陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

撤除毛像征签名/签名录 Signature Collection to Remove Mao

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:31 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

新唐人视频 -- 世事關心:紅色情結40年 (尼克松图书馆与中共渗透)

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Mao and Zhou Statues in Nixon Library/Museum 陈列在尼克松图书博物馆的毛与周铜像

www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 陈凯博客

Remove the Most Anti-America Symbol in a Most American Institution Immediately

June 15, 2009

When has the most notorious, the biggest mass murderer in human history become one of the "world leaders"? Why does Mao - the murderer of more than 70,000,000 Chinese people in peace time get enshrined in one of the most prestigious US presidential libraries? Why does interest trump over values in America nowadays? Let's go to Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California to witness a most distressing and despicable scene in American political cultural landscape. There Mao's statue along with Zhou's statue sit in a dignified and heroic posture, enshrined as some kind of saviors of the world. What has happened to America?

Today we as freedom-loving new immigrants from China and American citizens, demand the immediate removal of Mao and Zhou's statues from the Nixon Library. They should be discarded to where they truly belong - the garbage bin of human history. We are to collect signatures of those whose consciences still remain, who still demand that the historical wrongs must be righted. Butchers of innocent people, the sworn enemy of freedom with American blood in Korea and Vietnam wars should never be eulogized and commemorated. It is the victims of communism who must be remembered and whose deaths and grievances must be addressed.

Hereby we are to appeal to the board of directors of the Nixon Library to remove Mao and Zhou's statues immediately from the premises of the library and dispose them in a proper fashion.

The initiators of the signature collection: Kai Chen, Henry Zhang, Jojo Guo, Decheng Lu.

Petitioners to contact via email: 1c or 1c or phone: 323-734-3071

曾几何时人类历史上最大的屠夫杀人狂成了一个世界领袖? 为什么毛泽东,一个在和平时期杀害了70,000,000 中国人的魔鬼成了在最代表美国自由精神的总统图书馆里的圣人? 为什么今天在美国利益超过了原则价值成为了人们的主宰? 那我们就到在加州橘子县的尼克松纪念图书馆去见证一下这个最使人沮丧恶心的事实吧。 在那里毛与周的铜像被以一种被崇敬的姿态展示在一个最显著的位置,似乎他们被尊崇成了救世主。 一个道德罪正在被一种道德的无知与混乱所犯下。

今天我们作为热爱自由的来自中国的新移民和美国公民诚恳地与愤怒地呼吁将毛与周的铜像马上从尼克松纪念图书馆中撤除。 恶魔屠夫的形象早就应该被抛到历史的垃圾堆里去了。 我们在此征集签名并向所有良知尚存的人们呼吁:那些双手沾满了中国人,美国人与世界人们鲜血的屠夫与自由的天敌绝不应在美国被纪念与崇拜。 人们应该记住的是那些千千万万的无辜的在共产专制下的被虐杀的受害者们。


请求发起人:陈凯,张汉废,郭树人 鲁德成
志愿签名者请洽: 电邮 – 1c or 1c 电话: 323-734-3071


Petition Signatures for Removal of Mao Statue from Nixon Library

No World Leader, but World Murderer
Remove Mao - the Man-eater's Statue from Nixon Library
Remember the Holocaust under Communism

www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 陈凯博客

如你要加入签名,请洽:电邮 email: elecshadow@aol.com 见陈凯博客首页 See opening page of Kai Chen Blog (www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com) 电话 phone: 323-734-3071

The Following list is being compiled via phone calls, emails and direct signing of individuals around the world. The collection of names/signatures will continue indefinitely till Mao statue is removed from Nixon Library/Museum: (以下联署名单要求逐毛是通过电话,电邮与直接签名从全世界各地汇集的。 此搜集签名活动将会一直进行下去知道毛塑像被从尼克松图书博物馆逐出。)


1. Kai Chen 陈凯 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 2, Jojo Guo 郭树人, 3. Henry Zhang 张汉废, 4. Decheng Lu 鲁德成 天安门自由斗士 (Tiananmen student). 5.Mr. Gao (Inner Mongolia), 6. Hugo Liu, 作家 Writer 7. Liao Mingzhong, 8. John Shen 9. Linburgh Wang 10. Shenxue 盛雪 Writer 作家 11.Dong Xin 12. Li Quiqin. 13. George Zhao. 14.Fiona Zhao 15.Hexiang Zhao 16. Hui Xin Lu 17. Albert King 18. Mo Fengjie 莫逢杰 19. Nonie Darwish http://www.arabsforisrael.com/ 20. Ted Balaker (Reason TV) 21 Zhi Sheng 22 Dave Gist (Writer) 23 Dominique Chen (Kai Chen's Daughter) 24 Candy Han(LA) 25 Chiu-I Lin(LA) 26 Lisa Tang(LA) 27 Shiao-bao Lu(LA) 28 Johnny Liu(LA) 29. Hu Ping 胡平 北京之春总编 http://beijingspring.com/ 30 Bian Hexiang 卞和祥 美国守护者联盟主席 31 Lu Xiong 32 Guo Long 33 Sheila from Georgia 34 Susan Grueneberg (Lawyer,Kai Chen's Wife) 35 Shura from Georgia 36 Elisabeth from Georgia 37 Zhang Jian 张健 38 Mo Jiangang (China) 39 Mr. Wei (China) 40 Mr. Xu Yi (London) 41 Chen Jianhua (Sydney) 42 Alex Chen (Kai Chen's Daughter) 43 Liu Yinquan 刘因全 中国民主党 http://chinasocialdemocraticparty.com/ 44 Fang Zhou 方舟 Writer 作家 45 Xiao Hong 46 Zhang Guoting 47 Cai Dengwen 48 Liu Guokai 刘国凯49 Wu Yue 吴越 50 Chen Zhao 51 Tang Baiqiao 唐伯桥 http://bbs.futurechinaforum.org/viewforum.php?f=109 52 Zeng Dajun 53 Lu Shishen 陆士绅 (China) 54 Chen Xi (China) 55, Wu Qian 56 Peng Xiaoming 彭小明 Germany 德国欧华导报编辑 全德学联主席 57 Wu Ming 武明 (Canada) 58 Ruan Jie 阮杰《天安门时报》总编 59 Frank Wen (SF) 60 Li Fengzhi 李鳳智 前中共國安對外情報幹部 61 Chen Bokong 陈破空 61 Cai shufang 蔡淑芳 (香港) 62 Zheng Yi 郑义 作家,独立笔会会长 63 Meng Fei 孟飞(黑龙江哈尔滨) 64 Guoyang Wang 王国扬 China 中国江苏 65 Oliver Woo 66 Cai guihua 蔡桂华 67 Shen Peizhi 沈培志 台灣加入聯合國促進 http://www.taiwan2un.org 台美工作室 http://www.taiwanus.net/la/index.htm 68 William R. Grueneberg (Kai Chen's Brother-in-law) 69 Yu Luojin 遇罗锦 作家 Novelist 70 Lu Ke 鲁克 71 Li Xianliang 李顯亮 72 Yu Jingtang 于景塘 73 Wu Jinying 吴金英 74 Zhang Ai 张爱 75 Li Guoyu 李国愚 76 Ye Guorong 叶国荣 77 Zhao Feng 赵峰 78 He Hui 何惠 79 Liu Xinhu 刘欣虎 80 Yan Lingru 燕凌茹 81 Zheng Cunzhu 郑存柱 82 Ren Xiaodong 任晓东 83 Tao Jun 陶君 84 Liu Yi 刘义 85 Huang Ben 黄奔 86 Wang Min 汪岷87 Chen Weiming 陈维明 (sculptor) 88 Chen Eryou 陈二幼 89 Li Qianwei 李前伟 90 Liu Bo 刘波 91 Wu Qian 吴倩 92 FengGuojiang 冯国将 former Rightist imprisoned in China 93 Wu Renhua 吴仁华 Writer 作家 94 Lu Jinhua 吕金花 95 Guo Ping 郭平 96 Chen Wenli 陈文立 97 Frank Lin 99 Huang Caiyu 黄采瑜 100 Charles Yong

101. He Zhanchun 何占春(基督徒,资深媒体人) 102 Fang Zheng 方政 (Tiananmen Victim) 103 Song Shuyuan 宋书元 (Tiananmen Student) 104 Wang Shujun 王书君 105 Wang Chuanzhong 王传忠 106 Wang Juntao 王军涛 (Tiananmen student leader) 107 Kong Lingxi 孔灵犀 108 Sun Yan 孙炎 109 Liu Lu 刘路 110 Liu Nianchun 刘念春 111 Li Jinkou 李进口 112 Yang Zi 羊子(王若望妻) 113 Tang Xuewu 汤学武 114 Wei Haoyong 危浩勇 115 Shao Huidi 邵慧娣(基督徒,维权人士) 116 Shen Yan 沈炎 117 Jin Yan 金炎 118 Gao Ping 高平 119 Gao Guangjun 高光俊 120 Tang Yuanxin (NY)121 Tang Qihuang 唐其煌 122 Dong Junmin 董觉民 123 Zeng Dajun 曾大军 124 Fu Shenping 付申平 125 Fu Shenqi付申奇 126 Yi Gai 易改 127 Wu Chunlai 武春来 128 Zhao Xin 赵鑫 129 Xiang Xiaoji 项小吉 (Tiananmen Student) 130 Guo Yanhua 郭炎华 131 Xie Weiqin 谢维勤 132 Xue Wei 薛伟 133 Wei Quanbao 魏全保 134 Liu Tai 刘泰 (HK)135 Lu Honglai 吕洪来 (Thailand)136 Wu Jiang 吴江 137 Pan Qing 潘晴 (New Zealand) 138 Song Youliang 宋友谅 (SF)139 Mo Fengwei 莫逢伟 140 He Xiaoming 何小明(基督徒,维权人士) 141 Li Shuchen 李書忱(李鳳智父)142 Pan Qiang 潘强 金融专业人士 US 143 Samuel Lee 李茂玄 144 Kee Lee 李奇 145 Asunta Crisp 146 Wu Bizhong 吴必忠 147 Zhang Junji 张君吉 148 Sarah Noonan 149 Eric Green 150 Richard Cai (Canada) 151 Lotus Lin (LA) 152 Ronthen 罗安谦 (Lapama) 153 Xu Yi 许毅 (UK) 154 Cai Yongmei 蔡詠梅 155 Lu Yi 吕易 (Melbourne) 156 Mr. Huang (Spain)黄河清(西班牙马德里·自由撰稿人)157 Yang Zi (NY) 羊子(美国纽约·退休者·民主运动者)158 Mr. Liang (SF) 梁联发(美国旧金山·退休者·印尼华侨)159. Mr. Xiong (SF) 熊若磐(美国旧金山·退休者·原大学教师)160. Mr. Yu (Ireland) 喻智官(爱尔兰·医生·自由撰稿人)161. Wang Xili (Beijing)王犀利(北京·工人·民主运动者)162. Cai Shufang (HK) 蔡淑芳(香港·记者)163. Chen Liqun (NY) 陈立群(美国纽约·工人·民主运动者)164. Wang Ce (Spain) 王策 (西班牙) 165. Wayne Huang 166. Lin Qigan 林其干 (US) 167. He Jian 何健(基督徒,法律人,维权人士)168. Mu Zhengxin 穆正新 169. David Li 170. Chen Liqun 陈立群 171. Xu Shu 徐庶 172. Wang Ju 王巨 173. Alexander Stram (LA) 174. Bob Yerkes (Northridge) 175. Hal Messinger (Apple Valley) 176. Joan Messinger (Apple Valley) 177. Tom Snyder (Simi Valley, CA) 178. Margie Tiritilli (Montebello, CA) 179. Barry L Wolfe (Woodland Hills) 180. Jurisille Wolfe (Woodland Hills) 181. Jay Titiyill (Montebello, CA) 182. Hally Stross (LA, CA 90064) 183. Lorie Clickmon 184. David Horowitz (David Horowitz Freedom Center)http://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/ 185. Al H (LA) 186. Lorraine Hamilton (Camarillo) 187. Phyllis Borby (Sherman Oaks) 188. Claudia Stitiz (Toluca Lake) 189. Penelope Alfonso (LA) 190. Elisabeth Ruiz (Beverly Hills) 191. Sean Ruiz (Beverly Hills) 192. Stephanie Knudson (Encino, LA) 193 Jeff Wienir (Sherman Oaks, CA) 194. Michael Finch (Horowitz Freedom Center, Studio City, CA) 195. Lila Wiener (Beverly Hills, CA) 196. David Wiener (Beverly Hills, CA) 197. Joe Lappan (Sun Beach, CA) 198. Toby Wisneski (Burbank CA) 199. Sharon Schuster (Sherman Oaks, CA) 200. Kathy Cleary (Santa Barbara, CA)

201. Thomas Cleary (Santa Barbara, CA) 202. Tom Snow (Santa Barbara, CA) 203. Caroline Williams (Woodland Hills, CA) 204. Dong Li (SF) 205. Mary Xihong Li (SF) 206. Freeman Tang, 汤宇 (Montreal) 207. He Wei 何威(La Puente) 208. Rina Dai 戴云娜 (LA)209. Lida Zhang 张里达 (LA)210. Victor Zhang (LA)211. Forest Yuan (LA)212. Wu Biyi 吴碧怡 (Alhambra) 213. Wang Youcai 王有才 214. Han Yicun 韩一村 (北京律师) 215. Chungchi Che 謝中之 (Boston) 216. Zhang Zhepei 张泽培(Canada 加拿大多伦多)217. William Grueneberg (LA) 218. Chen yangchao 陈泱潮 219. Zhang Sheng 张胜 (河南, Henan Province, China) 220. Fu Hu 伏虎 (巴蜀同盟会) 221. Kaiser Young (Madison, WI) 222. Lily Young (Madison, WI) 223. Sha Reiguo 沙瑞国 (NY) 224. Holly Wang (San Diego) 225. Tuan Nguyen (Florida)

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RE: 撤除毛像征签名/签名录 Signature Collection to Remove Mao

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:34 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Correspondence between Kai Chen and Nixon Library/National Archive

Kai Chen
1705 Victoria Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90019

Email: 1c
Phone: 323-734-3071
June 16, 2009

Mr. Tim Naftali: (Director of the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum)

Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
18001 Yorba Linda Blvd.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Phone: 714-983-9120, 714-993-5075

Dear Director Tim Naftali:

My wife and I visited the Nixon Presidential Library & Museum a few months ago. When I went to the section with display of bronze figures of “world leaders”, I was shocked to have found that Mao’s figure along with Zhou’s figure was displayed in a prominent position with intention to glorify and romanticize the biggest mass murderer in human history. (70,000,000 Chinese, many millions of Cambodians, many American soldiers killed in Korea and Vietnam, along with countless people still suffering misery/death under the current communist regime in China.)

The gross moral confusion and corruption in the decision made to display such figures horrified my wife and me. I am collecting signatures for a petition to remove and dismantle Mao and Zhou’s statues from the Nixon Library & Museum. I attach the petition form with this letter for your attention and reference.

Please contact me if you have already made the decision to remove Mao and Zhou’s statues from the premises of the facility.

With respect. Kai Chen

Dear Mr. Naftali (Director of Nixon Library/Museum):


Thanks for a talk with me today and I appreciate your candidness.

I do want you to know the position taken by those oppressed, persecuted and murdered by the communist regime in China. Today the atrocities continue. Legality and history are not the issue I am discussing with you. Morality is. Precisely because you now represent the US government, morality is even more of an issue. (We tax-payers are not just physical existences. We are indeed spiritual and moral.) This country is not founded by historians or some legal intellectuals, or some government for that matter. This country is founded by those with moral clarity and value convictions. Liberty, not tyranny, is what this country is about.

By displaying the image of dictators as heroes, glorifying, romanticizing Mao - the biggest mass murderer in human history, by entertaining communist officials whose only goal is to use the moral confusion and corruption of the US government and its personnel for the legitimacy of the brutal regime, by providing the ammunition for the communist regime to intimidate its own citizens to solidify an illegitimate party-state, the Nixon Library/Museum is in its own way committing an anti-America, anti-humanity crime.

Who is more important to the US as a country which is supposed to stand for freedom and liberty -- communist officials from the Chinese government (embassy and consulates)? Or the oppressed and persecuted people coming to America for the freedom and liberty they have been deprived all their lives in the old countries?

Please indicate your decision regarding this matter to me within a week. I will indeed take this issue to the American public, media and proper ways to display our outrage and moral indignation. You know where to find me.

With respect. Sincerely. Kai Chen - an American Citizen and tax-payer

Kai Chen - 1c phone: 323-734-3071, 323-734-2544



Dear Ms. Susan Donius (Assistant deputy in National Archive, Washington DC) : (CC: Tim Naftali)


www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com Kai Chen Blog

I have received your phone message. Thanks for a prompt response to this very important issue. And I will be waiting to hear your response in a written letter to me as you indicated. My fax machine is on and you or Mr. Naftali can send the response via fax indeed. (323-734-3071)

I am currently collecting signatures for a petition from all over the world to remove Mao's statue from Nixon Library. You can visit the above link to my blog to view all related material. I campaigned in 2007 to have successfully removed Mao's portrait from Alhambra City Hall in an art exhibit celebrating the Chinese New Year. http://www.kaichenforum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4502 (link to the coverage of the incident) http://www.committee100.org/media/media_...arlie%20Woo.pdf

To ensure our children living in a relatively healthy political culture, we as free people must be vigilant to all the poisons that have infiltrated and contaminated the American political and cultural landscape today (the main source of moral and spiritual pollution is coming from China with a despotic communist regime). Spiritual and moral poisons are especially insidious and deadly to this only remaining fortress of freedom. The importance of this issue cannot be overestimated. So far the signatories include prominent writers, dissidents, politicians and people from all walks of life, from all over the world. It will grow exponentially. We will make this issue known to this beloved country of ours, to American public. Maybe it is about time for the new immigrants/new citizens to educate the native-born Americans in their complacency not to forget what this country is all about. We are so tired of the unhealthy tendencies and moral degenerations we have witnessed in recent history of America. We do not want to live in a country in which government is not people's servant but a perceived savior/master of the people, in a country where only economic and political interests, not values and moral principles, dominate people's lives.

As I have previous pointed out: Who is more important to this great country of ours? The Chinese communist officials you try to entertain using Nixon Library/Museum (consciously or unconsciously legitimizing an illegitimate regime)? Or the ordinary freedom-loving people and victims of communism who come from the old country where they have been deprived of freedom all their lives? Indeed the US government recognizes China's government diplomatically . That does not mean the US recognizes the moral legitimacy and despotic values China represents and adheres to. USSR, South Africa, Vietnam and many other similar countries provide abundant examples. Nixon indeed went to China for the purpose of defeating the USSR - a country US recognized diplomatically. Have you ever considered the ill effect of such an exhibit of Mao's statue in Nixon Library on the freedom-loving people in China, the insidiously damaging effect of such exhibit to prompt a ruthless enemy of freedom to suppress the Chinese people in their fight for freedom? Remember Tiananmen Square Massacre? 20 years later the Chinese communist regime still refuses to admit its occurrence and makes every attempt to erase it from history and memories of the Chinese people.

The unhealthy phenomenon exhibited in the Nixon Library/Museum is a further manifestation of how low we have now become in our moral positions inside America and toward the world. The symbol of tyranny and murderous despotism is glorified and romanticized in an American Presidential Library/Museum. What an irony! We are glorifying the value we are fighting against. What a despicable phenomenon and a pathological contradiction!

I have made a call to FDR Presidential Library/Museum and inquired about whether it has a Stalin statue inside the library. (US and USSR were allies during WWII. Remember?) The curator told me they have never had such a thing and not planned to have such a thing. What is the discrepancy here and why there is a contrast in the policies governing National Archive? Mao was much more ruthless in murdering his own people than Stalin. The number of people murdered by Mao and his policies during peace time exceeds the deaths of both world wars. What happens here in American cultural institutions which are supposed to espouse liberty and freedom - the reason and purpose for the existence of this great country?? What happens in our conscience?

Please respond to me in your planned response. Thanks for the attention into this issue.

Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen

Mr. Naftali's Written Response to Kai Chen 6/26/09

June 26, 2009

Faxed to: 323-734-3071

[size=18]Mr. Kai Chen
Los Angeles, CA

Dear Mr. Chen:

I thank you for your letter of June 16 and I appreciated our telephone conversation on June 19. I also received your letter yesterday which was faxed to me and Susan Donius, Deputy Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries, and I understand you have conversed on this topic as well with her.

As I mentioned to you on the telephone, the current museum was transferred to the National Archives from the private Richard Nixon Foundation in July 2007. Starting that year we undertook a phased revision of the museum to make its exhibits consistent with the best standards of nonpartisan public history.

From the day I began my tenure as Director of the Richard Nixon Library and Museum, I have been uncomfortable with having the statue of Mao Zedong in a federal museum. When I asked why Richard Nixon would want a statue of Mao in his private museum, I was assured that President Nixon did not identify with Mao’s brutality – after all, he was long a champion of noncommunist Chinese leaders. Mao, I was told, was included in the gallery because of the former president wanted the likenesses of all the formidable international figures he has to deal with in his career.

As we work to change the nature of the museum, we have taken on one gallery at a time and I am just now completing the Watergate gallery. In response to your petition, I am having my museum staff post a notice in the World Leaders gallery that makes clear that President Nixon chose these figures for this gallery because they represented the formidable international figures he dealt with in his career. The US government is not honoring any of them by their presence. I hope that this will, at least, reduce the moral confusion that you perceived. Furthermore, as part of our program to update and revise the museum galleries which were originally conceived and installed by the private Nixon Foundation, we do intend to make changes to the World Leaders gallery in the near future.

Thank you again for raising your concerns to my colleagues and me. I very much appreciate your interest in the transformation of the Nixon Library’s museum.


Timothy Naftali
Director, Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum

Kai Chen
1705 Victoria Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90019

Mr. Timothy Naftali (Director of Nixon Library/Museum)
Nixon Presidential Library/Museum
18001 Yorba Linda Blvd.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886-3903

Dear Mr. Naftali:

Thank you for a prompt written response. I deeply appreciate it.

I thoroughly understand Mr. Nixon was an anti-communist throughout his dealing with USSR as Vice President in the Eisenhower administration, as well as a President with the Chinese communist regime. As I have indicated in the previous correspondence, I deeply appreciate what President Nixon did with regard to opening the door in China. I would not have met my future wife without his initiatives.

The crucial aspect of this very important issue is to distinguish Nixon's motive which was to defeat USSR to achieve world peace from that of Mao's which was only to maintain his own despotic power in a totalitarian society. To equate Mao with any figures in the "World Leaders" section is a gross perversion of the truth. World Leader? Mao was the world leader in only one respect - he murdered and caused deaths of millions upon millions of innocent lives, domestically and internationally. The number of deaths caused by Mao far exceeds that by any murderous monsters in human history. Even today, his evil shadow still dominates the Chinese and causes bloodshed in many places in the world. Mao is not formidable. He was despicable and diabolical. Only two men in human history can compare, but not surpass, Mao's crime/brutality against humanity - Hitler and Stalin. Today the Chinese despotic communist authorities continue to use Mao to mystify, to confuse, to intimidate and suppress all dissent in the world, from domestic to international, from inside China's society to overseas Chinese communities. Mao's statue, with Zhou's (an accomplice of Mao's atrocities in China and the world), only serves to legitimize a criminal regime. Recognizing China diplomatically must be separated from recognizing Chinese communist moral authority. In this regard, Nixon Library/Museum failed. And I am saddened but very certain because of the display of a world criminal in a heroic and romantic posture inside an American institution, many Chinese and freedom loving people in the world are legitimately (by the rhetoric of the despotic regimes) being tortured, persecuted and murdered. The Nixon Library/Museum must rectify this perversion morally, must come clean in its conscience, must face the moral responsibility and the monstrous consequences of its own action/decision. The Nixon Library must remove Mao's (and Zhou's) statue from the premises of this prestigious American institution. Moral confusion and corruption should not be the message it wants to send to the freedom-loving people in the world.

I deeply appreciate your initial moral concerns when you took over the Nixon Library/Museum operation. The conscience in all of us should be our moral compass to direct us and guide this great country of ours. Recording history must bear a moral purpose in mind - to advance the cause of freedom in the world. Nothing is value-free.

I will continue to collect signatures for the petition to remove Mao's statue from the Nixon Library. I will see it through, with or without your help to question everyone's conscience. Maybe the first step, as I suggest, is to remove the title "World Leaders" from the section of display. The next step is to make a public announcement to remove the Mao statue, along with Zhou's, and to inform the world the moral considerations of your decision. The existence of this great country of ours is not to please anybody. It is to advance human freedom. If we as American citizens lose our sight of our moral purpose for existence, we will be no different from other despotic, nihilistic, purposeless countries. We are not passive recorders and receivers of history. We are the active interpreters and makers of history. The choice is ours.

I thank you again for your attention on this very important issue. If you have any questions or you want to inform me about the changes you intend to make in the Nixon Presidential Library, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will appreciate that.

Best wishes to you. Sincerely, Kai Chen


Dear Ms. Susan Donius (Assistant deputy in National Archive, Washington DC) : (CC: Tim Naftali)


www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com Kai Chen Blog

I have received your phone message. Thanks for a prompt response to this very important issue. And I will be waiting to hear your response in a written letter to me as you indicated. My fax machine is on and you or Mr. Naftali can send the response via fax indeed. (323-734-3071)

I am currently collecting signatures for a petition from all over the world to remove Mao's statue from Nixon Library. You can visit the above link to my blog to view all related material. I campaigned in 2007 to have successfully removed Mao's portrait from Alhambra City Hall in an art exhibit celebrating the Chinese New Year. http://www.kaichenforum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4502 (link to the coverage of the incident) http://www.committee100.org/media/media_...arlie%20Woo.pdf

To ensure our children living in a relatively healthy political culture, we as free people must be vigilant to all the poisons that have infiltrated and contaminated the American political and cultural landscape today (the main source of moral and spiritual pollution is coming from China with a despotic communist regime). Spiritual and moral poisons are especially insidious and deadly to this only remaining fortress of freedom. The importance of this issue cannot be overestimated. So far the signatories include prominent writers, dissidents, politicians and people from all walks of life, from all over the world. It will grow exponentially. We will make this issue known to this beloved country of ours, to American public. Maybe it is about time for the new immigrants/new citizens to educate the native-born Americans in their complacency not to forget what this country is all about. We are so tired of the unhealthy tendencies and moral degenerations we have witnessed in recent history of America. We do not want to live in a country in which government is not people's servant but a perceived savior/master of the people, in a country where only economic and political interests, not values and moral principles, dominate people's lives.

As I have previous pointed out: Who is more important to this great country of ours? The Chinese communist officials you try to entertain using Nixon Library/Museum (consciously or unconsciously legitimizing an illegitimate regime)? Or the ordinary freedom-loving people and victims of communism who come from the old country where they have been deprived of freedom all their lives? Indeed the US government recognizes China's government diplomatically . That does not mean the US recognizes the moral legitimacy and despotic values China represents and adheres to. USSR, South Africa, Vietnam and many other similar countries provide abundant examples. Nixon indeed went to China for the purpose of defeating the USSR - a country US recognized diplomatically. Have you ever considered the ill effect of such an exhibit of Mao's statue in Nixon Library on the freedom-loving people in China, the insidiously damaging effect of such exhibit to prompt a ruthless enemy of freedom to suppress the Chinese people in their fight for freedom? Remember Tiananmen Square Massacre? 20 years later the Chinese communist regime still refuses to admit its occurrence and makes every attempt to erase it from history and memories of the Chinese people.

The unhealthy phenomenon exhibited in the Nixon Library/Museum is a further manifestation of how low we have now become in our moral positions inside America and toward the world. The symbol of tyranny and murderous despotism is glorified and romanticized in an American Presidential Library/Museum. What an irony! We are glorifying the value we are fighting against. What a despicable phenomenon and a pathological contradiction!

I have made a call to FDR Presidential Library/Museum and inquired about whether it has a Stalin statue inside the library. (US and USSR were allies during WWII. Remember?) The curator told me they have never had such a thing and not planned to have such a thing. What is the discrepancy here and why there is a contrast in the policies governing National Archive? Mao was much more ruthless in murdering his own people than Stalin. The number of people murdered by Mao and his policies during peace time exceeds the deaths of both world wars. What happens here in American cultural institutions which are supposed to espouse liberty and freedom - the reason and purpose for the existence of this great country?? What happens in our conscience?

Please respond to me in your planned response. Thanks for the attention into this issue.

Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen

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