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陈学委用学童作工具推孔 Using School Kids as Tools

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:02 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Veterans Protest at School Board Meeting(Correspondent Photo by William Hallstrom)


用人生观尚未形成的学童作为政治工具、打击政敌以满足个人权欲野心是毛共与所有专制政体惯用的伎俩。 红卫兵在文革中的被用、被欺、被弃就是一例。 陈介飞学委在学委会上用他的共产心态腐蚀、利用、伤害学童以达自己的政治图谋与野心。 此举令人发指。

陈介飞同时用“种族主义”的美左惯用标签攻击反对者们。 但事实是: 我们这些抗议者们有黑人、白人与亚裔人,而支持者们则清一色是亚裔华人(美籍)。 正是陈介飞们在试图混淆理念与族群。 他真的用不着孔学堂去散布共产;他的心态早已在美左教育中共产化了并正用此毒害学童们。

Kai Chen's Words:

Using teenagers in their formative years as political tools to attack one's political opponents, to advance one's political agenda and to satisfy one's political ambition is often applied as a viable/effective scheme in Mao's Cultural Revolution. Red Guards' experience is only one such example. They were deceived, used and abandoned. Many have been irreparably damaged by their own ignorance/stupidity and those in power. Jay Chen (a member of Hacienda School District Board) is employing the same despicable tactic as Mao and the communist regime in China did. The students who are being used, the parents of these students and those who are concerned with the issue of "Confucius Classroom" must be aware of such a scheme and oppose such a communist tactic with vigor.

Jay Chen's attack on the opponents using "racist" label (a increasingly impotent weapon from American left) was so lame and predictable that it bored me to death. He was so blind by his Marxist views that he never saw that the opponents are very racially mixed with blacks, whites and Asians while the teenage supporters were all Asian. Confusing ideologies with race and ethnicity is another frequently used communist tactic. I guess Jay Chen does not need "Confucius Classroom" to spread communism. He with his shamelessly using the innocent, distorting the facts and confusing the issues is quite communistic already, maybe contributive to his days of education in Harvard. He is now using his Marxist learning to poison the teeage schoolkids.



Opponents of Confucius Classroom clash with student supporters at Hacienda La Puente board meeting


By Maritza Velazquez, Staff Writer
Posted: 07/23/2010 05:50:45 PM PDT

John Kramar (former US Army) and who is against the Chinese classroom program engages in debate with Jeffrey Tso, 16, of Wilson High School. Military veterans and others protest the incorporation of the Confucius Classroom at the Hacienda La Puente Board of Education meeting in Industry on Thursday, July 22, 2010.

Rudy Obad (retired Marine) interrupts the proceedings to make his statement against the Confucius Classroom at the Hacienda La Puente Board of Education meeting.
(SGVN/Correspondent Photo by William Hallstrom/SVCITY)

INDUSTRY - A Hacienda La Puente Unified school board meeting turned contentious Thursday night after opponents of a Chinese government-funded program clashed with student supporters, sparking allegations of racism in the community.
Emotions ran high as critics demanded board members abandon the agreement with the Chinese Language Council International, or Hanban, for the Confucius Classroom at Cedarlane Middle School, claiming it is a means for China to infiltrate America.

"I'm not against learning Chinese, I'm against Communists teaching Communism," said Rudy Obad, a 74-year-old Hacienda Heights resident who served 30 years in the Marine Corps.

High school students presented their own arguments, even holding up "Education" signs showing their support of the Confucius Classroom.

"The phobia and fear we have in this community doesn't mean we shouldn't have this course," Wilson High School junior Jeffrey Tso told the school board, calling critics extremist and irrational.

The issue has been debated since the Chinese language and culture program was approved 4-1 by the school board in February.

At that meeting, the majority vote fostered a deal with Hanban, which will provide $30,000 for the program, including the salary of a Chinese instructional aide, 1,000 textbooks, CDs and other educational materials.

District officials said the funding will allow the expansion of existing language and culture programs despite major cutbacks from the state, giving students a competitive edge in a global job market.

At the meeting Thursday, some accused board members of coercing students to voice their support.

"Do not use these kids. You're damaging them," said Kai Chen, a vocal opponent. "They don't know what they're talking about."

As the students approached the podium to address the school board, several opponents groaned, muttered under their breath and shook their heads in disbelief.

Following public comment, board member Jay Chen spoke of "racist" remarks made by some community members.

"We don't have room for that in our district," he said.

Dani Tucker, president of the district's teachers association, sought to address concerns that a Chinese teacher would be replacing American teachers in the classroom.

State law requires the class be taught by a California credentialed teacher.

"We would be fighting it tooth and nail if a Chinese teacher took an American teacher's job," she said, adding that it's her job to protect those in her union.

The teacher is California credentialed and will adhere to state standards, officials said.

A group of Hacienda La Puente teachers visited Beijing last month to learn more about the Confucius Classroom. The trip was subsidized by the College Board and Hanban, Tucker said.

According to its Web site, Hanban developed the Confucius Institutes in 2004 to promote Chinese language and culture abroad.

In 2009, there were 282 Confucius Institutes established at universities in 88 countries, including programs at UCLA, San Francisco State and San Diego State.

Last year, it was expanded to K-12 schools and there are currently 272 classrooms worldwide.


626-962-8811, ext. 2718

Read more: Opponents of Confucius Classroom clash with student supporters at Hacienda La Puente board meeting - Whittier Daily News


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