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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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警惕亲共倾向在美国 Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red
警惕亲共倾向在美国 Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:21 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
Here I thank Mr. Matt Coker for this poignant article on communist indoctrination using Nixon Library as Trojan Horse, brainwashing American public and numbing them from communist infiltration/encroachment. Mr. Coker: I thank you for your recognition of my work and together we will fight for America's founding principles. --- Kai Chen
我在此感谢Coker先生(OC Weekly)的敏锐的观察与辛辣的文笔。 他的深具洞察力的文章揭示了中共利用尼克松图书馆渗透腐败美国政治文化的图谋。 Coker先生:我再次感谢你对我的逐毛请愿的道德认同。 在一起我们会共同努力以保证美国建国原则的纯洁。 --- 陈凯
Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red at Nixon Library 警惕亲共倾向在美国
By Matt Coker in A Clockwork Orange, OC Media, PoliticsWed., Sep. 30 2009 @ 8:51AM
The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace (now Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum) opened in 1990 and for nearly that long there has been a permanent Hall of World Leaders exhibit featuring life-size statues of such history-shapers as Winston Churchill, Charles deGaulle and Mao Tse-Tung.
It's the inclusion of that last fellow--China's deceased "Chairman Mao" of the Long March, Little Red Book and Beatles "Revolution" fame--that has finally sparked a protest against the Yorba Linda fun zone.
Los Angeles-based, Chinese-American activist Kai Chen is organizing the demonstration scheduled for Thursday, after which he plans to hand museum officials signed petitions demanding the Mao statue be removed.
Chen's got no one to blame but the guy whose name is chiseled onto the front of the joint.
After all, it was Nixon who personally selected Mao for the library's tribute to influential world leaders the 37th U.S. president worked with during his interrupted reign. To take it back another step, Nixon in 1972 became the first U.S. president to visit the People's Republic of China and is credited with opening diplomatic relations with the Communist regime.
What the hell was he thinking?
"To even mention Mao with democratic leaders such as Churchill and Golda Meir in the same breath is truly an insult to human intelligence and offensive to all the freedom-loving people in the world," Chen, who emigrated from China in 1981, tells the Orange County Register.
Don't count this guy out. His complaints led to the removal of a painting of Mao from a Chinese New Year exhibit in Alhambra City Hall in 2007. Chen now has the distinction of being the first person to complain about a statue featured in the Hall of World Leaders, which also includes such Commie all-stars as Chou En-lai, Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev.
(To be fair, the display is rounded out by Egypt's Anwar el-Sadat, West Germany's Konrad Adenauer and Japan's Shigeru Yoshida.)
As a Nixon library official told the Register, displaying statues of world leaders--in this case, long dead ones--does not mean the federally run facility endorses their policies.
Ping Pong diplomacy? Or indoctrination?
Ah, but there may be more to this out-in-the-open, clandestine-Red China-Commie plot unfolding in the heart of Nixonland. Chen's protest also coincides with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. And that coincides with another, dare we say controversial exhibit the private foundation that built the Nixon library is involved in: "Ping Pong Diplomacy: The Rematch."
You read that right, Joe McCarthy: the Nixon Foundation is one of the sponsors of an Oct. 17-18 table tennis tournament aimed at harkening back to the original 1971 and 1972 table tennis events between the United States and Chinese national table tennis teams that became known as "Ping Pong Diplomacy."
Featuring American and Chinese champs, Olympians, collegiate athletes and ripe-for-brainwashing youths, the tourney runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day at Orange County's version of Red Square: South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa.
Mr. President, tear down these balls!
And get this: this red-loving Love-In is tied to "Ancient Paths, Modern Voices: A Festival Celebrating Chinese Culture."
For the love of God, is there no end to this blatant Commie indoctrination?
Apparently not, for The Manchurian Candidatesque plot thickens: another exhibit bowing to Mao, this one displaying archival photographs from the original "Ping Pong Diplomacy" competition as well as photographs documenting Nixon's trip into the heart of darkness (China), will also be featured.
[size=18]Mr. Chen, we pray you know what to do.[/size]

RE: 警惕亲共倾向在美国 Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:23 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
This article seems to imply that I don't know what I am doing, by pointing out that there are other items in the Nixon Library that are offensive as well. People miss the point: Mao with what he represents, violence and bloodshed to grab/maintain absolute power, is at the bottom of all evil by the communist regime in China. To say that to clean the source of contamination is the same to clean all dirty traces from that source is unwise (or stupid) to say the least. To rid off evil, Mao, with what he represents, must be eradicated first as the biggest source of contamination of human mind/soul. --- Kai Chen
这篇文章似乎指控我不懂我在做什么: 为什么其它中共赠与尼克松图书馆的毛像你不做抗议? 写此文的人不懂毛与其代表的血腥暴力及对绝对强权的不惜任何手段、代价的追求是中共邪政的基点。 铲除邪恶之源是首要。 清除污迹是次要。 毛及其代表的邪恶理念是首恶,必须被首先根除。 --- 陈凯
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Episconixonian/Good Mao, Bad Mao
原文 Original Text from Episconixonian:
You need a degree in semiotics to figure out what Kai Chen's problem is with the images of Mao Zedong in the Nixon Library. Reporting about a demonstration by 12 people outside the Library today, the Orange County Register writes:
A needlepoint still-life, donated by the Chinese government, is in a nearby exhibit. Protest organizer...Chen of Los Angeles said he doesn't object to the other items, because they were presented by other people, whereas the statue was chosen by Nixon and seems to be an endorsement of Mao by the U.S. government – exactly what [Library director Tim] Neftali [sic] said he wants to avoid.
Let's be absolutely clear about this. The Chinese communist regime donated the framed needlepoint (showing President Nixon's 1972 meeting with Mao) in 1991, two years after the Tiananmen Square massacre. But that depiction of Mao is okay, whereas the statue is not because it was approved by the former President who formulated the opening to China considered by virtually every expert as a progressive hallmark of the Cold War (and who went back to China in the fall of 1989 to denounce the hardliners who ordered the Tiananmen tanks to roll). If I were Chen and his fellow protesters, who were actually wearing shirts commemorating Tiananmen Square, I'd be more offended by the gift from the butchers of Beijing.

RE: 警惕亲共倾向在美国 Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:25 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
OC Weekly/Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red at Nixon Library
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
Here I thank Mr. Matt Coker (OC Weekly) for this poignant article on communist indoctrination using Nixon Library as Trojan Horse, brainwashing American public and numbing them from communist infiltration/encroachment. Mr. Coker: I thank you for your recognition of my work and together we will fight for America's founding principles. --- Kai Chen
我在此感谢Coker先生(OC Weekly)的敏锐的观察与辛辣的文笔。 他的深具洞察力的文章揭示了中共利用尼克松图书馆渗透腐败美国政治文化的图谋。 Coker先生:我再次感谢你对我的逐毛请愿的道德认同。 在一起我们会共同努力以保证美国建国原则的纯洁。 --- 陈凯
Chinese-American Protesters Seeing Red at Nixon Library
By Matt Coker in A Clockwork Orange, OC Media, Politics Wed., Sep. 30 2009 @ 8:51AM 马特. 柯克尔 (桔子县周报)
The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace (now Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum) opened in 1990 and for nearly that long there has been a permanent Hall of World Leaders exhibit featuring life-size statues of such history-shapers as Winston Churchill, Charles deGaulle and Mao Tse-Tung.
尼克松出生地与图书馆(现在的尼克松总统图书博物馆)于1990年揭幕以来一直有一个“世界领袖展部”。 这展部中陈列着真人大小的历史人物的铜像如丘吉尔、戴高乐,还有毛泽东。
It's the inclusion of that last fellow--China's deceased "Chairman Mao" of the Long March, Little Red Book and Beatles "Revolution" fame--that has finally sparked a protest against the Yorba Linda fun zone.
就是上面提到的最后那个人物 – 中国的已故的“毛主席”,那个经过所谓的长征、造出“毛语录”的小红书和共与“披头四”齐名的革命家,最终在犹巴林达市引起了抗议。
Los Angeles-based, Chinese-American activist Kai Chen is organizing the demonstration scheduled for Thursday, after which he plans to hand museum officials signed petitions demanding the Mao statue be removed.
在洛杉矶居住的华裔美国人陈凯将在星期四召集抗议活动并在此后将征集的请愿签名交给尼克松图书馆的官员。 此请愿旨在呼吁将毛铜像从尼克松图书馆中永久驱逐。
Chen's got no one to blame but the guy whose name is chiseled onto the front of the joint.
在这一抗议请愿中,陈凯只能归咎于那个将自己的名字刻在图书馆上方的人- 尼克松。
After all, it was Nixon who personally selected Mao for the library's tribute to influential world leaders the 37th U.S. president worked with during his interrupted reign. To take it back another step, Nixon in 1972 became the first U.S. president to visit the People's Republic of China and is credited with opening diplomatic relations with the Communist regime.
无论如何,就是这个尼克松本人将毛选入这个“世界领袖展部”去褒扬的。 (尼克松在其任期间因“水门事件”辞职。)再往前追,就是这个尼克松作为美国总统在1972年首次出访中华人民共和国并为以后的与中共国建交开辟了途径。
What the hell was he thinking?
"To even mention Mao with democratic leaders such as Churchill and Golda Meir in the same breath is truly an insult to human intelligence and offensive to all the freedom-loving people in the world," Chen, who emigrated from China in 1981, tells the Orange County Register.
陈凯与1981年来到美国。 他告诉桔子县邮报的记者: “将毛泽东与民主宪政的领袖们如丘吉尔和梅捷夫人相提并论是对人类理性与世界热爱自由的人们的莫大侮辱。”
Don't count this guy out. His complaints led to the removal of a painting of Mao from a Chinese New Year exhibit in Alhambra City Hall in 2007. Chen now has the distinction of being the first person to complain about a statue featured in the Hall of World Leaders, which also includes such Commie all-stars as Chou En-lai, Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev.
可别小看了这个人(陈凯)。 2007年由于他的抗议请愿阿罕布拉市的市政厅曾将一幅毛像从厅内的画展中撤除。 现在他又成了第一个抗议请愿将毛铜像从尼克松图书馆里“世界领袖展部”中撤除的人。 这个展部中还有一些其他共产“全明星”人物如周恩来、赫鲁晓夫与布雷日涅夫。
(To be fair, the display is rounded out by Egypt's Anwar el-Sadat, West Germany's Konrad Adenauer and Japan's Shigeru Yoshida.)
As a Nixon library official told the Register, displaying statues of world leaders--in this case, long dead ones--does not mean the federally run facility endorses their policies.
尼克松图书馆的人员曾告诉桔子县邮报: 陈列这些人物们在“世界领袖展部”并不代表这个现在由美国联邦政府经管的博物馆赞同他们当时的政策。
Ping Pong diplomacy? Or indoctrination?
乒乓外交? 还是共产洗脑?
Ah, but there may be more to this out-in-the-open, clandestine-Red China-Commie plot unfolding in the heart of Nixonland. Chen's protest also coincides with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. And that coincides with another, dare we say controversial exhibit the private foundation that built the Nixon library is involved in: "Ping Pong Diplomacy: The Rematch."
嘿! 也许在这尼克松的天地有一个虽然公开但不可告人的红色中国的韬略阴谋。 陈凯的抗议请愿正是在中华人民共和国建政六十年的纪念日这一天。 同时它又碰巧与那个有争议的私人机构的“尼克松基金会”与中共合办的纪念活动同期 – “乒乓外交 – 再一回合”。
You read that right, Joe McCarthy: the Nixon Foundation is one of the sponsors of an Oct. 17-18 table tennis tournament aimed at harkening back to the original 1971 and 1972 table tennis events between the United States and Chinese national table tennis teams that became known as "Ping Pong Diplomacy."
你没读错,约瑟夫. 麦卡锡先生(译者注:NBC 曾撰文用约瑟夫. 麦卡锡之名讥讽陈凯的抗议请愿活动http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local-...y-63135412.html 因怕引起公愤NBC近将约瑟夫. 麦卡锡一名删除。): 尼克松基金会是主办纪念1971-1972年中美“乒乓外交”活动的主办者之一。
Featuring American and Chinese champs, Olympians, collegiate athletes and ripe-for-brainwashing youths, the tourney runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day at Orange County's version of Red Square: South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa.
那一天在桔子县的“红场”上(South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa.),美国和中共国的乒乓英雄们、奥运健将们、大学球员们和那些已做好被共产洗脑的准备的青年们会云集在此。
Mr. President, tear down these balls!
总统先生: 砸碎这些洗脑乒乓混球!(译者注:里根总统曾在柏林墙旁宣称:砸碎这座墙!)
And get this: this red-loving Love-In is tied to "Ancient Paths, Modern Voices: A Festival Celebrating Chinese Culture."
你们还会(在洗脑纪念会上)看到这样的提法:热爱红色中国就是“远古的路,现代的声音 – 庆祝中国文化的盛会”。
For the love of God, is there no end to this blatant Commie indoctrination?
神明有眼: 难道在美国没人来阻止这些肆无忌惮的、猖狂的共产洗脑的活动吗?
Apparently not, for The Manchurian Candidatesque plot thickens: another exhibit bowing to Mao, this one displaying archival photographs from the original "Ping Pong Diplomacy" competition as well as photographs documenting Nixon's trip into the heart of darkness (China), will also be featured.
显然没有。 “满洲总统竞选人”的阴谋韬略正在深化广化: 另一个吹捧毛的展览也会同时上台。 这个展览将会展出在“乒乓外交”中的尼克松在中共国的黑暗中旅行的照片。
Mr. Chen, we pray you know what to do.
陈凯先生: 我们都为你祈祷,望你懂得你的行动的真实意义。

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