任的胡作非为。

中国人没有个性与独立人格: 枪打出头鸟 – 消灭所有有个性与人格尚存的人是中国“文化负向筛选”的唯一特征。 海外华人与大陆华人的不同由此略见一癍。

由此可见,“有中国后便无人” 是有理而存的。 “中国”二字就像压在人头上的一座大山。 在这座大山下人是变态的,病态的,扭曲的,非人的怪物与魔鬼。 吃人是他们唯一的生存手段;他人的痛苦便是鬼怪的欢乐;认知自然规律与道德法则的人成了傻瓜;自阉忠君的宦官成了人上人;社会成了卖淫者与卖灵者的乐园;国家成了专制者用人试验的实验场;人成了无灵,无智的血肉之躯被权贵们用来建造那无用的,只产生苦难,毁灭与死亡的“长城”- 围绕着,保卫着那非人,反人的“中国“。

这就是中国;这就是那人死鬼兴的世界;这就是那痛苦的根源。 要建新中国,必先重建人。 让人归回他的本源, 本性,归回到造人,造物主的面前。 只有这样,将来的中国才是有意义的中国,才会是道德的中国,才是人的,而不是鬼的,中国。 这样的中国才有成为伟大国度的可能。

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:55 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

To Become an American

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 6/3/2006 初版 Reprint 8/8/2011 再版)

价值铭言:Words of Value:

"The making of an American begins at that point where he himself rejects all other ties, and any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted land." -- James Baldwin

成为一个美国人意味着一个新的起点。 在这个新的起点上一个人应消除对过去的眷恋,消除任何其他的历史感,并加入他所认同的这个社会的价值。 --- 杰姆斯. 巴尔迪文

"Here in America we are descended in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine." -- Dwight Eisenhower

在美国我们是被革命者与反叛者的精神所洗礼过的 -- 他们就是那些勇于向已被大多数人所接受的理念挑战的人们。 --- 艾森豪威尔


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 8/8/2011)

My mother, 86, my brothers and their families all have the American citizenship. But every time we get together, I feel that they have not truly become Americans. Especially my mother, she always uses "foreigners" and "Chinese" to describe other people of different race and the descendents of her own race. I always reminds her:

"When you mention "Foreigners" or "Americans", it is as if you yourself is not an American."

Whenever other people ask me where I come from, though I know what they truly mean, I always answer them, half-jokingly: "I am from Los Angeles." When they get annoyed and ask me of what nationality I am, I answer them: "I am an American." When they further pursue the roots of my origin, I tell them: "I am Chinese by birth, American by choice." This is indeed the truth. And I don't know how to tell a lie. Now after I thought about this issue deeper, I have realized actually "I was born an American, for I was born to be free. Only I was born in the wrong place".

I am against hyphenated identity such as Chinese-American, Mexican-American, African-American, etc...

Being American means something substantial, something special, something exceptional: Being American means being a free being; being American means being individual with infinite choices, possibilities and responsibilities; being American means being in a unique culture in the entire history of mankind to reject all despotism and dehumanization from any and all old cultures and societies; being American means being an universal human being who never discriminates against anyone on the basis of his or her race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion; being American means being fair-minded and tolerant of differences; being American means being courageous against evil around the world; being American means being honest to God and to self; being American means constantly learning, improving, progressing toward a better future; being American means being eternally optimistic....

Indeed, being American means so much more than being any member in any/all previous cultures and societies. Being American means being Approaching to the ideal state of what God intends us to be.

I want all of you guys take a moment to reflect on this point, to think what it means to be an American. And indeed, every freedom-loving person in the world, no matter where he or she is, is already yearning to be an American, if not already is in essence.

America is not just a nation with borders; America is not just a government with all the institutions with formal trappings; America is not just a society where crowds of people gather to live; America is not just a culture left by any common ancestry; America is not just a congregation bonded by a common language; America is not an involuntary adherence of tradition like all other countries in the world....

America is an ideal with a special purpose and yearning from all mankind. America is the last best hope for humans to progress toward a better tomorrow. America is the last bastion against slavery, tyranny and despotism. No matter where you are in the world, you are an American if you yearn for freedom and self-actualization and fulfillment, if/when you believe good will defeat evil, and freedom and justice will prevail in the end...

I love America for I love life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I love America for I love everything America stands for. The world can only become a better place if everyone in it would proudly declare:

"We are all Americans!"



A Poem by Kai Chen 陈凯 诗一首

We are from Africa;
we are from Europe;
we are from Latin America;
we are from Pacific, Australia;
we are from Asia.

Yes, indeed, we are from everywhere;
and we are human beings.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.

We are feeble; we are strong;
we are poor; we are rich;
we are young; we are old;
we are men; we are women;
we have different beliefs;
we have different religions.

Yes, indeed, we all love life;
and we are all unique human beings.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.

We had been all oppressed
in our so-called motherlands;
we had all been made unequal
by our ancestral rules and laws;
we had felt less of a human
with demeaning cultures by our rulers;
we had not realized our potentials
as unique, creative beings.
In the land of our ancestors,
we felt not appreciated as individuals
with unique talents and yearnings.
In the land of our birth,
we couldn't see our own meaning as individuals
with dignity and integrity.
In our ancetral lands that command us to love them
out of obligation and duty,
we felt only contempt and nothingness.

Yet, we have all come here
to fulfill our purposes in life,
as unique individuals, as meaningful human beings.
Yet, we have all come here
to create, to produce, to enjoy, to love, to feel happiness.
Yet, we have all come here
to savor life, to envision future, to be a human being
with self-respect and self-actualization.

Yes, indeed, we all love liberty;
and we are all free beings under God.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.

We are builders, we are doctors,
we are athletes, we are artists,
we are labors, we are entrepreneurs,
we are scientists, we are preachers,
we are teachers, we are students....
We are all citizens of the United States,
equal before the law,
with freedom and justice for all.

Yes, indeed, we love the pursuit of happiness;
and we are here to realize our own dreams.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals,
we are all Americans.

No matter where you are on earth,
no matter what conditions you are in,
no matter how you come into being,
the moment you realize
that you are a unique being,
the moment you realize
that you are an indivisible individual,
the moment you realize
that you have a destiny to fulfill,
the moment you realize you are equal with others
under God and before the law,
the moment you realize you are not nothingness,
but a marvelous existence by God,
you are already an American.

Yes, indeed, we are full of love, joy and life,
and we are here to enjoy every moment of our existence.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.
We sing, with our heart and deepest gratitude,
in praise of you - America:
May God bless you, my beloved America.

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:57 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Some Words to My Beloved America

美国: 坚守你自身特殊的使命与信念,你才能主导世界走向自由
America: Hold on to Your Founding Principles!

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 12/10/2009, Reprint 8/7/2011)

安. 兰德(Ayn Rand)曾说过人类社会进步的源泉来自那些“不可动摇的推动历史前进的人”。 我们今天特别要聆听她的警句明言。

人们经常问我为什么我要执著不变地以一个个体的身份反抗那个强大的中共专制政权。 他们问: “你一个人有什么用? 你怎么能改变世界? 你只能改变自己去适应世界。” 我的回答总是不变的: “可能在你们的眼睛里我并没有改变世界。 但你们看不到由于我坚守了我生命的意义与原则而没有被世界所迫而改变自己,我的存在本身就已经在改变着世界。”

当奥巴马被选入白宫时,他曾许诺“改变”。 但他从没有讲(人们似乎也不关心)向哪儿改变。 他也没有讲根据什么向哪儿改变。 从有到无也是变?! 从意义到虚无也是变?! 从自由到专制也是变?! 到底变到哪儿去? 用什么去变? 怎么变?

尼克松曾说过伟人的标准是他是否改变了世界。 用这种标准希特勒应该是个伟人,因为他的屠杀与战争着实改变了世界。 用这种标准斯大林也是个伟人,因为他的清洗与劳改营也着实改变了世界。 用这种标准毛泽东更应该是个伟人,因为他杀戮迫害的人数远远超过希特勒与斯大林杀人数量的总和。 他不光杀了无数的中国人,他还在朝鲜与越南杀了许多美国士兵。 他们真能被称为伟大的人吗? 丘吉尔曾明确指出“伟大的人(或国度)一定首先是一个道德的人(或国度)”。 谁的“伟人”标准更接近真实? 尼克松的还是丘吉尔的? 尼克松与奥巴马作为美国总统公然鼓吹用道德虚无主义来引导美国。 多么卑鄙的灵魂上的扭曲啊!

我曾在一九七八年代表中国男篮访美。 我看到的美国感动了我:

美国人的人格的完整、诚恳与他们展现的自由与人的尊严让我感到存在的真实与自我价值的宝贵。 美国运动员所表现的场上场下的职业运动家精神在中国运动员身上根本找不到。 美国的存在使我意识到我自身生命的宝贵、使我懂得人首先是道德与精神的存在,而不是像中国的人们一样只是行尸走肉般的“宦奴娼”。 美国就像一座矗立在黑暗迷雾中的灯塔一样放射出自由之光照亮了仍旧呻吟在专制奴役下的世界上大多数的人们。 美国召唤着我与像我一样的崇尚尊严热爱自由的人们站起来为自身的权利与社会正义而博争。 就是因为这个追求我于一九八一年移民来美。 在见证了一九八九年的天安门大屠杀之后,我更认同于美国的价值而在同年加入美国国籍。 我虽生在中国,我骄傲地选择了作一个美国人,只因为一个原因--我热爱自由。

如你懂篮球你就会知道: 一个好的教练总是在自己的队打的失常的时候强调回到篮球运动的基本原则去,因为它是永恒不变的。 在美国的充满危机的今天,一个优秀的领袖应强调的是回到美国建国的本源去--美国的独立宣言与美国宪法。 这些指导性文献是自人类有历史以来最起于人性的、最尊崇人的自由与尊严的、最代表人类的永恒价值的。 美国今天应真正回到美国的建国者们所弘扬的自由精神中去。 确实的说,美国今天太缺少像里根总统那样执著地为人类的自由大声疾呼的、基原则而勇行的,不为庸人所扰的人。

作为两个女儿的父亲,我常常告诫她们: “不要总想控制后果而试图去改变他人与世界。 坚守你生命的原本轨迹、追求真实的价值、发现你自身生命的意义。 重要的不是去改变他人与世界。 重要的是不要让他人与世界改变了你”。 我真心希望美国在聆听我所说的。


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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:20 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

保尔. 约翰逊(Paul Johnson)在如下文章中所阐述的观点与我几年前所撰文章(“最佳社会四大要素”Four Essentials)不谋而合。 语言本身携带价值或反价值/伪价值。 一个人要自由就必须逐渐减少中文(或其它语言)对自身的限制与影响而逐渐增加英文能力与影响。 灵比脸重要的多。

Paul Johnson's article on English language and Freedom coincides the points I made in my article "Four Essentials" a few years ago. Language itself is never value-free or value-neutral. If one wants to be free, he/she must gradually reduce the negative effect of his own mother language, be it Chinese or some others. And he/she must make an effort to improve his/her English ability. The health of the soul is always more important than a shiny face or a person's vanity.


Jewish World Review (Posted 6/1/2010, Reprint 9/7/2011)


The English Language and Freedom

By Paul Johnson


While playing a tiny part in Britain's recent election, I noted one aspect of it with concern: Some of the people to whom we'd given the right to vote spoke little or no English. As the electoral arguments, especially the televised debates between the party leaders, were conducted entirely in English, how could these voters know what they were voting for?

It's my view that Britain and the U.S. do not do enough to promote the spread of English, which thereby decelerates or even reverses the spread of democratic freedom. There's little doubt, for instance, that the hostility of the Muslim world toward the West is promoted by the failure of Muslim countries to develop democratic institutions, which, in turn, has been brought about by a resistance to the spread of English. Even among educated Muslims few have read the writings of British philosophers John Locke and Edmund Burke, not to mention those of America's Founding Fathers, which has lead directly to a lack of understanding of what the West is about.

This problem will intensify as China moves massively and confidently onto the world scene. Very few mainland Chinese speak English nor do they have any conception of the liberal tradition that the language enshrines. It's alarming to realize that the Chinese government is spending massive amounts of money and deploying large numbers of people (by one calculation more than 1 million) to spread its notions and influence in Africa--cultural and political ideas that differ greatly from the West's.

Fortunately it's a different story in India, and the responsibility for this rests largely with one man, the historian Thomas Babington Macaulay. In 1834 Macaulay was sent to India as an administrator, and the next year he found himself president of the Committee of Public Instruction for Bengal. As such, Macaulay made up his mind that Indians--there were then fewer than 250 million--must be taught English and be exposed to Western culture because it would, as he put it, give them the key "to all the vast intellectual wealth, which all the wisest nations of the Earth have created and hoarded in the course of 90 generations."

Macaulay's policy was adopted, and as a result large numbers of Indians, especially those in the ruling, intellectual and clerical classes, began to learn English. In the process they began to absorb cultural and political ideas from the West, especially the need to uphold and establish the rule of law and to set up representative institutions.

Since India gained its independence in 1947 English has continued to spread, and India--now with a population exceeding 1 billion--has maintained democratic structures and methods and free courts of law, despite what was once a situation of overwhelming poverty and many difficulties. The contrast with China is fundamental.

Moreover, because India remained attached to the English language umbilical cord, ideas, methods and technology flowed into its educated and commercial classes on a scale and in ways that China, especially since its years of Communist totalitarian rule, has been denied. This gave India the advantage of being able to bypass an updated version of the Industrial Revolution and embark straightaway upon the communications and Internet revolution.

But China--once its government relinquished total control of every aspect of the economy and made a bid to create consumer institutions and raise living standards rapidly--had no choice but to begin with old-style smokestack industrialization. With its ultracheap workforce, China has become good at building conventional mills and factories and exporting low-priced goods globally. It is accumulating huge currency reserves and is financing the expansion of its armed forces. But these advantages will not necessarily last, and China is in danger of landing itself with a prematurely outdated economy, mass unemployment and huge problems regarding pollution and industrial waste.

Insurance Policy

As the century progresses India has a good chance of moving to the head of the innovatory field. It has both the freedom and the language to be receptive to new ideas and is in a position to produce technologies of its own that may become global winners.

India is about to overtake China in terms of population and will also outdistance it economically and financially well before the end of the 21st century. Where India will stand in relation to the U.S. I don't know. But America, with its own soundly based democratic institutions and traditions of intellectual and economic freedom, will be well placed to remain in the front ranks. I predict this will be a neck-and-neck race, with China running a poor third and Russia and Europe limping in as also-rans.

In the meantime we must make a much more concerted and determined effort to repeat the Macaulay initiative, pushing to have English spoken and read in large portions of the world, especially in western Asia, Africa and Latin America.

International finance and commerce, investment and travel are to some extent furthering this aim. But government policy could do much to help. It's important that the Obama Administration and Britain's new government take this point. I would like to see all of their agents--from diplomats to administrators of aid programs to commanders in the armed forces--say to themselves: "Am I doing enough to help the spread of English and Western ideas?"


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Four Essentials of the Best Free Society

陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:


纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。 个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。 世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。 世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。

If you study all the societies in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive, the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government, and English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements. Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom, prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country has and is willing to acquire these four essentials.


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 9/7/2011)

* Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness

* Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes

* Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government

* English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences

I list these four essentials of a progressive society for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.

Let us examine these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress:

1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness:

On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence, without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity.

2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes

To interpret Ayn Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny; truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will triumph over misery and suffering.... By focusing on today's human behavior under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.

3. Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government

Separation of power, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured.

4. English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences

Compared with other languages, English language lacks the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots, French roots.... It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.

The four essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and post your own opinions here on my forum.


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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:43 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

My Exchange with Jay Chen/School Board


Note: Jay Chen is a member of the School Board (Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, California). He is a Harvard graduate with an Obama vision of a "New World Order" - establishing a Chinese-style, omnipotent government, thus fundamentally transforming America toward Marxism). Jay Chen belongs to an ultra-left organization/a quasi-communist/socialist group named "People for the American Way". He is periodically trained by the organization to instill "political correctness" in America, especially in American youths. Jay Chen is in his late 20s harboring a big political ambition and intends to run for the US Congress.

Jay Chen's blog: http://jaychen.blogspot.com/ His personal information: http://www.electjaychen.com/tacl.html


(Posted 6/21/2010, Reprint 9/4/2011)

"Y'all can shut up. You guys are the rudest bunch and guess what, those students organized themselves to defend their rights to an education that THEY WANT." -- From a brainwashed youth or parent.

Kai Chen's Reply:

If shutting people up is what you want, you have already been poisoned by the communist tactic of brainwashing. When Jay Chen and his girlfriend rounded up a few high schoolers, using them for his political agenda, then you know what is coming with Confucius Classrooms being implemented in all high schools aross US.

Jay Chen, Norman Hsu and their cohorts have already conteminated American political culture with the way they think and behave. Collaborating with the murderous Chinese regime to implement Confucius Classroom in US is only a result of their mindset.

Kai Chen
Kai Chen's Statement:

To all students and parents:

Last night I went to the School Board meeting again in Hacienda District. The other side, the school board members (Jay Chen and his girlfriend), organized a counter attack by using the communist tactic: They call an organizer to round up a few high school students, putting words in their mouths to shout pro-China slogans in the meeting. Even before the Confucius Classroom program is implemented, the communist tactics have already been used - propaganda, brainwashing the youths, rounding up people like sheep for political purposes... I felt so bad for the students being used this way. But I am very familiar with the communistic tactics to attack political opponents. The victims are almost always those who believe vehemently in the evil ideology. This made our effort on this front more valuable, especially now in America.

Kai Chen

From a Jay Chen supporter:

Please do not make false accusations without any evidence. The words that these high school students were not "put" into the mouths by anyone. There was no "rounding up" of high school students to this meeting for PRO-CHINA SLOGANS but rather a group of concerned well educated students getting together and defending a cultural program that they passionately cared about.

Kai, your patriotic words that back your extreme position on this Confucius Classroom contradicts itself. You wrote " If shutting people up is what you want, you have already been poisoned by the communist tactic of brainwashing" on the post above but are you doing the same thing? Getting rid of programs teaching the culture of China in fear of Communism in America? If this is the path all Americans should take- what makes us different from Communists? How does that make America the Land of The Free? Is this not propaganda? Is this not a "communist" tactic?
From Jay Chen:

Kai, thank you for reading my blog. It is unfortunate that you think everyone who does not agree with your extreme views and hate-filled speech has been brainwashed. What a lonely life you must lead.

Your reliance upon grandiose statements and patriotic verbiage are not fooling anyone. Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish, it is being thwarted by your own extremism, and it reflects very poorly upon yourself and the organization you are a part of.

I am very curious to learn more about your affiliations, and who is putting you up to this type of extremism. By the way, the eagle on your blog is actually chained and captive. You may want to choose a different picture.
Kai Chen's Response:

Jay Chen and company:

First, please do not label your blog as "School Board Blog". You are misleading people to believe that your position represents the School Board's position. It seems your title/power is more important to you than your own integrity. Your political ambition is not unfamiliar to me, a person who has seen this too much before.

Secondly, the students you and your girlfriend rounded up for your political ambition are innocent and ignorant, much like the Red Guards during Mao's Cultural Revolution. I don't blame them. I pity them for they are the ultimate victims of your socialist/communist "New World Order" agenda.

The ones you try to shut up are free American citizens who acted upon their own individual conscience. The ones I try to warn not to be the pawns of your political agenda are ignorant teenagers who are eager to please the authority and you.

Indeed after all your research you will find I do act alone. But I am never lonely, for I have conscience and justice in my heart. The only one I have to answer and bow before is God. Power, money, popularity, fame mean nothing to me, unlike you and your cohorts on the School Board.

Indeed the eagle on my blog is bond by the chains of moral confusion, political correctness, group think and other negative traits of humanity. My task is to free her and make her realize her full potentials. The eagle indeed will die without freedom to fly.

Once again, please change your blog's title from "School Board Blog" to "Jay Chen's Blog".

With respect and thanks for posting here. Kai Chen

From a Jay Chen supporter:

Quote from Kai Chen - "Indeed after all your research you will find I do act alone. But I am never lonely, for I have conscience and justice in my heart. The only one I have to answer and bow before is God. Power, money, popularity, fame mean nothing to me, unlike you and your cohorts on the School Board."

"God?" Is that how Li Hongzi refers to himself these days? I find it disturbing that a quasi-religious organization from China is attempting to influence U.S. education. Kai, you are right. There is brainwashing going on. But you are the victim of it. Get some medical help.
Kai Chen's Response:

("God?" Is that how Li Hongzi refers to himself these days? I find it disturbing that a quasi-religious organization from China is attempting to influence U.S. education. Kai, you are right. There is brainwashing going on. But you are the victim of it. Get some medical help.) -- Quote from some anonymous coward.

When people attack Falungong practitioners, following the Chinese communist guidelines, they fail to see that Mr. Li Gongzhi is not the one who murdered millions upon millions of Chinese. While the West and America worship someone who was killed because of his righteousness, justice and morality - Jesus Christ, the Chinese worship the biggest mass murderer in human history - Mao. Mao's corps and portrait are still displayed on Tiananmen Square.

Attacking someone who merely believes in something different, in order to deny, avoid and cover-up the murderous culture and history under communism is a common tactic by the communist followers of Mao such as the one who posted this message.

That is why he will not reveal his true name, for America would revile someone like this - a coward who sneak attack and sucker-punch like the Japanese during WWII and 9/11 perpetrators. Watch out for people like this who will inflict more damage to America with the support of the Chinese communist government and a ubiquitous "political correctness".

Best to you all. Kai Chen

From a reader:

Mr. Kai Chen, I read your blog with interest and share it with my friends. However, all this time I thought you were a Christian since you talk about God all the time. Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior or do you believe in Mr. Gongzhi. I await your answer eagerly.
Kai Chen's Response:

Dear Reader:

Thanks for raising this question. I am never a FLG member or a believer in their doctrine. But I do believe in freedom of religion. As long as one does not hurt other individuals, one can believe in anything he/she wants.

I do believe in the spirit of Jesus Christ. "Only truth shall set you free." But I don't always agree with certain churches, such as the one Obama attended in Chicago, or the ones who believe that Christ is a socialist/communist, such as the People's Temple (Jone's Town tragedy)falsely lead people into suicidal misdeeds.

Indeed I do find it weird and perverse that someone is more concerned about Mr. Li Hongzhi with what he preaches than what Mao, the biggest mass murderer in human history, has committed in his atrocious anti-human crimes. It is indeed revolting to think someone who wants to attack Mr. Li and his practitioners more than the communist regime which still swallows millions today in China and in the world by supporting all the despotic regimes and threatening all the democracies (such as Taiwan).

I hope you are not one of those who is perverted in his moral judgment in questioning who and what I am. With respect. Kai Chen

Kai Chen's Statement:

To Jay Chen:

You mention repeatedly your want to teach culture to American kids. What culture?

The ancient Chinese culture?

The ancient Chinese culture is a culture of despotism and dynastic cycles. What part of that culture do you want the American children to learn? Let me know the specifics. Chinese culture has never produced the concept of freedom. It has imbued into the Chinese population with fear of despotic rulers, passivity, stagnation in cultural development, tolerance of evil, moral confusion about right or wrong, truth or falsehood, good or evil.... The world should stay far away from such a negative and oppressive culture.

The modern Chinese culture?

What kind of modern political culture does China have? Communism/socialism/totalitarianism, period. If your fathers and grandfathers have been murdered by the Chinese regime, if your mothers and sisters have been raped by the Chinese regime, if millions upon millions of people have been tortured and damaged emotionally and psychologically..., yet the modern political culture wants the Chinese people to forget, to forgive, to numb themselves into oblivion, to tolerate more murders, tortures and mayhem, then what kind culture is it? Is it a culture you want to spread around the world, to teach American children, to numb their sense of justice and righteousness? If a billion people tolerate the killer and murderer of their family - Mao, and even worship him as some kind of patron saint, then what kind people are these? Should these people who close their eyes and all their senses to evil, just to survive, just to be able to climb the social ladder, have any moral right to teach your children? If a culture that preaches the power and money of the collective and those with authority, but ignores the trails of blood and dead bodies as the result of such an evil cult, do you want your children to be exposed to such a cult? If the Chinese today want to escape that Party-State with droves to come to the West and US for safety and a sense of peace, then why do you want to invite a culture that drives them to the US to our school district.

It just doesn't make any sense to learn from an outhouse people want to escape from. It is insane for people like you to use the contaminants and feces to pollute America which is relatively clean with freedom and human dignity still respected. Simply because you see a chaff in American bread, then you want to mix the Chinese feces into it. How insane can you be?

With respect. Kai Chen

From Jay Chen:

Kai Chen,

It is clear that you have a very shallow and narrow grasp of Chinese and U.S. culture and history.

There are no perfect countries in this world. You have chosen to move to one that was built on the backs of African slaves and Chinese coolie labor, that interned Japanese Americans for no crime other than ancestry, that refused to allow non-whites and women to vote, and that most recently invaded another country based on false pretense.

As someone who seems so obsessed with justice and liberty, have you somehow managed to justify these atrocities in your mind? If so then you are sicker than your writings reveal.

True patriots do not need to manufacture enemies and rewrite history to their own liking and comfort. They recognize a country for all that it is, and all that it can become. I'm sorry Kai, but you are not a patriot.

It is sad that in your zeal to seem more loyal and more American than everyone else, you have adopted so much self-hatred. It is not necessary to mindlessly attack the country of your birth in order to prove that you are a "true" American. That type of acceptance is the beauty of the United States, and it is unfortunate that you do not understand that.

With warm regards, Jay Chen
Kai Chen's Response:

To Jay Chen:

This message just exposed what a dangerous mindset you have and what a despotic vision you envision in your liberal world -- Moral equivalency of a legitimate government based on the consent of the governed and on the US Constitution with a government of Party-State based on bloodshed, repression and fear. Your "multi-culturalism" is exactly based on your erroneous premise that all cultures are equal and should be respected.

First, it is exactly based on the spirit of Declaration of Independence and US Constitution, America progressed from slavery toward freedom, mistakes have been made along the way. But using these mistakes to justify atrocities by despotism and tyranny shows your extreme moral confusion and corruption. To simply compare, not contrast US and China is a perverse approach to understanding of human history and the direction of human progress. Your view of the world mirrors the Chinese view of the world - everything is going nowhere but revolving around nothingness. This nihilistic view of the world dooms not only the Chinese society, it will doom anyone who takes such a view. So no wonder you don't give a damn about right or wrong, truth or falsehood, good or evil. To people like you who sees no meaning in life, who sees everything is relative, power/social status/money is what you worship and see as absolute. All the socialist/communist countries are essentially nihilistic. So are all the liberal leftists in America. This is why people like you as Obama's follower in his vision for America pursue mindlessly and soullessly to emulate China - a model of fast growth without liberty, justice and human dignity. People like you and Thomas Friedman of NY Times (who wrote an article to praise Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony) really admire the power the Chinese Party-State has.

It is too bad American college campuses have already been inundated by the morally perverse leftist professors who produce people like you. Now you want to take it further in your power to take American youths into the morass of socialism/communism and proudly declare you are only following some politically correct "diversity" doctrine. People like you in America should spend some months in the Chinese Laogai (gulag) to experience the fruits of the vision you so cherish. Then you can come back and tell me you still want to invite this kind society and mindset into the US to be learned by our youngsters.

Thanks for exposing yourself so thoroughly that you cannot really call yourself a closet communist. You are truly a communist with your dialectic goggles. Good luck in your pursuit of power.

Kai Chen

From a Jay Chen supporter:

Mr. Kai Chen,

I understand your deep abhorrence with mainland China, but do you not see the burden of proof fallacy that lies on the crust of your entire argument?

To say that we were "rounded up" by Jay Chen's girlfriend just for this issue is quite fallacious. If you noticed, the majority of us did not speak, since this was the first time we attended such a board meeting, and it was at this meeting where we first met Ms. Karen Chang. Those signs were created by us, as concerned students of our school district. To go ahead and say that we are "brainwashed" lies on false pretenses.

If you have actually seen and read the course materials, then you would know that there is nothing that would demonstrate anything near "communist". I have seen the materials, and read through them. If you think books that teach a child how to read, write, or pronounce certain characters such as "motorcycle", or "rainbow" is communist, then I really do advise you to go back to primary school. Other materials include Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Laozi's work on Taoism--all created before common era, and are currently taught in many other schools and universities. Understand that Hanban, the organization which is the host of this Chinese course, has been working with College Board for many years already. Unless you find SAT, ACT, and AP tests to be "tainted with communism" now, then there really should be no problem with this course at Cedarlane Middle School. I have spoken with Mrs. Ezaki (the principal of Cedarlane) four days ago, and she told me that there were absolutely no complaints from both parents and students that were reported.

Mr. Kai Chen, I do agree with you that China does demonstrate human rights violation, along with censorship, but this does not distort the materials provided to us. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth grade students are wise enough to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.

I would find it beneficial if you read/re-read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. The ideal communist regime is a system where the working class and every member of society rules democratically, not to be confused with totalitarianism.

What I find quite confusing is how you believe learning Chinese, even if it is simplified, would "fundamentally transform" the United States of America. Learning Chinese does not destroy "young minds with their sense of individuality, common sense and moral judgement", nor is this a trait of "socialism and communism".

Being culturally aware does not destroy a child's sense of individuality; if a child understands what happens in different nations, it would allow them to expand their knowledge (becoming more aware)--hence turning away from the fascist practice of a "singular collective identity". With regards to the destruction of our common sense and moral judgement, I do not see how this develops. I understand the injustices which occurs in China, along with the injustices that occur America's capitalist system, but does knowing this "destroy" my "common sense", and "moral judgement"? It would be very beneficial to see both sides of the argument, rather than sticking with such adamant beliefs that seems to be built on speculation.

-Jeffrey Tso

Graduate of Cedarlane Middle School in 2008, and current student at Glen A. Wilson High School
Kai Chen's Response:

Dear Jeffery:

Thanks for posting this message.

Your message indeed shows America how confused and ignorant some Americans are with regard to the Communist ideology and its effect upon humanity.

This is why the current American political culture is sickened by the likes of Obama and his cohorts who preach socialism and worship the biggest mass murderer in human history - Mao.

Most Americans are confused morally and intellectually to think China is just another country, no different from America. Yet I challenge you all to demonstrate an iota of legitimacy of the Chinese government. To confuse recognition with legitimacy indeed shows this moral and intellectual confusion and corruption.

China does not have procedual legitimacy for it is never elected with the consent of the governed. It is a regime based on guns, violence and threat of violence against its own citizens. It does not have moral legitimacy, for it is a criminal regime which killed 80 million innocent lives in China without any remorse or admission to its own atrocities. Even Tiananmen Square Masscre in 1989 is still being covered up and a taboo subject in China. Persecution of minorities, dissidents, religious groups, Falungong practitioners is still continuing to this moment. "One Child Policy" with million upon millions of forced abortions and sterilizations, with millions up millions of infanticides is still being enforced.

Chinese history books are propaganda tools with perverted and twisted history. The more education you have in China, the more morally and historically hadicapped you will become.

Mao's image is everywhere in China, on Tiananmen Square, in the Chinese notes of currency, in school campuses..... Chinese flag with its one big star and four small stars symbolizing tyranny and unconditional submission of individuals to the governmental power flies everywhere in China. The children in China have to ware red scarves to show their loyalty to the communist government. If you are not connected with the communist party, you will not advance in society. Communist organizations are everywhere -- in churches, in law firms, in businesses, in schools, in every governmental organs....

China is not a nation. Yes, you heard right. China is a Party-State/Dynasty. Everything and everyone is China is a tool for the communist party to maintain its power and control over the Chinese people.

Yet, you and confused mind like yours want to view China as a normal country, a normal society, a normal government. What a joke! Yet the joke is on you. The joke is on America. What a pity.

When China and Islamic terrorists view America as the biggest enemy, Americans are numb and complacent to think otherwise, to turn a blind eye to the moral threat from China and terrorists. Political correctness indeed reign supreme now under the current Obama administration and a sicken political culture in society.

Wake up America! Wake up not just to outside threat from China and Islamic terrorism, but to your own moral confusion, ignorance toward socialism/communism, and your own passivity and inaction.

I, for one, will stand up for this great nation, for this last bastion of human freedom and hope. I hope more people will stand up with me and join me to fight America's enemies - domestic and foreign.

Best to you all. Give me liberty or give me death. Kai Chen

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:47 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


America Is Out of Touch on China

- On American Failure to Address Its Moral Principles since the Cold War -

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese Series"

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 2/10/2009, Reprint 9/12/2011)

I have monitored America’s China policy since I came to this country in 1981. I can’t help but to deplore, in witnessing the decline of American moral values, the increasing confusion and failure in American China policy-making. I have to say that the incremental corruption and neglect of the principle of individual freedom that America was founded upon let to today’s failure in American foreign policy-making. In today’s LA Times the article by Nina Hachigian “A to-do list for China” (article pasted below) advising Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s upcoming trip to China has clearly shown that America China policy is going toward a nihilistic cliff. A disaster is brewing on the horizon.

Both parties failed to address the fundamental principles upon which America is founded.

During the Cold War, both major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, had a consensus on what America is about – a beacon of freedom for mankind under the threat of tyranny. Since Ronald Reagan’s “Evil Empire” speech that brought forth the collapse of despotism/communism around the world, no such moral clarity has been exhibited and articulated by American politicians, either from right or from the left. The recent presidential debate between Obama and McCain over domestic and foreign policies of America focused only on the material and economic issues. It was as if when the evil gets well fed and dressed, somehow it will change its ways.

Both parties and their representatives have somehow duped themselves into a morally relative “group think”. We as human beings are no longer individuals in their eyes. Therefore morality is only a relative thing according to each individual’s group identity. An unprecedented tidal wave of moral nihilism has washed up the shore of America, in large part, due to the China phenomenon.

The gutless Republicans and morally confused Democrats are now both engaged in racing toward compromises with evil forces around the world hostile to freedom. What's left is only the faceless members of certain groups, be they defined by race, class, ethnicity, language, heritage, culture…, begging the government(s) for a better, more comfortable material life. Meaning has been cast aside. Sadly it seems I have lost the America I came to admire and live my dream with. Does this great country founded by the likes of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington exist any longer? The rhetoric of the modern day American politicians contrasts sharply with their policy making: Somehow we are not spiritual beings experiencing a material world. Somehow we are only material beings having spiritual illusions. We are here only to be saved by our government, by compromising politicians.

China has never been a legitimate country with its communist government.

Failing to understand the nature of a government/regime only dooms any attempt by America to advance the cause of freedom in the world, that is if advancing the cause of freedom is still the purpose of this country at all.

Some people have the illusion that naming the evil by its name will harm American interest around the world, for somehow that will shut the door for conversation with the evil government(s). But naming the evil by its name was exactly what President Ronald Reagan did toward USSR. And by doing so not only did he open the door for concessions by the enemy, he helped the world understand the principle and the purpose of this great country, thus he put America at a moral high ground to engage its enemy. The result was an American triumph, was a great victory of freedom over tyranny. I am very disappointed today in America. There is a total lack of morally clear politicians to articulate the purpose of this country. In blindly pursuing material gain and economic advancement, somehow China has become the model for America, not the opposite. Time and again I read columns by some writers from the left wing such as Thomas Friedman, espousing what China is and represents – a morally nihilistic, oppressive regime gaining power by not only plundering the world of its material resources, but eliminating its moral compass. Nowadays, somehow China, a country in deep moral and spiritual crisis on the verge of collapse both economically and politically, becomes an acceptable form of government - “kinder and gentler” despotism in the eyes of America. Who is having an illusion?

The issue of China’s government’s illegitimacy, both morally and politically, has never been adequately addressed by both parties in American politics today. Yet the so-called intellectuals from left to right take a cowardly position, constantly calling for the world to accommodate a regime that has killed and murdered more than 80 million of its citizens since it took power 60 years ago. China’s history book is only a tool by the communist regime to distort history and brainwash its own citizens, handicapping them into some kind of moral and spiritual zombies without souls. Many Chinese students who come to America to study have yet to learn that Korea War was started by the communist North invading the South. And still many students today in China have yet to learn Tiananmen Massacre indeed had happened.

China is a major source of instability in the world. A new cold war has already begun.

Americans in recent years have exhibited an appalling moral confusion toward China. Besides a “moral affirmative action” toward China, tolerating a “yellow communism” instead of the “white communism” by USSR, there is an illusion that free trade is morally one way - for the US to change China toward the direction of freedom. Americans fail to understand the open trade also opens the door for China’s moral AIDS to invade America, as illustrated by American businesses being corrupted by China’s party-state/dynasy and its nihilistic culture. Google is only one such case, among many, that Americans have compromised their moral principles for a few bucks. And this invasion of souls have also infected many American politicians, making them virtual spokespeople or advocates for despotism in American political arena.

Since China joined the WTO, and not without America’s help, a new form of cold war with not missiles but a more potent, more dangerous, highly contagious and more deadly mutation of spiritual/moral AIDS has quietly and stealthily entered the world, as the orgasmic Beijing Olympic opening ceremony manifested. The virus has quickly spread around the globe in a form of short-cut economic ecstasy. The perversion of moral nihilism has already deeply penetrated America, eroding its principles and purpose by providing it with a fantasy culminated by multiple orgasms, resulted from a deadly intercourse with China.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government, sensing its success in numbing the world of its senses, in blinding it from impending catastrophe, has started its own insidious brainwash program world-wide. It has established more than 1,000 Confucian Institutes/classrooms in many countries to spread its own version of despotic philosophy. It sends out its eunuch artists like Zhang Yimo to stage operas like “The Qin Emperor” (or "Hero") and design/direct the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. It controls all the overseas Chinese student associations on various campuses in the West and sends them out like attack dogs for its insidious agendas. Jack Cafferty of CNN was only one among many such victims of the rampant Chinese nationalistic fervor around the globe. It provides all the Chinese language schools overseas with political propaganda materials. It utilizes overseas Chinese businesses, by intimidation and bribe, to stage intelligence gathering in the West. It manipulates Chinese businesses overseas to corrupt and sabotage Western, especially American political process. It trains computer hackers to interrupt/destroy American economic and military operations. The list goes on.

Globally, the Chinese government secretively funds the terrorist organization, selling them weapons to combat American troops, to distract America from facing the true evil behind. It supports all despotic regimes in the world, from Venezuela to Sudan to Zimbabwe, from North Korea to Burma to Iran to Cuba, with despotic philosophies such as Maoism, and the Chinese mode of economic development – a form of bureaucratic mercantilism, with weapons and technologies to combat the forces of freedom. It plunders all the natural resources and destroys not just its own environment but pollutes the world. It combines forces of tyranny from the former USSR to offset American agendas of peace and development, of advancing liberty and justice in the world.

Domestically, China’s tyrannical government continues to suppress all dissent, from religious group like Falungong, to underground Christians, to Tibetans, to democratic reformers. It continues to silence all voices f conscience. It continues to maintain one party rule and brainwash the population to accept it as some kind of legitimate form of governance with unique Chinese characters, as against values of democracy and freedom. It continues to ban all type of free speech and strictly controls the internet with its thousands of internet police and millions of 50 cents amateur internet political counselors.

America must wake up from its own moral stupor and face its responsibility.

With the upcoming Clinton trip to China, America must wake up to its moral responsibilities and its founding principles. American must face up to the issue of China’s illegitimate despotic nature and its global agenda to combat forces of freedom championed by America. America must stop talking about “cooperation”, “collaboration”, or “strategic partners” with a government viewed by its own people as illegitimate and evil. America must avoid the failure to appreciate the fragile nature of despotism and tyranny, as in the case that at the eve of the collapse of USSR, America was not prepared, assuming it was stronger than ever. American conservative and liberal wings must review their respective policies toward China, realizing the despotic and illegitimate nature of the government with which they are dealing, realizing the collapse of the communist dynasty is only numbered by years, not decades. America must hold up its founding principles of individual freedom, not being distracted by only the economic interests and security issues. “Those who want to give up freedom for security deserve neither freedom, nor security”. America must resist the temptation of shedding its own moral responsibilities, of compromising its founding principles, even at risk of joining the enemy’s camp. America must win the new cold war by China to corrode its own moral values.

America must stand up in a world gradually sinking into a nihilistic blackhole. “A shining city on the hill with its beacon to light the path toward freedom for mankind”, I only hope there will be more Ronald Reagan types with their moral clarity, with their simple but profound common sense. I only hope American people will wake up as responsible free beings to bear the torch of freedom in search of meaning of existence that makes life worth living.

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:52 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Candy Wrappers & Social Trust in American Capitalism

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

Most people in the world are asleep. Only a few are awake: They watch even the smallest occurrences around them with fascination, with amazement, amusement and wonder. They participate in this fabulous world of ours with courage, conviction and enthusiasm. They project their energy, ideas, freedom, happiness and joy onto others around them and onto the entire world.

这世界中的大多数人都在沉睡不醒。 只有少数的人一直清醒地活着。 他们充满兴趣地,惊异地,兴奋地观察者他们周围那些即使最小的事物. 他们以自身无畏的勇气,坚定的信念与热烈的激情参与着这个美妙的世界。 他们用自身的能量、意念、自由、快乐与幸福投射到这个世界上。 他们以自身发出的光照亮他人。


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 9/6/2006, Reprint 9/10/2011)

(I wrote this chapter sometime ago and it may still be a chapter of my future book. I paste it here for I think it conveys an important message. I hope all of you enjoy it.)

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯


Candy Wrappers & Social Trust in American Capitalism

by Kai Chen 陈凯(Written 9/6/2006, Reprint 9/10/2011)

There are many great things most native-born Americans take for granted, or take as some small and trivial matters not worthy of mentioning or even noticing. But to me, a new immigrant from China back in 1981, they are most wonderful and amazing occurrences which in my wildest dreams would never imagine possible.

Although I have traveled to many places in the world representing China playing basketball in the 1970s, I only observed how people lived in those different places. Due to a very strict communist party control and team rules, we could only move around in those places as a group. My family background with my Taiwan relatives serving in Kuomintang’s army put me in an even more awkward, constrained and self-censored mode. In every hotel room I stayed, a communist party member was assigned to stay with me (just to spy/monitor me, in case...). So my superficial encounters with the outside world did not prepare me to live and function in a place other than China.

When I first arrived in America, Susan (my wife) and I lived with her parents in Garden Grove, Orange County. I had comfort and security of a home and yet grew restless and uneasy as each day passed. I guess I just wanted a place I could call my own before I could ever relax and feel free.

I started to attend an adult language school to learn English, pedaling a used bike I borrowed from Susan’s parents to and from the school. Meanwhile, after many attempts, I finally found my first job in America -- working in an Arby’s Roast Beef outlet not far from Disneyland. I made about three dollars an hour and to me that was an amazingly enormous sum of money, considering that I as a former Liberation Army’s officer, playing for the famed Chinese “Bayi” ("August 1st" as the birthday of the Chinese Liberation Army) Team, only made about 16 dollars a month. Of course back then the state took care of my food, housing and traveling expenses, since all the national athletes were considered as very valuable tools for the communist state's diplomacy (They are still viewed that way today in China).

I worked quite a bit at Arby's in the evening after taking English classes at school during day time. I found that working at that fast food outlet helped me a lot in actually using English to communicate, besides learning the difference between a “regular” and a “club” sandwich. The workload was heavy and I remember writing back to my friends in China to describe to them what working in America was like. “Sure I make a lot more money now.” I wrote, “but I now worked probably five times as hard as any manual worker in China.” I think I scared them a little.

Every night after I got home from work I was so exhausted. My hands often were bleeding with cuts from cleaning up the beef-cutting machine with its sharp blade. Susan would bring me a Band-aid and a bowl of ice cream. I would then sit on the couch and devour it. That cooled me down and took my sweat away.

Don’t mistake me as if I am complaining about the hard work. I had been benefited so much more from the Arby’s experience I would not change it for anything. It has given me a sense of reality, a sense of how an ordinary American worker goes through every day, how a salesperson deal with his customers, what the relationship between a worker and his boss is like and how an ordinary American worker sees the meaning of his job… It was fascinating to see how the manager would throw some perfectly good leftover sandwiches into the trash can by the end of the day, rather than letting us workers take them home, and how they hired and fired workers, and how workers could quit at any time they wanted… It was just so fascinating to think about all these new things I had never experienced before.

Even with her law degree from UCLA, Susan could not find a job for quite some time. Once she went to the local social security office to ask for help and came back in tears. She was insulted by the clerks for some unknown reasons. She never went back again. Soon after that she found a job as a secretary in some office. And we started saving our money.

The first thing we did with our savings was to find an apartment so we could move out of her parents’ home. We eventually found one in Anaheim, very close to Cypress College, so that I, having completed my adult school English study, would go to Cypress College to take some college courses. The rent was 300 dollars a month, an exorbitant amount. The compound had a pool and I could walk to the college and a local supermarket and jog in a nearby track. We had no furniture. We only borrowed a mattress and a couch from Susan’s parents. Susan drove her old Ford Pinto she had in her college years to ship the pieces. I found some bricks and a wooden board to build a coffee table on the carpet. A very old black and white TV was our entertainment. I was very happy and content: Finally we had our own place and started our own new life. Besides, it was better than any place I had stayed in China: I could take a shower or bath anytime I wanted and I did not have to share the toilet with 100 other strangers. There was hot water to use and gas stove to cook 24 hours a day. Best of all, there were no others you don't like intruding upon your privacy any time they wanted, like in China.

I helped Cypress College varsity basketball team with their practices as an assistant/player to Coach Don Johnson. The school waved my tuition. My English was not proficient enough yet then and I had to try very hard just to get by in my classes. I was shocked and frustrated when my teacher gave a quiz right after she showed us a movie about Dr. Ruth in my psychology class. I barely got by with standard spoken English and I could hardly understand a word Dr. Ruth was saying in the movie with her heavy German accent. However, I found a way to quickly, steadily and interestingly improve my English: Watching TV and mimic the words with their pronunciation in comedies and commercials, because of their repetitions. I could also increase my English vocabulary and familiarize myself with American idioms. After a while I found that TV watching helped me in another extraordinary way -- showing me how people react to each other. My favorite show? -- "Three’s Company".

After months passed, Susan eventually found a job in a Santa Monica law firm as an associate. Because of the long commute, she could only come home during weekends. On weekdays she stayed with a friend in Santa Monica. With a new source of income, I quit my job at the Arby’s and filled up my time with school classes, basketball practices and TV watching. Before Susan went to Santa Monica, she taught me one fascinating thing, besides cutting out coupons from newspapers to save money in grocery shopping: Gathering and collecting many brands of candy wrappers.

Susan told me that if I could find twenty candy wrappers and put them in the mail to send back to the manufacturers, we could collect five dollars from them. I was very skeptical toward the idea though, being from China and all, because I simply did not believe (not to mention expect) the manufacturers would truly honestly send five dollars to me for my effort: "Why do they do that?" I asked myself incredulously. I was taught all my life in China that the ruthless, heartless capitalists only want to accumulate their wealth by brutalizing the workers and exploiting their energy and values for their own ugly and selfish greed. They would find every way to grab and hoard money. Now they are giving money back to the customers? This was an almost insane proposition. Secondly, how do the manufacturers know that I truly ate that much candy? And if I just pick them up on the streets and from garbage cans, do they still give me five bucks they have promised? It sounded a little crazy to me. Furthermore, if I indeed sent in the wrappers and they just ignored me, I would have wasted all that time and energy. Should I try it?

Hey, I had got to try it just once. I had some time and energy. What else did I have to lose? Besides, if it did not work, then I would stop and I might have learned something from this experience.

The following weekend when Susan came back from work, in front of her on the carpet, there was a pile of candy wrappers. I still remember that night. “Three’s Company” was showing on TV and we sat on the carpet. One by one, we straightened out those wrappers with logos intact on them, counted them and put them into the envelops. We had a couple of envelops filled up with candy wrappers.

A couple of weeks later, the money came. I was ecstatic. Even more, I was amazed by the fact that someone in this world did keep their words and the lies and untruths that the communists instilled in me started to crumble. Something entirely new, entirely fresh started to seep into my mind and my consciousness. Slowly but surely it took its roots: The power of the candy wrappers! It sounds comical. Yet, it is indeed magical. It is indeed magnificiently powerful. Some rubbish others put into my head started to be washed away. My vision started to clear.

Today, I can almost see how the liberal left would point their fingers at me and curse me to hell: You stupid, naïve poor bastard. Just for a few candy wrappers, a few dirty bucks, the evil capitalists could buy your soul?! “You make me laugh, Kai Chen.” They would mock me with their sweeping cynicism. Yet they can never deny what I had been through with those candy wrappers is true. And for the first time in my life, the words honesty, integrity, reality and trust started to mean something.

Since then, whenever I receive the warm pizza from the delivery man’s hands at my door, or the supermarket clerks honor my coupons, I cannot help but continue to be amazed by the degree of social trust in American society. I am deeply moved every time by this trust: People are real! Their words do mean something! They do respect themselves! They do exist! When I call a pizza parlor to place my order, or when I use a coupon to get some discount, they honor their own words. They trust me - a stranger. They trust my words. And I trust them as trustworshy individuals and their words when they utter them. It is amazing! I do expect them to carry out what they have told me they will do and they in turn do expect me to carry out what I have told them I will do. What an amazing relationship based on sheer trust, nothing else! What an amazing respect for/to each other! What an amazing way of building wealth through an amazing degree of mutual trust and benefit! And afterwards, besides a “Thank you” and a “ You are welcome”, no one ever suggests, even to a smallest extent, that someone still owes someone else something. Clean, crisp, honest, cut and dry. What an amazing social and economic arrangement! What an amazing culture of trust and faith! What an amazing people, with amazing dignity and simplicity! What an amazing society!

Back in China, we are only tools and lackeys of the government/state. Government/state are supposed to be our parents and they raised us with their benevolent love toward us -- the ignorant and insignificant masses. Confucius and communists told us so. We forever owe them our loyalty, gratitude and everything we have, because the state and the country are everything and we are nothing. We had never expected anything from anyone, besides the government, and no one but the government expects anything from us. We as individuals are really not sure if we exist at all, if we have any meaning at all. We translate that uncertainty throughout our actions and words. Every yes from us may mean no. Every praise from us may mean contempt. Every smile from us may mean malevolence and animosity. Every glance from authority may mean danger. Every gift from a friend may mean betrayal…

My fellow Americans, think a little deeper and more carefully: Maybe to you this is all too common to be mentioned, or even to be noticed. Someone would sneer at me and claim that I was just some crazy Chinese dude who had not seen much of the world. The fact is the opposite. I have indeed seen many countries and many cultures and many societies… I had lived among my fellow Chinese people, a billion of them, all my life. Not once, not even a single moment I had ever had a secure and trusting feeling until now after I lived in America. Zero-sum game defines all that I had witnessed in China and in all other countries, cultures and societies. The stories of distrust, deceit and victimhood are innumerable. Yet until the day when I was enlightened by the pile of candy wrappers, I had never concluded that existence does indeed exist.

Since then, around the beginning of 1982, people in and around Cypress College often saw a strange creature, an Asian-looking man, tall about 6’7” and weighing about 200 pounds, in his shorts and T shirt, probably bought from some local thrift shops. He was not good looking but well built with sturdy muscles, leaning on a very used, yellowish colored bicycle, poking through garbage cans to fetch some dirty candy wrappers, never noticing the strange, even scared look on the faces of the people around… Occasionally though, people would notice some smile at the corner of his mouth. It was not a cynical smile, but a frank open smile. It was a smile that was emanated from some deep corner of his soul, from some deep pulse in his heart. It was a smile only he himself could understand its full meaning. It was a laughter he, in his quest for inner peace traveling through many countries and places of the world, had not found from himself. And finally he had found it in America. He had found that it was always in him, from the day he was born.

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:53 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

将"enemy"与“敌人”等同是中文系人们逃脱不掉的语言障碍。(enemy 是一个抽象概念,而“敌人”确实因中文文字局限的表象/形象描述。)中文语言的危害在此暴露无遗。 刘晓波在这篇八九“绝食宣言”中对“我们没有敌人”做了解释:“我们没有敌人!- 不要让仇恨和暴力毒化了我们的智慧和中国的民主化进程!” 在刘晓波本人不能作出回应的状况下用断章取义的方式攻击刘晓波是专制文化心态的体现。 “跪着生”与“站着死”再也不应成文中文系人们的心态走向的选择。 我只要“站着生”,也希望所有的人都“站着生”。

The term "enemy" has entirely different/opposite meanings in English and in Chinese. In English it means an abstract concept of "hostile entity/force". In Chinese it means a superficial/pictorial image of someone harmful. Thus you can see clearly the harmful effect of using Chinese language to express meaning - It often distorts reality therefore perverts the truth.

Having read the original text by Mr. Liu Xiaobo in 1989's "Hunger Strike Declaration", I have no doubt that Mr. Liu defines his "enemy" as "Hatred and Violence". By saying he has "no enemy", he was saying he had no hatred and violence in his heart. While Mr. Liu, being in Chinese jail, is unable to clarify and defend himself, attacking him with lies and incomplete truth is an act under despotic mindset.
I am with Liu Xiaobo to believe human beings should never have to choose between "kneeling to live and standing to die". The future of mankind should belong to one in which human beings pursue "standing to live".


We Don't Worship Hatred/Violence

"1. 我们没有敌人! 不要让仇恨和暴力毒化了我们的智慧和中国的民主化进程!
2. 我们都需要反省! 中国的落伍人人有责!
3. 我们首先是公民!
4. 我们不是寻找死亡! 我们寻找真的生命!"




四君子绝食宣言 6/2/1989






中国几千年的历史,充满了以暴易暴和相互仇恨。及至近代,敌人意识成为中国人的遗传;一九四九年以后的「以阶级斗争为纲」的口号,更把传统的仇恨心理、敌人意识和以暴易暴推向了极端,此次军管也是「阶级斗争」式的政治文化的体现。为此,我们绝食,呼吁中国人从现在开始逐渐废弃和消除敌人意识和仇恨心理,彻底放弃「阶级斗争」式的政治文化,因为仇恨只能产生暴力和专制。我们必须以一种民主式的宽容精神和协作意识来开始中国的民主建设。民主政治是没有敌人和仇恨的政治,只有在相互尊重、相互宽容、相互妥协基础上的协商、讨论和表决。李鹏作为总理犯有重大失误,应该按照民主程序引咎辞职。 但是,李鹏不是我们的敌人,即使他下台,仍然具有一个公民应享有的权利,甚至可以拥有坚持错误主张的权利。我们呼吁,从政府到每一位普通公民,放弃旧的政治文化,开始新政治文化。我们要求政府立即结束军管,并呼吁学生和政府双方重新以和平谈判、协商对话的方式来解决双方的对立。



在此次运动中,政府和学生都有失误。政府的失误主要是在旧的「阶级斗争」式政治思维的支配下,站在广大学生和市民的对立面,致使冲突不断加剧;学生的失误主要是自身组织的建设太不完善,在争取民主的过程中,出现了大量非民主的因素。因此,我们呼吁,政府和学生双方都要进行冷静的自我反省。我们认为,就整体而言,此次运动中的错误主要在政府方面。游行、绝食等行动是人民表达自己意愿的民主方式,是完全合法合理的,根本就不是动乱。而政府方面无视宪法赋予每个公民的基本权利,以一种专制政治的思维把此次运动定名为动乱,从而又引出了一连串的错误决策,致使运动一次次升级,对抗愈演愈烈。因而,真正乞製造动乱的是政府的错误决策,其严重程度不下于「文革」。只是由于学生和市民的克制,社会各界包括党、政、军有识之士的强烈呼吁,才没有出现大规模的流血事件。鉴于此,政府必须承认和反省这些错误,我们认为现在改正还不算太晚。政府应当从这次大规模的民主运动当中汲取沉痛的教训,学会习惯于倾听人民的声音,习惯于人民用宪法赋予的权利来表达自己的意愿,学会民主地治理国家。全民的民主运动正在教会政府怎样地以民主和法制来治理社会。 学生方面的失误主要表现在内部组织的溷乱、缺乏效率和民主程序。诸如,目标是民主的而手段、过程是非民主的;理论是民主的而处理具体问题是非民主的;缺乏合作精神,权力相互抵销,造成决策的零乱状态;财务上的溷乱,物质上的浪费;情感有馀而理性不足;特权意识有馀而平等意识不足;等等。近百年来,中国人民争取民主的斗争,大都停留在意识形态化和口号化的水平上。只讲思想启蒙,不讲实际操作;只讲目标,而不讲手段、过程、程序。我们认为:民主政治的真正实现,是操作的过 程、手段和程序的民主化。为此,我们呼吁,中国人应该放弃传统的单纯意识形态化、口号化、目标化的空洞民主,而开始操作的过程、手段和程序的民主建设,把以思想启蒙为中心的民主运动转化为实际操作的民主运动,从每一件具体的事情做起。我们呼吁:学生方面要以整顿天安门广场的学生队伍为中心进行自我反省。

政府在决策方面的重大失误还表现在所谓的「一小撮」的提法上。通过绝食,我们要告诉国内外舆论界,所谓的「一小撮」是这样一类人:他们不是学生,但是他们作为有政治责任感的公民主动地参与了这次以学生为主体的全民民主运动。我们所做的一切都是合理合法的,他们想用自己的智慧和行动让政府从政治文化、人格修养、道义力量等方面知所愧悔,公开承认并改正错误,并使学生的自治组织按照民主和法制程序日益完善。 必须承认,民主地治理国家,对每个中国公民来说都是陌生的,全体中国公民都必须从头学起。包括党和国家的最高领导人。在这个过程中,政府和民众两方面的失误都是不可避免的。关键在于知错必认、知错必改,从错误中学习,把错误转化为积极的财富,在不断地改正错误中逐步地学会民主地治理我们的国家。


  1. 我们没有敌人! 不要让仇恨和暴力毒化了我们的智慧和中国的民主化进程!
  2. 我们都需要反省! 中国的落伍人人有责!
  3. 我们首先是公民!
  4. 我们不是寻找死亡! 我们寻找真的生命!


  1. 地点:天安门广场人民纪念碑下
  2. 时间:72小时,6月2日16时 —6月5日16时。
  特殊说明:由于侯德健在6天后将赴香港製作唱片,所以他的绝食时间为48小时,从6月2日I6时 — 6月4日16时。
  3. 规则:只喝白开水,不得进食、不得饮用含营养物质(糖、淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质)的饮料。


周 舵:原北京大学社会学研究所讲师、北京四通集团公司综合计划部部长。
高 新:《师大周报》前主编、中共党员。

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:15 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


“My Way" (Chinese Subtitles) Link:


“My Way" (English Subtitles) Link:


陈凯美國會聽證 警惕中共公共外交手段
Kai Chen and Others in US Congressional Hearing on Confucius Institutes/Classrooms

2012-03-30 00:54:10

Audio of the Hearing 音频连锁:


Video Link 视频连锁:



美國國會議員Dana Rohrabacher:「中共為何在美國到處建孔子學院﹖我想他們並不是因為他們喜歡我們、愛我們、對我們好,他們可能有其他的目的。」


人口研究所所長Steven Mosher:「孔子學院不僅與中共政府相關,而且也沒有自己的目標。他們依附於已有的大專院校。他們受國家漢語國際推廣領導小組辦公室領導,但他們在學術上受中國教育部管理,在實際操作上受中共統戰部領導。實際上,孔子學院的理事會主席是劉延東,她在2002年到2007年任統戰部部長。」

出席作證的人口研究所所長毛思迪(Steven Mosher)曾就讀於斯坦福大學。80年代早期,因毛思迪揭露了中共計劃生育中侵犯人權的做法,中共向斯坦福大學施加了巨大壓力,迫使該校拒絕授予他博士學位。

人口研究所所長Steven Mosher:「從個人經歷中,我看到中共為自己的利益有多麼殘酷,而一些美國學校管理者有多麼懦弱。」





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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:46 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Amazon Book Link 购书连锁: http://www.amazon.com/China-Will-Never-R...+rule+the+world

作者结论 Conclusion from Author:

“支那(China)自古至今一直是一个专制极权社会。 支那(China)作为一个专制文化没有任何值得世界借鉴的人的价值。” "China is still a totalitarian society and China has nothing to offer to the world."

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RE: 最佳社会四大要素 Four Essentials

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:11 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯访谈/解读中文语言的专制密码 Decipher Despotism in Chinese Language

From Chinese Language to Despotism/Tyranny

从中国文字的虚无特质到中国专制文化的虚无特质 – 看中国单音节形象文字与中国专制政治文化的必然联系
From Nihilism in Chinese Language to Nihilism in Chinese Political Culture

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/18/2006 Reprint 9/4/2011)

将这一话题提出实有如有人大叫“皇帝没有穿衣服”一样,定会引起哗然大波。 但我想在人们在恼怒成羞,或恼羞成怒之后,定睛定神地仔细看一看,也许一些人会静下来想一想。 也许一些人会反思反省一下,意识到也许自己的意识形成确实受到了中国单音节形象文字的负向影响与滕缚。

我想我现在的尝试是一个前所未有的开拓: 试图用一种以虚无作特质的文字去阐述一个真实存在的概念。 按逻辑这有如用笼子去解放概念,用镣铐去使奴隶自由。 我曾用英文阐述过这个观点。 那并不难, 基于英文的内在的自由,抽象,逻辑,定义与附义的特质。 英文作底与说英文的人们也很容易懂得我的观点。 但用一种病语去分析,阐述此语的病态,却需要相当的努力,耐心,小心,技巧与勇气。 我决定还是试一下,因为我的读者与听众是运用此病语的人们,(虽然他们的大多数还没有意识到)也是深受其害的人们。

如果说语言文字是运送、交流信息知识的,内附价值体系的运送工具(Vehicle),中国单音节象形文字有如一辆辆悬空的“笼罐”式无马,无辕,无轮的旧马车。 说“笼”是因为它的囚禁人的思维的特质。但人在笼中最少还能向外看。我用“罐”是指人进入这个牢中后连向外看的可能都被杜绝了。 只有很少的光线可以透过“哈哈玻璃”进入罐内。 自罐中向外望,所有的事物都是畸形的伪物,无一真实。 说“旧”是因为中国文字的甲骨,巫术符号的几千年古源。 说“马车”是因为它起码还是一种语言文字。 说“悬空”是因为它既不前行,也无方向。 说无马是因为它没有始动力。 说无辕是因为它无从依附。 说无轮是说它无路可行。

在此我给这旧马车加一个力,那就是我。 我也给它加上一个辕与轮,那就是我的自知。 我也给这马车一条实路,那就是英文作底。 我现在试图用我的力量与自知在英文的底线上将一个真实的概念向前拖。 我不知结果会如何。 但我尽力而为。


1. 中文的“不可再造”性: 中文有50,000 多字,全是中国人祖先创造遗留下来的。 没有任何个人可以造字。
2. 改造中文的“官方”性: 只有代表整体的政府,如中共政权,才可简化文字并用权力传播它。

基于这两大性质,我可用逻辑引申为: 中文创始的前提是人的不自由化、 非个体化与奴役化。 这个前提是:世界上所有的知识与概念已被中国的祖先所发现,所创造。所有后来的中国人只是去记忆,去继承,去遵循,去服从。大部分中国人都认为人没有个人意志,也无个人选择,他只是环境,文化,制度的产物。 这种对人的认识与他们对中文文字的无能为力,和他们的被传统文字,文化奴役感质为相关。 所以讲中文作为中国专制文化制度的帮凶是不为过的。

另一个引申是:由于这两种性质,中国人的个性从一开始就被灭绝在摇篮里了。 中国人对群体与政府的尊崇是绝对的和来自官方的绝对的文字垄断权上的。

中国人的无神崇祖的现象从其始就与中国文字的僵化,绝对性相关,基于中文的不可再造性。 中文的创始者从一开始就没有将中国人视为自由的个体。 这种文字产生的基点并不是将语言作为工具,将人作为自由的,主动的,独立的个体去发挥,解放人的创造力的,而是将人作为被动的,消极的奴隶去控制,限制与奴化侍皇,侍群的。 当一个中国的孩子拿起毛笔临摹他祖先的笔法的时候 就是他在开始编织奴役自己的牢笼的时候。从那一刻起,残忍地与必然地,已经没有人将他作为一个自由人。 他自己也将自己的自由锁在那“笼罐”的悬空马车里了。 他将对那灵魂与头脑的自我禁锢付出沉重的代价。 如果他有意愿,能力与勇气,他也要用时间与巨大的努力去打破那他祖先留下的,他自己编造的灵智牢笼,寻求再生。 那是多大的浪费呀! 且不说事实证实只有极少数的人能打破中文的强大禁锢。


1. 由于人的生理局限,在五万中文字中,只有五千中文字是常用字。在几千年人类知识的积累中,已经超载的中文字在近代又受到了信息爆炸的巨大冲击。 字义的超载量已远远超出每个中文字的在古代的原设计值。 一字多义,多字一义,一音多字,一字多音,更将原来定义化就低的中文字进一步浑浊化。 每一辆旧马车其实已在这信息爆炸中被炸得粉碎。 或者说每一辆旧马车的过度超载已将中文字浑义,淡义到近于无义,虚义,甚至反义的地步。 试图用这旧马车去装载航天穿梭机只是一个病态人的臆想幻梦。

仅举“法治”一词为例: 人们从不分“法治”与“法制”之间的区别。我也不知他们之间有何区别。 但在英文中,“Rule of Law”与“Rule by Law”是反义。 前者有“人以法治政”,后者有“政以法制人”的含义。 两词的中译都是“法治”(或法制),孰不知前者是民主中的成分,后者是专制的定义。既不知什么是“法治”,何谓“法治人治”之争。 中国古代的“法家”应解为“君以法治人”,“儒家”应解为“君以礼治人”。两者都以维君权为目的,无本质区别。“儒法之争”也只是虚无的“权力之争”而已,旨在蒙人混脑。

这种“混义”,“反义”造成了中文的“不赋义”或“泛赋义”性。 任何人都可以将任何字在任何时间,任何地点歪释曲解,随机而用,使中文完全成为主观文字。 这种主观文字只能被定义为“虚无文字”/“专制文字”,因为只有那些手握枪杆子的人才有“语言权”并为他们虚设的伪词汇定义。 基此而言,任何的虚无文字只能作为玩弄“文字游戏”的专制者的专权刑具,而绝不能成为建树未来的民主者的追求自由的客观工具。

2. 基于人脑两半球的感知分工,中文用形象文字的表象加义输入人的抽象半脑,造成表象与抽象实质在思维时的颠倒与混乱。中国人在辩论,交流时不能在抽象实质的理性空间交锋,而常常沦落到猜忌与人身攻击的权力斗争的泥坑里,沦落到“救脸护皮”的俗套中,就是这个道理。 中文基其形象表达本应输入在人的艺术创作半脑中,这种“理,艺”的冲突输入就是“黄河浑水”的源泉。

由于冲突输入而导致的思维混乱大大降低了中国人自由,独立的程度与人格人质。 群体的专制(大政府,无社会)便成为了暂时维持表面秩序的唯一共有选择。

3. 中文中在名词与动词上无复数单数之分。 这直接导致了中国人误将复数群体作为不可分的有机单元。 个附群,群压个,个群不分便成为了与法西斯,纳粹理论有同无异的逻辑特质。人可有可无。 国不可不无。

4.中文字动词缺少时态。 这导致了中国人思维方向性的经常混乱。 过去,现在与将来在中国人的思维中常常颠三倒四,严重危害了中国人的客观历史感。

5. 因中文文字音形分离,儿童学习中文字时只通过记忆。这导致了中国儿童晚期阅读,往往比英文儿童晚三年。人的创造力来自拆散组合。 中文因不给人拆散组合的机会而窒息人的创造力。

6. 由于中文的不定义性,多义性,主观性与虚无性,中文绝不可作为科学与法律语言。 从古至今中国在自然科学与社会科学领域里是真空,与中文的虚无性因果相关。

7. 简化中文只是掩耳盗铃之技,解决不了中文的本质的单音节形象弊症,解决不了中文固有的虚无性。

8. 中文的形象构成与音字分离的特性造成了人们在信息组织与储存(information organization and storage)、信息查找与抽取(indexation)、概念形成与创造(concept development and creation)、新概念的表达(new concept expression)等至关重要的精神理性领域中的重大与不可逾越的障碍。

中文对人的异化是中国专制文化,中国专制制度对人的异化的基点组成环节。 中文早就应该进入文字考古博物馆里去,早就应该只作为艺术供人研究与欣赏,而绝不能作为工具为人所用创造未来。

中国人的祖先,由于形象文字的输入和限制,对自然界的认知只能停滞在表象的“金,木,水,火,土”上,而用不能借逻辑的力量走入分子,原子,电子,中子的层次上。 也就如中国的五音乐理,简谱在音乐领域中永远写不出表达多层次的人的心灵感情的宏伟的交响乐章,只有西乐“五线谱”才能承此大任。 再者,你可以想象如没有阿拉伯数字(1、2、3、4、、),你能用中文的“一,二,三,四、、”去产生与研究数学吗?

以英文为主的西方多音节字母文字是符合人的生理结构的“人”的文字。 它以抽象符号的自由组合与拆散组词、赋义输入人脑的抽象、理性的语言半球。人由此自由于表象与实质的输入冲突。 它以人的自由,独立为前提而设。它是为人服务的交流,储藏工具。 任何人可在任何时间,任何地点,出于任何目的将字母拆散组合,自造新字去表达新创造,新概念,用不着任何人的许可。 它的内在的逻辑性,定义性,客观性使它成为理想的科学与法律语言。 它是自由的语言,解放人的创造力的语言,表达人性,人的灵智的语言。 它是道德的语言。

用英文取代中文,成为中国人共用的法律、科学、教育语言,成为中国人走入人性,走向未来的工具,已是理不容辞,德不容辞,大势所趋。 陷在“国粹”的怪圈里的,崇祖拜中文的人们应该醒醒了。 请用你们头脑中的人性特质去思考,用逻辑,理性,道德去反省反思,而不要用你们的脸面,肤色,文化习性与虚无的群体认同去思考。 1+1 在任何人的脑子里都等于2。


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