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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open
给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:15 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Resist the Brainwashing Scheme of the Chinese Communist Regime
By Non-cooperation and Non-participation
Re: “Confucius Classroom” in Our Community to Contaminate the Mind and Soul of Our Children
An Open Letter to the Parents of Students of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District
By Kai Chen 陈凯 – An Alarmed American Citizen from China
4/1/2010 elecshadow@aol.com Blog: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
“Is life so precious and peace so sweet as to be purchased by the chains of slavery? Forbid it, almighty God. I don’t know what others might do. But as for me: Give me liberty or give me death” --- Patrick Henry
Dear Students’ Parents of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District:
The 4-1 vote of the School Board (Hacienda La Puente Unified School District) to allow the Chinese communist regime – a criminal Party-State to provide educational material and set up a brainwashing “Confucius Classroom” to contaminate the mind and soul of our children is appalling. The $30,000 donation to the school district from “Hanban”, a Chinese communist outreach to implement overseas “cultural infiltration” program, to pervert and corrupt the political culture in the free world is only small bait for the most insidious global contamination by Chinese despotic communist tyranny. The communist regime in China understands too well that to stabilize and legitimize their illegitimate criminal enterprise, the most effective measure is to numb and castrate the conscience of the free world. Using Chinese language programs, dangling the potential China opportunity, enticing the naïve with monetary, material, power gains to pervert the mind and soul of the young are only some of the habitual schemes employed by the Chinese regime. “Confucius Institutes” and “Confucius Classrooms” are the necessary media to spread the contagions (viruses) of spiritual AIDS. Those who are lured into bed by the façade of fake beauty and prosperity will face a certain deadly result – the demise of a person’s soul and conscience. Indeed, America is under attack. America is in danger.
Throughout its reign of terror since the communist regime took power by the power of the guns in 1949, 70-80 million innocent lives in China perished in peace time through persecution, starvation, torture, labor camps and mass-murder. And the anti-humanity crimes/atrocities still continue today. Yet the most despicable aspect of the Chinese tragedy is not the misery, suffering and deaths of the Chinese people under the cruelest tyranny led by the biggest mass-murderer in human history – Mao. It is the denial, distortion, perversion of the historical facts/the truths the Chinese communist regime imposed on the Chinese population today. The spiritual castration of the Chinese population via the tools implemented by the Chinese educational system renders the Chinese people impotent, unable, unwilling and fearful to face the simple truths. “Stockholm Syndrome” is the necessary result. The Chinese people today, under the tyranny and brainwashing, are unable and unwilling to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, good from evil. A curious yet nauseating phenomenon of Chinese eunuchs to serve the emperor is reappearing on the Chinese cultural landscape. All communist anti-human atrocities through various vicious political moments such as anti-rightist movement, Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, etc..., are all but wiped out from the Chinese classrooms and history books. Now the Chinese students, from primary schools to colleges, have no knowledge whatsoever about Tiananmen Square Massacre merely 20 years ago. Today in China, the Christians are still being persecuted and jailed. The Tibetans and other minorities are still being suppressed. The dissidents are still being jailed. The “Great Fire Wall of China” over the internet to control information on the internet is still being erected to prevent the Chinese from knowing the truth in the modern age. The Falungong practitioners are still being tortured and their organs harvested by force to make money for the state. The inhuman and inhumane “One Child” policy is still being enforced with millions of unborn/newborn babies killed by the government each year. Taiwan, a democratic Chinese state, is still being threatened daily by thousands of Chinese missiles. All the terrorist states, totalitarian regimes and enemies of freedom (from Sudan to Iran to North Korea to Cuba…) around the world are still being supported and sponsored by the Chinese communist Party-State. The list goes on and on…
Now the communist Party-State in China wants to export not only their toxic products (from daily human food to pet food, from toys for children to building materials) around the world, they want to export their mind-numbing spiritual narcotics around the world to effectively castrate the conscience of the free people. The toxic programs such as “Confucius Institutes” and “Confucius Classrooms” are the must for the illegitimate criminal enterprise in China to legitimize itself; for once you accept the premise of Confucianism, the legitimacy by the origin of a government’s moral foundation will be cast aside and never questioned. Social hierarchy by race, gender, nationality, governmental positions and physical survival will become the primary concern for the population. Soulless zombies will crawl on every inch of the land to look for those still alive to devour. Material temptations, potential money-making schemes, power-thirst, face-saving will become the primary motive for human behavior. Is this what you the parents want for your children??
Now some members on the school board of Hacienda La Puente District want to invite such a regime/a criminal entity to provide educational material (maybe teachers as well) for your children. I now question the motive behind the decisions by those who voted “yes”: Is it the free lunch (the free money and material) donated to the school district that lured you into such a vote? Is it the power, face/vanity and social status that enticed you to make such a decision? Is it a thorough lack of moral consideration that prevented you from inquiring the motives of the Chinese communist regime in its effort to spread despotism around the world by challenging the validity of freedom/democracy with neo-authoritarianism/neo-Fascism/neo-Nazism? Why do people like Mr. Hsu want to connect our school district and educational establishment with such a criminal regime? What are the connection and secret dealings between Mr. Hsu and the Chinese communist government? Who approached whom in the first place? If we don’t allow foreign spies to steal our military and economic intelligence, why do we allow hostile foreign influence to be introduced into our community by some people acting as agents for an evil cultural-infiltration and take over?
These questions must be asked and must be answered. Not only do I question the wisdom in the school board decision, I question the motive and morality in the school board decision. I urge all the parents in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District to take action of non-cooperation, non-participation to resist and defeat the Chinese communist scheme of “Confucius Classrooms”. The evil will not succeed unless we allow the evil to succeed. We must safeguard our freedom. We must inform our children and educate them about the truth and reality. We must bear our responsibility as free beings. Let’s roll!

RE: 给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:30 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
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[Confucius Institutes are propaganda centers
CJ Carnacchio
April 14, 2010 - "Passivity is fatal to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive." – Mao Tse-Tung
I was reading an Oct. 22, 2009 article in The Economist entitled, "A message from Confucius: New ways of projecting soft power" and something caught my eye. Li Changchun, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) boss,
was quoted as describing Confucius Institutes as "an important part of China's overseas propaganda set-up."
Excuse me?
This statement concerned me considering Oxford Schools has developed quite the cozy relationship with the Confucius Institute at Michigan State University as the district continues to push its classes in Chinese language and culture.
I then read a March 16, 2010 news analysis piece about Confucius Institutes
published in The Epoch Times. It also greatly disturbed me.
For those not familiar with The Epoch Times, it's a multi-language, international newspaper published since May 2000. It was founded by practitioners of Falun Gong, a spiritual movement that's been banned and violently persecuted by the Chinese government. The paper is decidedly pro-human rights and anti-Communist.
The piece was written by Michael Young and entitled, "The Use and Abuse of Confucius by Today's China."
Allow me to quote from it.
"In 2004, the Chinese Communist leadership decided that they would make a coordinated effort to set up classrooms and institutes around the world to teach Chinese in the simplified form, along with the Party's version of Chinese culture, under the name of Confucius.
"In five years the project has expanded rapidly. As of October 2009 a total of 523 Confucius Institutes (CIs) and Confucius Classrooms had been established in 87 countries and regions around the world."
(Note: Oxford Schools applied in October 2009 to become a Confucius Classroom. The application can be viewed at www.oxfordschools.org).
Young went on to describe the true purpose of these Confucius Institutes, which are headquartered in Beijing. "Strength is what is behind the CCP's turn to Confucius. In the last 20 years, the CCP has been looking to expand its influence by developing so-called soft power, in addition to its economic and military build up. The CCP has been looking for every opportunity to implement its socalled 'da wei jiao' and 'da wei xun' – 'greater diplomacy' and 'greater international propaganda.'
"The essence of greater diplomacy is to unite everyone in the world in order to benefit the CCP's strategic goals. This tactic is also called establishing the most extensive 'tong yi zhan xian' – the united front – one of the three treasures that has brought and kept the CCP in power.
"The essence of the greater international propaganda is to influence public opinion and governments' judgments regarding relationships with the CCP. In particular, the greater international propaganda seeks to convince people that Communist China is a benign partner rather than a hidden threat.
"According to Li Changchun, one of the nine standing members of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party and the propaganda chief, Confucius Institutes serve both purposes well.
"He is absolutely right. The Confucius Institutes have become a place where Chinese diplomats frequently interact with the students, faculty, and government officials of the host countries. The Institutes can send out qualified teachers to the host countries who advocate for the CCP while providing information and consultation on China to the host country.
"Of course, according to the regulations of the Confucius Institutes' headquarters, the institutes will only teach the CCP-approved version of Chinese language and culture. In addition, the institutes have to abide not only by the laws and regulations of the host country, but also by the laws and regulations of China. That means China is expanding its governance onto foreign soil. No wonder the CCP has pushed the institutes anywhere it can by means of money and connections."
I found this last part particularly troublesome, so I decided to check it out. According to the Constitution and By-Laws for all Confucius Institutes worldwide, they "shall abide by the laws and regulations of the countries in which they are located . . . and they shall not contravene concerning the laws and regulations of China."
The word "contravene" means "to go against; oppose; conflict with; violate; contradict."
Now, let's pop over to the Land Down Under. An Aug. 22, 2007 story in The Australian about a Confucius Institute coming to the University of Sydney had this to say:
"Jocelyn Chey, a visiting professor at Sydney and former diplomat, regards the Confucius institutes as a propaganda vehicle for the Chinese communist party."
Chey was quoted as saying, "If there were to be a presence on campus, with a Chinese official link, it would be more difficult for academics to maintain their freedom and independence."
Let's hear from our friends in Canada, eh? A May 2007 article from The Canadian Press had this to say:
"A newly declassified intelligence report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says Beijing is out to win the world's hearts and minds, not just its economic markets, as a means of cementing power.
"The secret CSIS brief . . . points to the creating of more than 100 Confucius Institutes around the world . . .
"The Confucius Institutes, the brainchild of Beijing's Ministry of Education, primarily promote Chinese language and culture. 'In other words, China wants the world to have positive feelings towards China and things Chinese,' the CSIS reports says. 'For China to achieve its goals, people must admire China to some degree.'"
Out in California, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune made its feelings very clear about the approval of a Confucius Classroom at a Hacienda Heights middle school.
To quote the paper's February 2010 editorial – "It's absurd to allow a program run by the People's Republic of China into our schools. Bringing teachers from a oneparty Communist dictatorship to teach 12- and 13-yearolds Chinese culture and Eastern philosophy as well as foreign language is alarming. If it's Chinese culture we want to teach, what's wrong with instructors from relatively free Taiwan? But this program is tantamount to asking Hugo Chavez to send his cadres to teach little American kids economics."
As Oxford Schools continues to implement its Fifth Core program, which is "committed to teaching Chinese language and culture to all students," we have to ask ourselves whose agenda is really being satisfied here – the
school district's desire to prepare students for a global economy or the Chinese government's lust for acceptance, power and dominance on the world stage.
Some of you may think it's cute to hear Oxford's kindergartners sing songs or count to 10 in Mandarin Chinese, but as for me, it sends a chill down my spine.
Despite it's happy face for the world, the Chinese government is still a ruthless, evil, totalitarian beast and the mortal enemy of freedom-loving people everywhere.
It's oppressive. It's murderous. It has zero respect for human rights. It's growing in power and influence. And now, it's in our classrooms via a multicultural Trojan Horse.
It's been said the Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist.
It appears China's greatest trick will be convincing the world it's not the Devil by brainwashing our kids.
CJ Carnacchio is editor for The Oxford Leader. He lives in the Village of Oxford with his wife Connie and daughter Larissa. When he's not busy working on the newspaper, he enjoys cigars/pipes, Martinis/Scotch, hunting and fishing.

RE: 给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:00 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
An Open Letter to Hacienda School District
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Ms. Helen Sabin is a writer and a former educator. (We established contact with each other after my appearance on Fox News regarding "Confucius Classroom" in Hacienda.) Her open letter to the Hacienda La Puente School District regarding its decision to allow the Chinese communist regime to fund and provide for a "Confucius Classroom" program calls for America to wake up to the dangerous assault by foreign and domestic enemies of freedom. Here I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to her and to all Americans who love freedom. --- Kai Chen
海伦. 萨宾是一个作家和前教师。 (她在看到我在Fox News上谈到“孔学堂”后与我取得联系。)她在如下公开信中提出的对“孔学堂”学区的抗议及相关道德问题值得我们所有的美国人提起警觉。 我仅在此向她与所有为自由大声疾呼的人们表示赞赏与感谢并呼吁所有良知人士对当前美国的危机做出积极的反响与举动。 --- 陈凯
Helen Sabin
The Constitutionalist Today
Colorado Springs, Co. 80907
May 30, 2010
Dr. Barbara Nakaoka
Superintendent of Schools
Hacienda La Puente United School District
15959 E. Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91745
Dear Dr. Nakaoka,
I am a writer for a paper in Colorado Springs, Co. called The Constitutionalist Today. I am doing a year long series of articles on “Education Today” and recently was made aware of your school district allowing the Chinese government to come in and pay for a curriculum, The Confucius Classroom, to be installed in your school district. I read that they are even paying for the teachers to come in and teach the language and culture.
I have a few questions I would like to ask for the article I will be doing on the Confucius Classroom and would appreciate a reply so I can quote you in the article. Please reply to this email address, or you can call me at (note: I record interviews as required by the paper but would be willing to send you a copy of the tape, or you can respond by postal service to The Constitutionalist Today, Attn: William Gillan, Editor/for Helen Sabin
1. Why did you choose to allow a Chinese Curricula to be installed in the school district? What is meant by “culture?” Is the “real culture” of China going to be discussed, or a “sanitized" politically correct version substituted? By real culture I mean the actual culture of China today where according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton female babies are killed or smothered so male babies can reign supreme? In 1995, Hillary Clinton raised the issue of the treatment of women with the Chinese government? "It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, or drowned, or suffocated, or their spines broken, simply because they are born girls, or when women and girls are sold into slavery or prostitution for human greed." Or where China lied about the age of one of its gymnasts in the recent Olympics? Or where China was so embarrassed about the unattractive little girl singing the opening song for the Olympics that China had a prettier one lip synch to the words? What will be the “emphasis” in the teaching of Chinese “culture?”
2. Is there any truth to what I have been reading from various websites including that of the US Government, that there is Chinese propaganda embedded in all their curricula, literature, discussion modules, language, cultural studies etc.?
3. Is the “true” philosophy of Confucius going to be discussed or a sanitized version substituted? Does the district know what Confucius thought about women and how that thought carried over to the current China today where women are still considered second class citizens? How about his philosophy of menial and mental workers and which ones were to be educated?
4. Are your students made aware of the history of China and Chairman Mao and how many millions he killed? Are children and teachers and the community actually taught that China severly restricts the rights of its citizens?
5. Are American culture, language and values also being taught? And given the same emphasis? Why is this curricula being installed in the classroom when it is the antithesis of American values and political thought?
6. What is your opinion on why China is paying to get this curriculum into the classroom? How will THEY benefit?
I appreciate you taking the time to respond to these questions. Your comments will guide the writing that I do about your decision to place the curriculum in your district. Please either respond in writing so I have your answers for my paper to keep on file, or please call me, and please note that I am required to record all conversation but would be more than willing to send you a copy of the tape, or email me at
I would appreciate hearing from you on this curricula and your thinking as to why you are promoting it in the school district.
Thank you.
Helen Sabin

RE: 给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:05 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
"Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom." Patrick Henry
腐败的人们不可能成为优秀的自由公民。 当人们忘却了神(良知)的时候,专制暴政就将奴役的锁链加在他们的身上。 道德的残疾与灵魂的腐败是与自由的价值水火不相容的。 --- 帕特里克. 亨利 (美国国父之一)
China Project in U.S. Raises Ire:
China pays for language classes; some say they will influence children
Published: April 25, 2010
HACIENDA HEIGHTS, Calif. - Bobby Fraker is taking a stand against what she perceives to be a sinister threat from across the Pacific, right here in her suburban Southern California community of tree-lined streets and stucco homes.
At a recent school-board meeting, Fraker and at least 12 older, mostly white opponents of a Chinese government program that will fund a middle-school language class delivered fist-shaking denunciations.
"These children have young brains that are very malleable and they can be indoctrinated with things that America would not like," Fraker, a diminutive woman with tight auburn curls, implored board members, who approved the plan in January.
Communities across the United States, from Smithfield, R.I., to Medford, Ore., have welcomed the so-called Confucius Classroom grants from the Chinese government, such as the one proposed here for Cedarlane Middle School.
But Confucius is not going down smoothly in Hacienda Heights, a middle-class town about 16 miles east of downtown Los Angeles with a history of racial tensions between longtime residents and relatively recent Chinese newcomers. Ethnic Chinese make up the majority of the school board.
The Cedarlane student body, meanwhile, is overwhelmingly Hispanic, with three out of every five students at the school qualifying for free or reduced-price meals, a poverty indicator, according to state data.
The dustup may portend trouble for China's efforts to expand its cultural clout by bankrolling language programs in primary and secondary schools across the United States.
"I'm sure this will become a standard dispute," said University of Southern California public policy professor Nicholas Cull, who tracks China's efforts to shape its image abroad through programs like Confucius Classrooms. "People in America are very suspicious of ideas from the outside."
Chen Zhunmin, who directs the Chinese consulate's education office in Los Angeles, insisted the program has nothing to do with communism, as some local critics contend. He said Confucius Classroom and other programs were created to address misunderstandings about his country.
"I feel that the concerns of the neighbors are mainly caused by lack of understanding of Chinese history and culture," he wrote in an e-mail.
There are 60 Confucius Classroom and university-level Confucius Institute programs in the U.S., according to the website of China's language-teaching agency, the Hanban. Each is administered through a patchwork of educational organizations and universities that have deals with the agency.
The Asia Society, which is based in New York, plans to help set up another 80 Confucius Classrooms over the next two years. An additional 45 are separately planned in North Carolina alone.
The expansion into more communities could expose existing cultural and political fault lines, as it has in Hacienda Heights, a community that has undergone demographic change in recent decades.
In 1970, Hacienda Heights was less than 2 percent Asian and otherwise almost entirely white, according to state figures. By 2008, after decades of Chinese immigration into the region, Asians made up more than a third of the population, the same portion as the city's non-Hispanic whites.
The new ethnic and racial makeup has provided a backdrop for a spate of community disputes.
Some neighbors opposed construction of a massive Buddhist temple complex on a city hillside in the late 1980s to serve the growing Asian community in the San Gabriel Valley. Opponents feared that animals would be sacrificed on the site and temple-goers would disturb the peace by banging gongs.
Racial tensions played a role in a failed 2003 ballot campaign to have the unincorporated part of Los Angeles County recognized as a city, with opponents whispering that an incorporated Hacienda Heights would be dominated by Asian-Americans.
The dispute over the Confucius Classroom program appears to be another such clash.
"China already owns and changed most of the shopping centers in Hacienda Heights," resident Sharon Pluth wrote in a letter to the town's closest newspaper, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. "Do we really want them to change our kids' minds, too?"
Under the deal with the Hanban, the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District is receiving $30,000 a year for language and culture programs at Cedarlane school, along with about 1,000 textbooks, CDs and other educational materials.
The city originally planned to accept an offer to have the Chinese government put a teaching assistant in Cedarlane and pay his or her salary, an overture that stoked strong resistance.
An editorial by the Tribune called the plan "tantamount to asking Hugo Chavez to send his cadres to teach little American kids economics."

RE: 给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:07 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Fox News/Confucius Classroom in the US
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Here I want to correct the facts reported inaccurately by the Fox News: The issue of Confucius Classroom in Hacienda Heights has never been resolved. We will continue to fight the Chinese communist regime's infiltration into our schools. The material the reporter (Anita Vogel) reviewed is not with expert eyes. For example, the Monkey King story has a Buddhist background that may have violated the US law not to have religious education on kids in public schools. --- Kai Chen
我在这里想更正一下福克斯新闻台的报道: 1. 并不像记者所说,哈岗孔子课堂的争议与问题并没有解决。 我们(我与学区的抗议者们)会一直将这一至关重要的博争进行下去。 2. 采访记者(Anita Vogel)对中共提供的教材没有内行人的鉴别。 如“西游记”中的故事可能由于其宗教来源(佛教)违反美国法律。 --- 陈凯
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[size=18]Fox News Link on Confucius Classroom: [/size]
1. http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/...test=latestnews
2. http://www.thefoxnation.com/texas-textbo...hool-curriculum
3. http://video.foxnews.com/v/4223162/confu...aylist_id=87937
[size=24]Confucius Classrooms in the U.S.[/size]
May 18, 2010 - 12:45 PM | by: Anita Vogel
They're called Confucius Classrooms, named after an ancient Chinese philosopher, and they are becoming more and more popular throughout the United States. They are classes paid for, in part, by China and designed to teach U.S. school kids Chinese language and culture. Proponents say it's one extra tool students can use to be competitive in the global environment, but critics say it's nothing more than a subtle attempt by the Chinese government to spread pro-China propaganda.
Confucius classrooms have been around for the past few years and there are currently 60 of them from New York to Oregon. Each is administered through a network of organizations and universities that have deals with the Hanban, China's official language teaching agency. Chinese officials insist the programs have nothing to do with communism and the curriculum was created to help clear up misunderstandings about China. Some parents are not so sure.
In Hacienda Heights, California, just east of Los Angeles, the notion of a Confucius Classroom was highly controversial and caused an uproar in the community. Many parents and longtime community members spoke out against the program suggesting that their kids would be exposed to a communist agenda. However, in the end some issues were resolved and the school board voted to put the classes in place to begin this fall.
At Riverview Elementary, in Lakeside, California, just outside of San Diego, third graders are learning Mandarin at a rapid pace. The principal there, Olympia Kyriakidis, insists this is a major asset for her students. She says in addition to Spanish and multi-media classes, her kids are going to be at the top of their game and ready to compete in the global market. As for concerns that there might be some hidden message being taught in the classes, Kyriakidis says she and her staff personally review all the materials by hand and have yet to find anything off color. She says it's all about language and culture, no politics.
The principal also points to a large American flag hanging in the corner of the room, and says no matter what it's America First.... each class starts with the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States.

RE: 给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:11 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Kai Chen with his Olympic Freedom T-shirt at the School Board Meeing in Hacienda
The Daily Show Fake News Report on Confucius Classroom Apparently Airs Tonight
The Daily Show Clip Link:
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
Jay Chen and his cohorts on the left will always use political correctness with its main ingredient "diversity" to try to destroy Americanism. Now they toss the poison mushroom from China into the "diverse" salad to serve you and your children. Do you really believe the communist mushroom engineered by Mao and his cohorts can nourish you and your family?? --- Kai Chen
Jay Chen 与像他一样的美左们永远会用“政治正确”与“多样化”去妄图消灭美国的建国精神--生命、自由与对幸福的追求。 现在他们将从中共那里搬来的毒蘑菇搅拌在沙拉里用“多样化”的口号塞到你和你的子女们的口里。 你真的相信那些毒死了八千万中国人的共产毒蘑会营养你和你的家人吗?! --- 陈凯
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
By Matt Coker, Monday, Jun. 7 2010 @ 1:50PM
Article Link:
Jay Chen, a member of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Board of Education, informs on his Facebook page that The Daily Show With Jon Stewart segment on a district school's controversial Confucius Classroom airs tonight.
"My Daily Show interview with Aasif re: our Chinese Class is scheduled to air tonight, at 11 p.m.," writes Chen of the fake news show's correspondent Aasif Mandvi and the language and culture classes that have come under fire for being tied to a red Chinese government takeover of impressionable young American minds.
(The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Wham-O Moves to America www.thedailyshow.com )
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party
Speaking of Mandvi and China, above is a recent story he did showing that Wham-O moving its production of Frisbees, hula hoops and pool noodles from China to the U.S. is reverse colonialism.
Chen says he is "proud" of the district's decision in January to approve launching a Confucius Classroom next fall at Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights, with the Chinese government's Chinese Language Council International, also known as HanBan, picking up the tab. HanBan has established 272 Confucius Classrooms worldwide since 2005. The collegiate version, Confucius Institutes, have been implemented in 282 universities over that same period.
"As someone who was born in the U.S. but grew up and worked in Asia and Latin America, I can't stress enough the importance we need to place in teaching our students a second or third language, such as Spanish or Mandarin, two of the most widely spoken languages in the world," Chen wrote in a May 25 open letter to the community.
Someone else who was not born in the U.S. but in China--Los Angeles-based activist Kai Chen (no relation to Jay, presumably)--previously informed Clockwork that cameras from The Daily Show would be turning up at an early May Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Board of Education meeting where Kai and other Confucius Classroom foes confronted Jay and the other trustees.
Indeed, Kai Chen--who first came to Clockwork's attention last September when he organized demonstrations over the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum's Mao Tse-Tung statue in Yorba Linda--later lamented the fact that he was not interviewed on camera for the fake news report.
But that snub was more than made up for thanks to interviews the night of the school board meeting by Japanese television and subsequent coverage of his anti-Confucius Classroom campaign by a host of outlets, including (partial list): Epoch Times, The New American, Ron Paul's Daily Paul, San Gabriel Valley Tribune and, naturally, Fox News, which has featured the Chen interview on several of its programs.
Jay Chen writes in his open letter that activists like Kai Chen are spreading "a great deal of misinformation," including "accusations that our teachers will be brainwashing students with Communist ideology."
"I find it curious and disappointing that a handful of individuals have chosen to make our diverse community ground zero for a false propaganda campaign, and have cast aspersions on the intentions and abilities of our great teachers," Jay Chen states. "With budget cuts looming, now is not the time to attack teachers or deny our students an opportunity to expand their horizons past ours."
Kai Chen--an author and former Red Army and Chinese national basketball team member who vehemently opposes what he views as an oppressive Chinese regime--wore an Olympic Freedom T-shirt when he addressed the school board the night The Daily Show cameras rolled.
"They recorded my speech," he later told Clockwork, "but I doubt they will air it."
We'll apparently find out if he was right tonight on Comedy Central.

RE: 给哈崗学区学生父母的一封公开信 An Open Letter to the Parents
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:35 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Comments/Email from an American Writer
Comment from Helen Sabin:
China does nothing that doesn’t benefit its politics, its governmental control of its people or its image. So why is it spending millions into promoting its Confucius Curriculum in the United States? Is it a desire to help Americans learn Chinese and the culture of China as is stated in the program advertising? No, says Kai Chen, an anti China activist, former Chinese basketball star, and author of One In A Billion: Journey Toward Freedom, who was forced to live under Communism. “China wants to infiltrate and teach communist thinking in America. Foolish Americans who ignore China’s history and abuse of its people, are allowing it.”
Chen was forcibly taken away from his parents when he was young. He had to live under harsh conditions as punishment for his parents who didn’t believe in Communism. He states that if American children are taught that China is a great place to live, work, and thrive without being told of its human rights abuses and taught about its true history and culture, they will be easy prey for China’s propaganda and its goal of world dominance.
China has done exquisite marketing of its program to schools and colleges all over the nation. Here is an example from the Hurst-Euless-Bedford school district in Texas.
The Chinese government has awarded the district $60,000, split between L.D. Bell and Trinity high schools, that will pay for the program expansion. The grants came as China designated the schools as Confucius Classrooms, beginning in the fall. "One-third of the world either speaks Hindi or Mandarin," Superintendent Gene Buinger said. "We feel by offering the Asian language we are giving students an edge. Students starting classes in the seventh grade who continue through high school will be sought after by colleges, corporations and government agencies,” Buinger stated. Money from the award will set up the two classrooms and help pay for instruction and materials. The classrooms will also receive 1,000 volumes of books, including audio and multimedia materials to help students learn the language, history and culture of China.
According to Chen, there are many Communist terms and ideas in just the Chinese dictionary alone as well as in the books and teaching materials. "Here is an example," he explains. “Have you ever seen the food chain, Mao’s Kitchen?” he asks. Chen laughs sadly at this ironic name for a restaurant. Consider that Mao, who is even today revered in China, and was glorified by Michele Obama by putting his picture on an ornament on the White House Christmas Tree, killed over 60 million of his own people! He starved many of them to death. The only thing the Chinese people were fed was Communism,” states Chen who remembers being punished and tormented in school, forced to live in freezing cold and not having enough to eat.
“Also consider that China is sending over ethnic Chinese whose salaries are being paid by China.” He proclaims. “They will promote these Communist ideas as they have lived under them for years. Their salaries and lives depend on doing so.” Apparently American schools that opt for the program are not permitted by the Chinese government to use American Chinese teachers! Not permitted? Instead, school districts are laying off American teachers to hire those from China! “That alone should be a red flag for all school districts,” stated Chen. These same Chinese teachers are not certificated and thus an American teacher needs to be in attendance during the lessons raising the cost of education for parents and taxpayers in the district. Chinese teachers are being hired while American teachers are being laid off! It seems that China has already made an impact on the jobs in America! What will it do to the children?
Helen Sabin
[size=24]An Email to a Concerned Parent: [/size]
Linda - I am sorry to hear about this proceeding in your son's school. I also see that you are a writer - good for you. I will have to order your books and read them.
I had talked to Kai Chen about this curriculum as my paper has assigned me to do a year long series of articles on Education. I saw him on Fox and was fascinated to hear his story and about the curriculum.
This Communist government curriculum is like that of the other "international" curriculum, International Baccalaureate, I have been writing about and which is somewhat the same way in terms of the demand for time and the stress on the children. Some parents have pulled their children out of the program due to these factors.
What American parents don't realize is that the Chinese government is infiltrating our country at the level where they will be most effective - the children. Confucius is reported to have said, raise up your children in the way you want them to go and they will not stray from the path. Mao followed precepts of Confucius who thought women were only good for child bearing - they were not to be educated.
If American children are "brainwashed" into thinking China is a great place, that it is a fun way to live, they will be like the Chinese today who have no idea what it means to live in freedom. We are headed that way under the current administration and it scares me to death. Read comments about what Chinese learn about Mao and you will see this reflected in the books your child will be reading:
Please contact Sean Hannity at Hannity@foxnews and ask him to do a segment on this curricula and invite you and Kai Chen to speak on the show to raise awareness of this insidious creeping of Chinese thought into the schools.
Some arguments you can write/speak to your board about are the following:
1. The true culture of China is not evident in the curriculum. Human right abuse are not mentioned anywhere in the curriculum.
2. American Chinese teachers can teach Chinese as easily and at less cost than an ethnic Chinese one. Students complain that they cannot understand their Chinese teachers when they speak English and thus have a hard time learning.
3. Ask parents if they want their children to stand and bow to their American teachers - and like in China are never protested against, are dishonored if they ask questions, etc. i.e. the teacher is always right.
4. Ask parents if they have talked to Chinese speakers who have lived under Communism and if they have actually looked at and read every discussion, lecture, etc that will be given.
5. Ask what is the culture studies going to entail - dances, food, costuming, ceremonies, etc or will the true human rights abuse culture be presented to kids.
6. What options exist for NOT putting your child into the curriculum. Threaten to sue if this happens and follow through. It would be a shame if you had to pull him out to attend a school in another area from where you live.
7. Go to your city council and ask them to raise the question of this curriculum as your son and others who don't want to learn Chinese may be forced to move. Ask them if they can put through a law or requirement about this matter?? Let those who want this program to move themselves to another school.
Ask if any of the board members have gone to China - and at whose cost? If so, is this a violation of school board rules about accepting free gifts. Kai Chen says many are taken to China, wined and dined and men are offered women for their stay. For most educators who are lower income and who don't have this experience they are swayed by the carefully crafted experience.
Please keep in touch and consider writing a few chapters on your experience with this curricula and what your school board does and join us in doing a book on the terrible effects of international curriculum on American children. The idea is great - learn a foreign language and something about the culture of the country but the implementation is not. In International Baccalaureate, for example, one Christian girl was told to read a book with sexually graphic language in it - it took the threat of a lawsuit to make IB back down and give her an acceptable alternative.
Right now I am working on International Baccalaureate (stay away from that also) and want to expand into the Confucius Curriculum and will use your information for the article coming up in August on CC and its effect on communities.
Thanks for writing and keep up the good fight! You might consider home schooling your child or putting him in such a group where he gets individualized attention and learns in a small group.
You are to be commended on speaking up for your son and actually being involved in what he should learn. By NOT giving children play time, the school is violating the very thing that is most effective in teaching children about life - play is vitally important to children and this school is denying it. Fight for your son and see if you can find an attorney to do a pro bono suit on your behalf.
Stay in touch!
Helen Sabin
[size=18]Email from Linda: [/size]
Sent: Sun, June 20, 2010 6:34:30 AM
Subject: Confucius Classrooms
Hello, Helen,
I got your contact information from Kai Chen. He said you are a journalist and you are doing an article about the teaching of Chinese in U.S. schools.
My grandson lives with me and he has attended a wonderful charter school here in North Carolina since Kindergarten. He is now almost ten years old and is a rising 5th grader. At his school he has studied Greek language and Greek culture and history and has gained much from these teachings. Now the school has announced they've applied for a Confucius Institute grant and they intend to make the study of Chinese culture and language mandatory for 5th grade and up starting next year. They will require 3 hours of Chinese study a week, which means they will eliminate recess, library/research, and computer classes. His school day already lasts one hour longer than other elementary schools in North Carolina. The school was going to impose this mandate without input from the parents, but a number of us protested, so they agreed to allow us a meeting on June 8th. It's a small school, about 300 students, but about 200 people attended the meeting. The school brought in an "expert" to do a Powerpoint presentation to convince us all of the benefit of accepting the grant and allowing the Confucius Institute to teach our children. Then the parents were given 3 minutes each to speak. All but a few who spoke were opposed. Some were mainly opposed because they didn't want the children to have to give up recess. Some simply didn't want the Chinese studies to be mandatory. A group of us objected to the Confucius Institute.
My grandson loves his school, but he does not want to learn Chinese. He is an average student. He has done well to learn Greek and he feels that's enough. I have told him he will not be forced to learn Chinese because I am against the funding from a communist government and I am concerned there may be communist ideology embedded in the teachings. I have not gotten a definitive answer on this. I have told my grandson I will remove him from the Greek school and put him in a regular public school if they insist on making Chinese mandatory. He cried, but he agreed that it is the right decision for him.
After the meeting, the board told us they will meet again soon and have a decision for us in a few weeks.
I am appalled at the idea of the school accepting Confucius Institute funds. According to the board, they have been offered $15,000 yearly grants and they must match the $15,000.
Linda Evans
L.C. Evans, Author
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