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尊神vs. 崇魔 “In God We Trust” vs. “In Devil We Worship”
尊神vs. 崇魔 “In God We Trust” vs. “In Devil We Worship”
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:39 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
“In God We Trust” vs. “In Devil We Worship”
尊神vs. 崇魔
By Kai Chen 陈凯 June 23, 2010 Reprint 10/16/2011
陈凯一语: Kai Chen’s Words:
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District’s decision to invite the Chinese communist government, with its funding, teachers and educational material, into our high school classrooms violates the spirit of “Pledge of Allegiance” that the School Board members recite every time they meet. Can “In God We Trust” go hand in hand with “In Devil We Worship”? Tossing poison mushrooms into our salad and adding fecal matter into our dishes to achieve “cultural diversity” and “moral relativism” will only corrupt and pervert our moral judgment and divide America. There can never be a “Virgin Whore”. Neither can there ever be a “Devil God”. --- Kai Chen
哈崗学区的邀请中共党政教材与资助进入美国中学课堂的决定是与“忠诚美国誓言”的精神截然相违背的。 “我们只相信神”的美国精神能与“崇毛崇权崇魔”的中共党政的邪灵共存和谐吗? 将毒蘑菇拌在我们的沙拉里,将粪便搅在我们的饭碗中去达到美左所谓的“多样化”与“道德相对”和“文化等同”是与美国宪法与独立宣言的精神背道而驰的。 世界上从没有过“婊子牌坊”,也不可能有“鬼神同舞”。 --- 陈凯
(Above painting was displayed in the Alhambra City Hall in 2007, in a Chinese New Year’s Day art exhibit. My protest against such display resulted in the removal of it from the City Hall. )
In the spring of 2007, a painting of Mao and Washington together was displayed in the Alhambra City Hall, under the disguise of celebration of Chinese New Year – the Year of Pig. After I learned about this perverse display, I protested to the City Hall officials, demanding its removal. (To learn about this issue, click on this link: http://www.kaichenforum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4502 ) Ever since then I have found myself in a constant battle against an insidious, yet very dangerous moral confusion/perversion in America, not just among the Chinese Americans, but among most Americans with a leftist-liberal bent.
My current battle over Hacienda La Puente Unified School District’s decision to allow the communist Chinese regime to fund a “Confucius Classroom”, to provide the teaching personnel and material for such a program, only demonstrates how deep and how pervasive this moral perversion/corruption has infected and contaminated America.
“… One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Before each School Board meeting convenes, all attendants stand up with their hand on their chests and chant “Pledge of Allegiance to the United States”. Watching some of the School Board members who voted to allow “Confucius Classroom” into our high schools, with their pretentious and wooden expressions, I don’t know whether I want to laugh or I want to cry. Don’t they know their own very action/decision has already violated everything they are saying in their Pledge of Allegiance?
“One Nation Under God”, but they are inviting a Communist Party-State that is Anti-God, that is acting as God and above God to its own citizens, into our classroom to pervert American values, to sabotage the foundation of this Constitutional Republic. “With liberty and justice for all”, don’t they know they are condoning a murderous communist regime that denies justice and liberty to all the Chinese citizens, by making it (the People’s Republic) sound normal and acceptable to our youngsters? “Indivisible”, how can the School Board action not be divisive when they want to add water to our gas tank, to force matter and anti-matter together, to spin right and wrong/good and evil/truth and falsehood into a pot of confusion? They want to mix God and Devil into one, using “moral relativism”, “multi-culturalism”, “diversity” to muddy the water and poison our mindset and that of our children. Their tool? Marxist material dialectics with a Chinese yin-yang mentality – good is evil, truth is falsehood, right is wrong. Everything is only spinning around the axis of nothingness. Only political power is absolute and that political power, like Mao said, only comes from the muzzles of guns.
Jay Chen, a School Board member and one of the main advocates for inviting the communist regime of China into our classrooms, posted this message on my blog ( www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com ) in his attack on my position:
“There are no perfect countries in this world. You have chosen to move to one that was built on the backs of African slaves and Chinese coolie labor, that interned Japanese Americans for no crime other than ancestry, that refused to allow non-whites and women to vote, and that most recently invaded another country based on false pretense.
As someone who seems so obsessed with justice and liberty, have you somehow managed to justify these atrocities in your mind? If so then you are sicker than your writings reveal.”
To equate China and America morally seems to be the link for all the likes of Jay Chen. To them, the struggle in America to rid of slavery equates the worship of a State-slavery in China today. The internment of the Japanese Americans during WWII equates the Chinese Laogai (a gulag system in China to reeducate/punish dissidents) today. The collateral damage during American war against terror equates the deliberate murdering of innocent civilians during 9/11.., etc. The list of lies/deceptions goes on for these morally perverted zombies.
No wonder nowadays in America, you have people like Thomas Friedman of NY Times openly admiring the Chinese communist despotism, wishing the American left can have the same absolute power to “fundamentally transform” America, forcing its will on American population. No wonder nowadays you have “Mao’s Kitchen” and “Mao’s Diner” dotted all over American landscape. (I saw with my own eyes American youths eating in these establishments, quite obliviously and complacently, not knowing the posters right above them is saying (in Chinese) “Down with American Imperialism” and other anti-humanity, anti-freedom, communist slogans used during the murderous Chinese Cultural Revolution). No wonder nowadays you have Mao’s statue sitting in a dignified posture among the likes of Winston Churchill and Charles De Gaulle in the Nixon Library. No wonder nowadays you have Obama officials quoting Mao all the time and Mao’s image hanging among the White House Christmas tree ornaments. No wonder….
When Jay Chen and his girlfriend rounded up some Hacienda School District’s students, using them as tools to advance their political agendas, making them hold signs that says something like “Let us learn” by confusing the issues to attack the opponents positions, I couldn’t help but recall the years of the Cultural Revolution in China in which Mao used, abandoned and tortured the youths of China to advance his political agendas. Everyone ended up as the victims of Mao’s political scheme. The same game is being played by Jay Chen and the likes, even before the “Confucius Classroom” is implemented. So this is not so much of my feeling repugnant over the implementation of such a program. It is about the political cultural decay/degeneration in America that has been carefully orchestrated by the liberal left through mainstream media and American higher education of which people like Jay Chen are its products.
Is America a nation under God, or is it a government acting as God or positioning itself above God? Is America a nation governed by laws, or is it governed by men? Is American Constitution truly a suicide pact that allows anti-freedom, anti-God, anti-human, anti-life elements such as that represented by the Chinese communist regime to pervert, diminish, sabotage and eliminate this great nation that is the last hope, the last bastion of human freedom? We the American people must face this dangerous assault head on from American liberal left with their ubiquitous “political correctness”, and from the mortal threat of a mutated communism represented by China – a sworn enemy of human freedom. I for one will fulfill my duty as a free being. I hope you all will as well.

RE: 尊神vs. 崇魔 “In God We Trust” vs. “In Devil We Worship”
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:39 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Love China or Respect Human Beings, Choose one...
陈凯一语: 我想用“尊重人”而不是“爱人”更好一些。 一个没有人的尊严的文化是不可能有“爱”的表达的。 你用不着“爱”什么人,也不可能爱任何人,如果个体的人连基本的尊严都没有。
Kai Chen's Words: I suggest using "respect human beings" to replace "love human beings". Without basic human dignity, there can never be "love". You don't have to love anyone, and you are not capable to love everyone, if individual human beings have no dignity and self-respect.
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
作者 : 施化 2010-06-25 12:00 AM

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