Stomach First, Freedom Second??

香香嘴,臭臭腚,硬硬吊 - 满足人体洞穴的功能是一个中国人生命的意义
Satisfying the functions of one's body cavities - The meaning of life for a Chinese person.
Those who want to sacrifice freedom for a little security deserve neither. --- Thomas Jefferson
那些想用放弃他们自身的自由去换取一点安逸的人们既得不到自由,也决不会有安逸。 --- Thomas Jefferson
Dear Visitors:
Those now in the Chinese communist regime and the Western leftist ideology, and sadly most Chinese on the mainland and overseas, due to their moral confusion and intellectual muddle-headedness, often argue with those on the right that freedom has to be foregone before one is fed. This "stomach first" theory is the backbone of all the authoritarian regime and all the leftist governments in the world.
Yet, these intellectually self-castrated small men will never examine the logic embedded in their idiotic rhetoric and demagoguery, for it is nothing more than anti-logic and self-deception.
This idea of "stomach first" presupposes material values such as food and housing are coming from the government and the collective. They will deny the truth that any initiatives that create material values will only come from individuals. An individual is the basic unit from which any possible action will take place. Any forced movement from an individual, by the pressure of the government and the collective is fundamentally negative and destructive.
Logic dictates that only voluntary actions from individuals can be ultimately positive, creative and constructive. No one can force anything to think, to create or to initiate. Physical laws also dictate that any outside force upon an object will only inflict an equal force of reaction from that object. No constructive purpose and result will come out of any forced involuntary actions from any individual.
This is why in a capitalistic economy and society, interactions between individuals are often positive and constructive. Two willing, active individuals can result in "1+1=2 with a positive outcome. In tyranny, two individuals can only, with their forced interaction, result in 1-1=0. With a Zero Sum game played constantly in a tyranny, man-eating-man-eating-man..., is the only destructive vicious cycle one can witness. No positive value, none, will come out of this Zero Sum game. This is why in China, sabotaging each other, factional struggle, political intrigue all become the constant headache and source of frustration of every day life. Self-castration and sabotaging others are the only game to play and even a form of entertainment for people to engage in, just to have a little self-pitying fun.
This is why in a "stomach first" tyranny, people are constantly hungry and in desperate poverty, while in a "freedom first" capitalist society, people never have to worry about their material well-being, for positive values are constantly being created by free individuals. It is this "stomach first" mindset, force-fed upon a population by the authoritarian governments, believed in by a spiritual deranged, morally degenerated, intellectually deprived, cultural-narcotic addicted passive people, that has kept evil on the top of the throne. Often the truth is not that the government oppresses people, it is that the people, by believing in this "stomach first" rhetoric and propagada, allow the government to continue to oppress them. This deep self-deception is still continuing.
China, due to its despotic-oriented, pictorial language which stresses only on the physical appearances, not the abstract essence of reality, is forever mired in this "stomach first" mentality which dooms them to eternal darkness of slavery. Unless and until this evil mentality is reversed and people start to see the simple truth about individual freedom being the fountainhead of anything of value, any constuctive and creative energy, unless and until the "freedom first" mentality firmly takes roots in people's mind, the Chinese people will continue to suffer the vicious cycle and the misery they have created themselves by believing in that humans are only physical, material and nihilistic creatures, not spiritual, mental and essential beings of existence.
Let's be never tired to propagate the value and the ideal of "freedom first", for only with freedom, we humans can have hope and a future.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯