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孔子课堂教材中发现的重大谬误与毒素 Poisonous Material
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:47 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
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Problems and Issues in the Introduction and Teaching
-Poisonous Material Provided by Chinese Government for Confucius Classroom-
By Kai Chen 陈凯 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
5/21/2010 Email: elecshadow@aol.com
“Confusing what is good or evil with what is different only reveals our own moral and intellectual corruption.” – Kai Chen
“混淆善恶(是非、真假、对错)与不同只能暴露我们自身的灵魂与理性的腐败。” -- 陈凯
With the consent of Hacienda La Puente School District, I roughly reviewed the material provided by the Chinese communist government for the Confucius Classroom to be opened in the fall of 2010. As I have expected and predicted, the communist propaganda, poisonous cultural elements, deceptions and lies are everywhere to be found in the material. I will now enumerate just a few below. Further inspection of the material and elimination of the problematic and poisonous elements is a must if the school district board is to be truly responsible for the mental and spiritual health of our children.
1. As I encountered a map of PRC (People’s Republic of China), with its borders including Taiwan, Tibet and other disputed territory, I immediately run into the problem with legitimacy and recognition. ROC (Republic of China – Taiwan) has its own map with its own borders that is much different from PRC’s. Communist China is recognized by UN and most countries in the world but without any legitimacy - a criminal enterprise by the muzzles of guns, deception, violence/threat of violence against its own citizens with a long list of anti-humanity atrocities (80 million innocent lives perished under the reigns of terror since 1949). Republic of China (Taiwan) is not recognized by UN and most countries in the world, but it is legitimate democratic country with a government by the consent of the governed. How will a teacher, being funded by the communist regime in China, adequately address and educate the students about the truth and morality with regard of this issue – recognition and legitimacy? Will a teacher mention Dalai Lama’s position on Tibet?
2. As I encountered the photo of Tiananmen Gate and Tiananmen Square, I wonder how the teacher (imported and funded by the communist regime) will explain the communist slogans on the Tiananmen Gate and Mao's (the biggest mass murderer in human history) portrait and corpse displayed there. Will the teacher mention Tiananmen Massacre in 1989?! Where is the “Tank Man” who has disappeared since 1989?
3. As I saw China’s five-starred flag, I wonder what the teacher will tell the students what it means: a symbol of bloodshed, violence, unconditioned submission and subjugation of the individual to the state will, a society centered around power and government, a state that enslaves human freedom and spirit.
4. Deception: In many instances, the Chinese and English expressions of the same concept/term are entirely different, even opposite. For example, in English, “Hanban” is supposed to be an NGO (non-governmental organization). But in Chinese, it clearly establishes that “Hanban” is just another government branch. Another example: Quite a few books are produced by the Communist Youth League with cooperation of the Chinese Consulates General overseas. The Chinese language clearly states such a fact. But this fact is never mentioned in English.
5. When I encountered the book “Art of War”, I wonder whether students this age should learn about intrigues, deception, and manipulation of the opponents’ emotions just to win.
6. When I saw the Confucius’ quotations, I wonder whether our children should adopt the fake morals such as “Of everything in the world, harmony is the most important”. What about Truth, Justice, Liberty and Human Dignity – the fundamental American values?
7. Some examples/stories/fables in the books for our parents and teachers to think about: (Poisons such as these are everywhere in the material.)
a. “If you are meek as a person, you will be trampled upon. If you are meek as a horse, you will be exploited and ridden by men.” 人善被人欺,马善被人骑。 (Doesn’t this diametrically oppose the Christian value “the meek shall inherit the earth”? Clearly a worship of power is established in such an expression.)
b. “If the hare is caught, the hound will be cooked and eaten.” 兔死狗烹。 (Should our kids learn not to finish what they started for fear of losing favors of those who employ them? A culture of “Use and being Used” is thus established.)
c. “Using suicide as a means to threaten/blackmail in order to achieve the end.” 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 (Should our kids learn the art of manipulation of human emotions by threatening suicide? What is difference of such a mentality from the Islamic suicide bombers? )
d. Definition of “morality” in the Chinese Dictionary I flipped through is a communist definition: A set of principles by which to behave according to one’s social and economic classes.
e. When a book talks about tourist sight in Beijing, it mentions ruins of Yuanmingyuan (It was looted and burnt down by the allied expedition). But it never mentions why allied forces from the West entered Beijing around the end of 19th century. It covers up the atrocities by the Boxers’ Rebellion to kill all foreigners and missionaries in China. Remember the “50 Days of Siege in Beijing”? Will the teacher, imported and funded by the communist regime, tell the students about the truth?!

RE: 孔子课堂教材中发现的重大谬误与毒素 Poisonous Material
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:48 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Invitation to Review Confucius School Material
Dear all:
Public review of Confucius Classroom material. Reporters are welcome.
Time: Friday 5/21/2010, 1:00 pm. Address: 15959 East Gale Ave. City of Industry, CA 91745
My friend Teresa and I have just reviewed the material for the Confucius Classroom program in Hacienda La Puente school district. Everything is as what I have expected -- the material is laden with poisons, deceptions, lies:
1. Against what the Chinese government claims, the "Hanban" is never a NGO. Stated clearly in Chinese on some of the books, "Hanban" claims to be a government organization directly under the communist control.
2. In quite a few books provided, the introduction clears states the Chinese Communist Youth League is behind the production of the material with the help from Chinese Consulate General in the US.
3. In the Chinese dictionary, the word "Morality" in Chinese has a communist definition: Morality is a principle according to social and economic classes.
4. In many of the stories, ancient Chinese folklore, formed expressions, etc..., worship of power, deception, manipulation of human relations without any moral principles are being blatantly taught. For example, there is a formed expression that "the meek is to be stepped upon" and "strong will take over". Remember what Christianity is teaching us: The meek shall inherit the earth. Opposing view of the world, isn't it?! (No wonder the Chinese follow Mao to worship political power only from muzzles of guns. Do you want your kids to do the same?)
The poison such as this is everywhere in the material. But if you don't speak and read Chinese, you will never know, for the Chinese version and English version are totally different. So the deception continues. The English speakers and readers will not detect the problem easily. I cordially invite you to please join me this Friday at 1:00 pm in the above address. I will explain what is exactly in the material.
Thanks for your attention. Best. Kai Chen

RE: 孔子课堂教材中发现的重大谬误与毒素 Poisonous Material
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:50 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
圖:著名人權活動家陳凱、前學區總監約翰奎馬爾(John Kramar)5月20日審查該學區孔子學堂教材,赫然發現其教材中傳達共黨毒素,證據確鑿。
孔子課堂教材曝光 滲透中共宣傳
Kai Chen Exposes Poisons in Chinese Confucius Material
南加州華人聚居的哈崗學區引入中共漢辦孔子課堂引起巨大爭議,對此,學區教委徐乃星曾堅持孔子課堂純粹是語言教育,教材雖是從中國大陸引進,但都是字典之類的工具書,談不上共產黨宣傳。然而5月20日,數次前往美國洛杉磯哈崗學區例會抗議的前中國男籃隊員、著名人權活動家陳凱和前學區總監克萊默(John Kramar)在審查了孔子課堂教材後,赫然發現其中「潛移默化」滲透著共產黨宣傳,中共利用孔子課堂傳播毒素的證據確鑿。
在學區辦公室內,兩張桌子上陳列著由「漢辦」提供該學區的教材、DVD 、掛圖等,最令人驚訝的是一張「中華人民共和國」地圖,它標出的中國疆界,包括台灣,直入西沙群島。陳凱表示,菲律賓、越南也被劃為其版圖,如此一來,當地圖展示時,學生將被誤導,而承認中共這個不合法政府所謂的中國版圖。同時,教師要怎樣說明「台灣是一個合法的民主政體」?
奎馬爾表示,中共以軟力量(soft power)入侵美國,像散佈種子一樣,10年以後,將長成大樹,毒素深植,因此不能作以待斃,被共產黨污染,不能讓這種事情發生在美國,必要時將征簽集合大家的力量,把「孔子課堂」趕出去。 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)
美東時間: 2010-05-21 20:09:18 PM 【萬年曆】
本文網址: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/10/5/22/n2915646.htm

RE: 孔子课堂教材中发现的重大谬误与毒素 Poisonous Material
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:58 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Hacienda La Puente Unified's Confucius Classroom curriculum under review
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
By Maritza Velazquez, Staff Writer
Posted: 05/21/2010 06:06:27 PM PDT
INDUSTRY - Instructional materials for a controversial new Chinese language and culture classroom have come under scrutiny after community members said Friday the books include messages that will indoctrinate children with Communist ideals.
Activist Kai Chen and former Hacienda La Puente Unified Superintendent John Kramar reviewed the materials for the district's new Confucius Classroom on Friday.
"That's part of Chinese infiltration into this country and the corruption of the political culture of America," Chen said of the classroom, which will be funded by the Chinese Language Council International, or Hanban.
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District officials have allowed the public to view and provide
Materials for a new Chinese language and culture class have been donated by the Chinese Language Council International and will be implemented by the Hacienda la Puente Unified School District if approved by the board of education. (SGVN/Staff photo by Leo Jarzomb)feedback on books, DVDs and other instructional aids that will be used in the Confucius Classroom elective course at Cedarlane Middle School this fall.
After reviewing the books Friday, Kramar and Chen said they believed the Chinese-sponsored literature did not include a thorough account of the nation's history. They were also concerned about several definitions in a Chinese dictionary they said reflect ideals of Communism.
"Are we willing to sell our souls for $30,000, in order to promote another country's superiority over us?" said Chen, a Los Angeles resident who has participated in anti-Chinese government protests. Chen said he was born in Beijing and moved to the United States in 1981.
Kramar, a Hacienda Heights resident, said he has no issue with students learning Chinese language, but said culture has no place in the classroom.
Hacienda La Puente Unfied Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka said several teachers and community members have already evaluated the materials without any serious concerns.
"We've had several of our own internal people review the books and they didn't see any symbols or signs that they are propaganda for the Communist party," Nakaoka said.
Since the board voted 4-1 in January to approve the Confucius Classroom, it has divided the community, with several residents speaking in opposition at nearly every board meeting.
Cedarlane Middle School already has a Chinese language and culture class in operation at the Hacienda Heights campus and Nakaoka said the current educator would continue teaching in the Confucius Classroom.
According to the agreement between the district and Hanban, the organization will provide $30,000 in funding, including the salary for a teaching assistant.
The Board of Education will now do its own formal review of the curriculum and make a decision to approve it for the Confucius Classroom by July, Nakaoka said.
Nakaoka encourages more community input and review when the curriculum materials will be made available again in June.
"That's why we've been open to having anyone and everyone come in and review these books," she said.
626-962-8811, ext. 2718
Read more: http://www.sgvtribune.com/ci_15137961?so...d#ixzz0ofduXttY

RE: 孔子课堂教材中发现的重大谬误与毒素 Poisonous Material
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:01 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Confucius Classroom Draws Controversy for Embedding Communism Ideology Embedding
By Yuan Mei
Epoch Times staff Created: May 27, 2010
Renowned human rights activist, Kai Chen, and former superintendent of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District of southern California, John Kramer, found Communism ideology in the textbooks of the Confucius Classroom Program during an inspection on (Yuan Mei/The Epoch Times) HACIENDA, California--The Confucius Classroom Program implemented in the Chinese-populated Hacienda La Puente Unified School District of southern California has provoked a debate over whether the class materials are promoting communism.
Despite the fact that Chinese Communist Party idioms such as, “When all the hares are killed, the hounds will be stewed and eaten--kick out somebody after his services are no longer needed,” are found in the textbooks, Norman Hsu, member of the school district’s Education Committee, insists that the program is purely a language class and there is no political indoctrination. He said although the textbooks were imported from China, they were nothing more than reference-books similar to dictionaries, and not capable of promoting communism.
However, after several protests to the school district, former Chinese basketball star and renowned human rights activist, Kai Chen, along with John Kramer, former superintendent of the school district, found communist content in the textbooks during an inspection.
Chen and Kramar said on the map of the People’s Republic of China provided by the Chinese Language Council International (the HanBan version), Taiwan, Paracel Islands, and part of the sea area of the Philippines and Vietnam were included in China’s territory. They are afraid that the students would be misled into acknowledging the so-called “Territory of China” claimed by the communist regime. Also, Chen and Kramar wondered how the teachers would explain Taiwan as a legal-democratic government to their students.
Kramar said he has been to China many times, including the period when the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre occurred in 1989, he was therefore very familiar with the circumstances surrounding the bloody massacre.
In the class materials, there are two CCP slogans as well as a portrait of Mao Zedong which appear in the picture of Tiananmen. Chen wondered how the teachers would explain all the deaths that have taken place in the Square including the “June 4th Massacre,” since this question would inevitably come up. He wondered if the teachers would be able to tell their students the truth if they had indeed taken money from the CCP.
Chen said the Chinese Communist authorities’ crafty tactics could be seen in the preface of the book “Follow Me to Learn Chinese” provided by HanBan. In the English annotations, the organization claims to be a nongovernmental organization to fool non-Chinese users. HanBan, which stands for Chinese Language Council International, is in charge of teaching the Chinese language across the globe.
Indoctrination with Communist Values
Although HanBan presents itself as a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, it is affiliated with the Ministry of Education in China and is composed of members from 12 state ministries and commissions.
The organization admitted that some classroom materials were published with the help of the Chinese Youth League--a political organization affiliated with the CCP. Chinese language students are clearly being indoctrinated with communist values without their notice.
Chen said that, more ridiculously, the definition for “Morality (or Virtue)” in the Xinhua Dictionary was, “One of the social formations, the combination of relations between individual-individual, individual-society as well as a code of conduct adjusted by evaluating good and evil,” which is a typical CCP definition.
The class materials also included a DVD of the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Under the “One World, One Dream” theme, the event ironically took place even as a great number of Falun Gong practitioners were being thrown into forced labor camps, and over a million migrant workers who had built the Olympic facilities being pigeonholed away.
Chen also said a lot of Chinese idioms were used but were distorted in the textbooks, such as “Being kindhearted, a person is prone to be bullied,” placing an emphasis on power instead of the importance of altruism and morality. The previous example: “When all the hares are killed, the hounds will be stewed and eaten--kick out somebody after his services are no longer needed,” promotes the idea of using people. Neither of the examples should be taught to children.
Chen said it was hard to detect these things if one is not familiar with the devious nature of the CCP culture. He said he would record every passage like this and disclose it to the public in the next school district meeting.

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