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英文的 " I " 在中文怎麼翻譯 Chinese Translation of "I"

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:55 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

英文的 " I " 在中文怎麼翻譯?
Chinese Translation of "I"

有一個老外為了學好漢語,不遠萬里,來到中國,拜師于一位國學教授門下。 第一天老外想挑一個簡單詞彙學習,便向老師請教英語 " I " 在漢語中應該如何說。

老師解釋道:中國是一個官本位國家,當你處在不同的級別、地位," I "也有不同的變化,就像你們英語中的形容詞有原級、比較級、高級一樣。


我、咱、俺、餘、吾、予、儂、某、咱家、洒家、俺咱、本人、個 人、人家、吾儂、我儂。


區區、僕、鄙、愚、走、鄙人、卑人、敝人、鄙夫、鄙軀、鄙愚、 貧身、小子、小可、在下、末學、小生、不佞、不才、 不材、小材、不肖、不孝、不類、走狗、牛馬走、愚小子、鄙生、 貧生、學生、後學、晚生、晚學、後生晚學、予末小子、 予小子、餘子。


職、卑職、下官、臣、臣子、小臣、鄙臣、愚臣、奴婢、奴才、小 人、老奴、小的、小底。


哥們, 愚兄、為兄、小弟、兄弟







最後一點必須注意,一旦你退休了,便一下子失去了權利和地位, 見人也矮了三分,只好說:

老朽、老拙、老夫、愚老、老叟、小老、小老兒、老漢、老可、老 軀、老僕、老物、朽人、老我、老骨頭。

老外聽了老師一席話,頓覺冷水澆頭,一個晚上沒有睡好覺。 第二天一大早向老師辞行:學生、愚不材、末學、走。 退了房間,訂了機票,回國去了。

怎樣!! 還覺得英文難學嗎???

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RE: 英文的 " I " 在中文怎麼翻譯 Chinese Translation of "I"

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:56 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

英文的 " I " 在中文怎麼翻譯?
"I" in Chinese?

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:


Those who take Chinese culture as a religion and defend evil Confucianism should learn from this simple fact of "I" expressed in the Chinese language. The slaves of Chinese social hierarchy should open their eyes to take a careful and close look at themselves. Are you truly a free being? --- Kai Chen

那些将中国、中国文化及孔儒伦理视为圣教的卫道士们应从这篇文章中反省反思。 中国等级文化的奴隶们应睁开眼睛用“我”照一照自身的生活状态。 你是个自由人吗? --- 陈凯


英文的 " I " 在中文怎麼翻譯?
"I" in Chinese?

Author: Unknown 未名者 作 Translation: Kai Chen 翻译: 陈凯

有一個老外為了學好漢語,不遠萬里,來到中國,拜師于一位國學教授門下。 第一天老外想挑一個簡單詞彙學習,便向老師請教英語 " I " 在漢語中應該如何說。

To study Chinese language, a foreigner came to China from afar. He found a famous Chinese language teacher and started to ask how the simple concept of "I" in English should be expressed in Chinese.

老師解釋道:中國是一個官本位國家,當你處在不同的級別、地位," I "也有不同的變化,就像你們英語中的形容詞有原級、比較級、高級一樣。

The famous teacher explained: "In China, how you express "I" depends on what social and official status you have achieved or not achieved, sort like in English adjectives you have those comparatives..."


If you have just come to China and had no relations/status with anyone, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":

我、咱、俺、餘、吾、予、儂、某、咱家、洒家、俺咱、本人、個 人、人家、吾儂、我儂。


If you see your teachers, elders, and people with authority, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":

區區、僕、鄙、愚、走、鄙人、卑人、敝人、鄙夫、鄙軀、鄙愚、 貧身、小子、小可、在下、末學、小生、不佞、不才、 不材、小材、不肖、不孝、不類、走狗、牛馬走、愚小子、鄙生、 貧生、學生、後學、晚生、晚學、後生晚學、予末小子、 予小子、餘子。


If you have achieved some social status in the officialdom, when you see your superior, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":

職、卑職、下官、臣、臣子、小臣、鄙臣、愚臣、奴婢、奴才、小 人、老奴、小的、小底。


If you see someone of your equal without official titles, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":

哥們, 愚兄、為兄、小弟、兄弟


If you see someone of your inferior, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":



If you are lucky enough to be an emperor, or a high official, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":



If you are not willing to be someone in authority and choose to retire from society, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":


最後一點必須注意,一旦你退休了,便一下子失去了權利和地位, 見人也矮了三分,只好說:

But alas, if by any chance you lose your official titles and social status, therefore lose your face, these are the Chinese characters to state your own "I":

老朽、老拙、老夫、愚老、老叟、小老、小老兒、老漢、老可、老 軀、老僕、老物、朽人、老我、老骨頭。

老外聽了老師一席話,頓覺冷水澆頭,一個晚上沒有睡好覺。 第二天一大早向老師辞行:學生、愚不材、末學、走。 退了房間,訂了機票,回國去了。

Having heard all these, the foreigner was a little disturbed and didn't sleep well that night. The next morning he went to say Goodbye to the famous Chinese language teacher: "(Using the many "I"s in Chinese characters to describe himself before he said "Sorry")I decide not to study Chinese language anymore." Then he went back to his own country.

怎樣!! 還覺得英文難學嗎???

How is that story to tell you about the complication in studying Chinese?! So maybe you should not complain how difficult English language is. It is indeed much simpler and easier to learn than Chinese.

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