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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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没有自由便没有历史 No Freedom, No History
没有自由便没有历史 No Freedom, No History
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:58 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
没有自由便没有历史 No Freedom, No History
Thursday, November 5, 2009
那夫罗佐夫 引言: Words from Navrozov:
If China conquers the world, as China's General Chi Haotian describes it, there will be no world history as we know it, as there is none in the existence of animals or insects or microbes. --- Lev Navrozov
如果(奴役制)中国主宰(征服)了世界,有如中国国防部长迟浩田所希望与阐述的,世界的历史将会绝灭,就像动物、昆虫、单细胞原生物没有历史一样。 --- 列夫. 那夫罗佐夫
[size=24]As goes freedom, so goes the history of the world 没有自由便没有历史[/size]
Lev Navrozov
(Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972. His columns are today read in both English and Russian. To learn more about Mr. Navrozov's work with the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies.)
[size=16]World history exists as long as does freedom. In Europe since the Renaissance, we value France not for its Napoleonic Wars, but for its paintings; we value Italy not for Fascism, but for its sculpture; and we value Germany not for its National Socialism, but for its music and philosophy. As a Russian, I hated the Russian Revolution, but I loved the Russian poetry, which lingered despite the Revolution even into the early 1930s of our century and was later passed on by secret notes among cognoscenti. [/size]
If China conquers the world, as China's General Chi Haotian describes it, there will be no world history as we know it, as there is none in the existence of animals or insects or microbes.
In the last four centuries of the world history, one of its key words was "revolution." This is how my Oxford English Dictionary defines the meaning of the word in the histories of England, France, and America:
English History. It is only the end of the "revolution" is usually recalled. The overthrow of the Rump Parliament in 1660, the rapturous reception of the king in London, and the restoration of the old good monarchy, which still exists in 2009 and endorses the king's or queen's prime-minister, proposed to them by the elected Parliament.
French History. In our Soviet textbooks, the French Revolution started with the seizure by the "French people" of the Bastille prison in Paris in 1789. The day, July 14, came to be observed in France as a national holiday. In our Soviet textbooks of history, the Bastille was represented on the first page of the Soviet saga about the "French Revolution," and even I believed that thousands of the most dangerous opponents of the monarchy were kept there. Why, if Stalin, a twentieth-century Marxist-Leninist revolutionary, kept prisoners on sheer suspicion of their being dangerous (e.g., "telling anti-Soviet jokes"), surely the French king of the eighteenth century could also imprison numberless "political" suspects. It is only in the West, when the range of my books in English grew, that I found out that when the fearless revolutionaries took the Bastille, they found there 7 (seven!) prisoners, none of whom could be regarded as a dangerous insurgent.
As for the king, he was beheaded by a guillotine, the French revolutionary beheader of all counterrevolutionaries.
Finally, not just a king or queen, but an emperor, named Napoleon, was in power in the "revolutionary France." He invaded Russia for no other cause or reason except his belief that since he is the emperor, he can beautifully put to death any number of people such as French and Russian soldiers (as well as Russian guerrillas, that is, local Russian inhabitants who fought the invaders on their own initiatives).
American History. The overthrow of the "British supremacy" in America did not occur without the influence of France and was realized by the "Revolutionary War of Independence" in 1775-1781.
George Washington was the first president (1789-1797) of the "Revolutionary America." He died two years later at the age of 67. The book on my shelves George Washington in His Own Words, which was published in 1997, says nothing about how he was elected.
What was George Washington in 1752, that is, at the age of 20, and in the next 20 years? He inherited an estate, along with 18 slaves. Far from freeing them (the idea!), he kept buying more slaves, and in 1760, when he was 28 years of age, he owned 49 slaves. Simultaneously, in 1752, at the age of 20, he started a military career at £100 a year.
Well, now, in the year of 1799, he wrote before his death his "Last Will and testament." He did not want to let his serfs free while his wife was alive.
Britain stopped its war intended to prevent the secession of America, since Britain could not supply well enough her troops across the Atlantic. The secession was wrong legally even from the "revolutionary" point of view. When a nation is conquered by another nation, the former can insist on secession. But most Americans (like George Washington) were English (their families or they themselves came from England), and their mother tongue was English. If they had the right to secede, then any part of any country has this right.
Washington died in 1799 at the age of 67. But two years earlier he finished his eight years as President of America.
Today a prime minister or a U.S. president should be a professional, like, for example, a scientist, or an inventor, or a pianist, or a medical doctor-preferably of genius. In the United States, the president is chosen by a majority of voters. But could a majority of voters elect Einstein, when only seven persons in the world understood him?
General Chi Haotian of China, its Minister of Defense up to 2004, explains how his 1.331 billion people of China will put to death one-third to two-thirds of American voters by Chinese new biological weapons, and here a majority of voters elect Obama as a new U.S. President, who meets in Washington for two days with several top officials of the owners of China to strike the "partnership" between the owners of China and the United States, i.e., between top Chinese officials like Chi Haotian and the United States, that is, its President Obama.
It was like having been elected Obama as the world's best pianist, and here, when Obama is asked to play Chopin's Waltz in F minor (Op. 69, No.1), and he speechifies that a piano is played by one's hands or feet.
After the United States, according to General Chi, all free countries will be defeated by the People's Republic of China. Mankind will become like animals or insects or microbes. Besides, the 21st century weapons may become so destructive that mankind will annihilate itself. Imagine in Stalin's Russia weapons that could destroy the world within a second. Then Trotsky or Bukharin would have destroyed the world with Stalin rather than let Stalin kill them.
Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at navlev@cloud9.net. To learn more about and support his work at the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, click here. If you intend to make a tax-exempt donation to the non-profit Center, please let us know via e-mail at navlev@cloud9.net, and we will send you all relevant information. Thank you.

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