陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:12 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Resist the Brainwashing Scheme of the Chinese Communist Regime

By Non-cooperation and Non-participation


Re: “Confucius Classroom” in Our Community to Contaminate the Mind and Soul of Our Children

An Open Letter to the Parents of Students of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District

By Kai Chen 陈凯 – An Alarmed American Citizen from China
4/1/2010 1c Blog: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

“Is life so precious and peace so sweet as to be purchased by the chains of slavery? Forbid it, almighty God. I don’t know what others might do. But as for me: Give me liberty or give me death” --- Patrick Henry

生命就那么可贵,和平就那么甜蜜,以致我非要用奴役的枷锁来换取? 万能的神啊:请你杜绝这种蠢念。 我不知道其他人会如何看待这一切。 但我只尊崇我的信念:不自由,毋宁死。 --- (美国国父之一)帕特里克. 亨利

Dear Students’ Parents of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District:


The 4-1 vote of the School Board (Hacienda La Puente Unified School District) to allow the Chinese communist regime – a criminal Party-State to provide educational material and set up a brainwashing “Confucius Classroom” to contaminate the mind and soul of our children is appalling. The $30,000 donation to the school district from “Hanban”, a Chinese communist outreach to implement overseas “cultural infiltration” program, to pervert and corrupt the political culture in the free world is only small bait for the most insidious global contamination by Chinese despotic communist tyranny. The communist regime in China understands too well that to stabilize and legitimize their illegitimate criminal enterprise, the most effective measure is to numb and castrate the conscience of the free world. Using Chinese language programs, dangling the potential China opportunity, enticing the naïve with monetary, material, power gains to pervert the mind and soul of the young are only some of the habitual schemes employed by the Chinese regime. “Confucius Institutes” and “Confucius Classrooms” are the necessary media to spread the contagions (viruses) of spiritual AIDS. Those who are lured into bed by the façade of fake beauty and prosperity will face a certain deadly result – the demise of a person’s soul and conscience. Indeed, America is under attack. America is in danger.

哈崗学区的学委会以4-1的投票通过允许中共党政 – 一个非法的罪犯政权在本学区(中学)提供教材(推荐师资)建立“孔学堂”。 学委会的这种非经道德后果考量的举动实在令人愤怒、沮丧与震惊。 中共党政的工具“汉办”所捐赠给哈崗学区的三万美元只不过是其罪犯政权的“全球专制文化渗透”战略的一个小诱饵而已。 其对全球人类道德良知的侵蚀与污染的严重后果是不可估量的。 非法的中共党政知道得很清楚: 要想稳固其罪犯政权并使其“合法化”,它必须以攻为守,用文化腐蚀渗透有效地阉割与消灭所有世界人们的道德良知。 用教中文为掩盖,用中国潜在的商业机会为诱饵,用要挟、利诱、恐吓为手段搜罗众多的道德混乱的懦弱者是中共党政的惯用伎俩。 “孔学院”与“孔学堂”是有效地传播精神爱滋病毒的中介。 那些被胭脂涂抹的表象所欺骗、被“宦奴娼”的献媚所迷惑、被以虐杀与迫害的强权所要挟威吓而与邪恶共枕相交的人们至终会面临必然的致命后果 – 人的灵魂与良知的灭亡。 美国正面临严重的危险。 美国正在被剧毒致命的中共专制党政的“软冷战”所攻击。

Throughout its reign of terror since the communist regime took power by the power of the guns in 1949, 70-80 million innocent lives in China perished in peace time through persecution, starvation, torture, labor camps and mass-murder. And the anti-humanity crimes/atrocities still continue today. Yet the most despicable aspect of the Chinese tragedy is not the misery, suffering and deaths of the Chinese people under the cruelest tyranny led by the biggest mass-murderer in human history – Mao. It is the denial, distortion, perversion of the historical facts/the truths the Chinese communist regime imposed on the Chinese population today. The spiritual castration of the Chinese population via the tools implemented by the Chinese educational system renders the Chinese people impotent, unable, unwilling and fearful to face the simple truths. “Stockholm Syndrome” is the necessary result. The Chinese people today, under the tyranny and brainwashing, are unable and unwilling to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, good from evil. A curious yet nauseating phenomenon of Chinese eunuchs to serve the emperor is reappearing on the Chinese cultural landscape. All communist anti-human atrocities through various vicious political moments such as anti-rightist movement, Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, etc..., are all but wiped out from the Chinese classrooms and history books. Now the Chinese students, from primary schools to colleges, have no knowledge whatsoever about Tiananmen Square Massacre merely 20 years ago. Today in China, the Christians are still being persecuted and jailed. The Tibetans and other minorities are still being suppressed. The dissidents are still being jailed. The “Great Fire Wall of China” over the internet to control information on the internet is still being erected to prevent the Chinese from knowing the truth in the modern age. The Falungong practitioners are still being tortured and their organs harvested by force to make money for the state. The inhuman and inhumane “One Child” policy is still being enforced with millions of unborn/newborn babies killed by the government each year. Taiwan, a democratic Chinese state, is still being threatened daily by thousands of Chinese missiles. All the terrorist states, totalitarian regimes and enemies of freedom (from Sudan to Iran to North Korea to Cuba…) around the world are still being supported and sponsored by the Chinese communist Party-State. The list goes on and on…

自从中共罪犯恐怖政权自1949年用暴力篡权后,七千至八千万无辜的人们在政治迫害、人为饥荒、劳改洗脑、折磨虐待与肆无忌惮的大屠杀中丧生于非战争年代。 其非正常死亡人数超过两次世界大战的总和。 这个反人类的罪犯行径今天仍在持续。 可是中国的悲剧最令人发指的一面并不是人们生理的苦难、折磨与肉体的死亡;也不是在人类历史上的最残暴的政权、最大屠夫毛泽东的统治下被虐杀所死的人数记录。 中国发生的最可怕的悲剧在于专制政治对人的精神良知的摧残、阉割、污染与灭绝。 通过洗脑与对历史的篡改与扭曲、通过建立对强权的恐惧、通过建立一个难以分割的奴隶与主子之间的互虐依存、通过灭绝人们在信仰层次中对真实、正义、自由与尊严的追求、、,中共党奴朝在人与神,人与自身灵智,人与对幸福的追求之间建立的“火墙”与“长城”已基本成型。 分裂的人格与屈膝而活的人们已充斥着以世代为奴为传统的亚洲大陆。 今天的中文系的人们已被自身的恐惧与灵智的混乱扭曲到只求生理存活、只顾人身洞穴(真是“孔”学)功能、只懂敌友、你我、内外、高低、强弱、输赢而不顾真假、正邪、是非、自由与奴役的精神侏儒。 “斯德哥尔摩综合征”是一个必然的病态结果。 令人作呕的自我阉割的“宦奴娼”为“国”为“祖”为“脸”为“皇”受难捐躯成了儿童青年们的奋斗目标。 中共党奴朝的教育体系与学校为成批制造这样的“宦奴娼”提供了极为有效的场所、工具与媒介。

在这些有效的洗脑中介场所中,所有中共党奴朝的反人类罪行已从所有的教科书与历史书中删除了。 土改、反右、大跃进、文革是中文系统的学生们一无所知的。 只有20年历史的天安门大屠杀对中国的学生们只是一纸空白。 更不要说今天中共党政对宗教人士的迫害、对异见人士的囚禁与劳教、对法轮功的打压与惨绝人寰的强迫移植人体器官了。 由于“一胎制”所造成的人间惨剧也无人提起。 精神、道德与历史的残疾是中共党政教育体制所必然产生的怪胎。 国际上的中共外交政策也是中国学堂中的禁区话题: 中共党奴朝对民主台湾的军事威胁、中共对世界上专制政权与恐怖组织(苏丹、伊朗、北韩、古巴、、)的支持与军援、等等都是不能触及的“国家机密”。 这些中共的罪恶事实是罄竹难书的。

Now the communist Party-State in China wants to export not only their toxic products (from daily human food to pet food, from toys for children to building materials) around the world, they want to export their mind-numbing spiritual narcotics around the world to effectively castrate the conscience of the free people. The toxic programs such as “Confucius Institutes” and “Confucius Classrooms” are the must for the illegitimate criminal enterprise in China to legitimize itself; for once you accept the premise of Confucianism, the legitimacy by the origin of a government’s moral foundation will be cast aside and never questioned. Social hierarchy by race, gender, nationality, governmental positions and physical survival will become the primary concern for the population. Soulless zombies will crawl on every inch of the land to look for those still alive to devour. Material temptations, potential money-making schemes, power-thirst, face-saving will become the primary motive for human behavior. Is this what you the parents want for your children??

现在中共党奴朝要把它的洗脑造残疾的一套教育毒害体制,与它的毒商品出口(从毒人食品到毒宠物食品,从毒玩具到毒建筑材料、、,)一起带到全世界,带到你们的社区来。 它在有效地阉割了中国人们灵智后,现在又要将他们的精神毒品带到你们的家门口毒害你们的后代子孙。 “孔学院”与“孔学堂”就是贩毒传病的中共特效场所。 只要你不加询问地接受了“孔学”的专制前提,你所关心的就不再会是真假、是非、正邪、自由与奴役、幸福与虐待等等真实的价值了。 你所关心的将会是按年龄、官职、性别、种族、职业、权力而分的社会等级。 你所关心的将会是如何在这个等级制中不惜一切手段攀登专制的阶梯。 你所关心的将是你的权力,而不是你的权利。 吃人的“活死人”将会爬遍这世界的每一个角落,寻找那些灵智尚存的人们去撕咬吸血,直到所有的人都变成“活死人”(Zombies)。 这就是你想要你的后代去做的吗? 这就是你想为你的后代所准备的教育、生活与工作的环境吗?

Now some members on the school board of Hacienda La Puente District want to invite such a regime/a criminal entity to provide educational material (maybe teachers as well) for your children. I now question the motive behind the decisions by those who voted “yes”: Is it the free lunch (the free money and material) donated to the school district that lured you into such a vote? Is it the power, face/vanity and social status that enticed you to make such a decision? Is it a thorough lack of moral consideration that prevented you from inquiring the motives of the Chinese communist regime in its effort to spread despotism around the world by challenging the validity of freedom/democracy with neo-authoritarianism/neo-Fascism/neo-Nazism? Why do people like Mr. Hsu want to connect our school district and educational establishment with such a criminal regime? What are the connection and secret dealings between Mr. Hsu and the Chinese communist government? Who approached whom in the first place? If we don’t allow foreign spies to steal our military and economic intelligence, why do we allow hostile foreign influence to be introduced into our community by some people acting as agents for an evil cultural-infiltration and take over?

现在哈崗学区学委的某些成员要把这样一个制造“活死人”的罪犯党政“引狼入室”地请入一个美国学区的中学建立“孔学堂”并用制造“活死人”的教材洗脑你们的后代。 我只想在此质问那些投“许可”票的学委们: 你们为什么有此举动? 是你们被“孔学堂”的免费和中共的捐款所诱惑吸引? (贩毒者们为了奴役吸毒者从来都是先提供免费毒品。 什么是你的代价?)或是“孔学堂”给你们带来的地位、脸面、虚荣与权力使你们投了“许可”票? 还是你们本身就缺少的道德纤维是你们不想、不敢询问中共党政在全球设“孔学院”、“孔学堂”的洗脑世人、为自身合法逃罪找出路的动机? 你们难道看不到中共所代表的新专制、新共产、新法西斯、新民族社会主义(新纳粹)正在世界蔓延,正在作为一种邪恶理念挑战西方(美国)所代表的 自由宪政的良知理念吗? 为什么像徐乃星一样的学区委员会主动将一个罪犯共产政权的洗脑教育介绍到美国的中学学区里来呢? 徐委员与中共党政到底是什么关系,到底有什么样的见不得人的交易? 中共与徐委员,究竟谁先联系的谁? 如果美国政府会将窃取军事、政治及经济情报的中共间谍绳之于法,为什么会允许一个敌对国(一个自由的天敌)对美国在文化交流的合法掩盖下肆无忌惮地进行文化腐蚀与专制洗脑呢? 对那些作为中共党政的文化间谍、对中共毒文化渗透效力取益的所谓“美裔华人”,美国政府与美国的热爱自由的人们应对他们如何鉴定?

These questions must be asked and must be answered. Not only do I question the wisdom in the school board decision, I question the motive and morality in the school board decision. I urge all the parents in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District to take action of non-cooperation, non-participation to resist and defeat the Chinese communist scheme of “Confucius Classrooms”. The evil will not succeed unless we allow the evil to succeed. We must safeguard our freedom. We must inform our children and educate them about the truth and reality. We must bear our responsibility as free beings. Let’s roll!

这些问题一定要被提出与解答。 我在此不光严肃质问学区学委员们的理性与常识性,我也在此严肃质问以徐乃星为主的一些学委们的动机与道德良知。 我呼吁所有在哈崗学区的学生父母们站起来、行动起来,用“不合作”与“不参与”来抗拒与击败中共党奴朝在美国、在全球用“孔学堂”进行专制洗脑的反自由战略。 如果良知的人们都能站起来采取行动抗击邪恶的腐蚀与侵袭,邪恶是不会成功的。 我们对我们的社会、对我们的后代的精神健康有着不可回绝的道德责任。 让我们行动起来吧!

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