陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

新共产的危险 Are Communists (or neo-Communists) Dangerous

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:00 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

Since the downfall of the USSR, without the contrast of evil despotism/tyranny, America gradually slides toward the abyss of socialism/communism. The Chinese version of "Soft Cold War", as a alternative to defeat capitalism/freedom, is winning the fight. We must be aware of the danger from Neo-Communism. --- Kai Chen

自从苏俄共产垮台以后,共产主义/社会主义的邪恶被人们渐渐淡忘。 美国正逐渐滑向被用所谓良好意愿铺成的通向共产地狱的深渊。 中国共产法西斯主义正在用其“软冷战”的新技俩在打击资本主义与自由理念中站了上风。 自由的人们一定要警觉“新共产专制”的危险。 --- 陈凯

Are Communists (or neo-Communists) Dangerous?

By: David Horowitz
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Last Friday night, O’Reilly and Beck had a back-and-forth about communism (inspired by Beck’s takedown of self-proclaimed communist and presidential adviser Van Jones). O’Reilly opined (I hate that word but he likes it, so there it is) that he was afraid of Islamo-fascists but not of communists. Like many Americans, O’Reilly thinks that because the communist party is almost a thing of the past (it exists but is not and will not be big enough to throw its weight around again), the communist idea is dead. It is not.

It’s interesting that we have words like “neo-Nazi” to describe post-Hitler Nazis, and “neo-conservative” to describe liberals who left the Democratic Party when it took a sharp turn to the left, but not “neo-Communist” to describe the massive numbers of people on the left — and among them very influential people — who share, almost to the jot and tittle, the old communist view of capitalism, and are prepared to act on that perception.

Michael Moore’s new film promises to be a dramatization of this view of capitalism if his communist propaganda film Sicko is any indication. Neo-communists like Moore share the old communists’ antipathy for the United States and sympathy for its enemies, even enemies as evil as Iran and Hizbollah. Noam Chomsky, the self-hating MIT sociopath is a big fan of the Hizbollah and Hamas Nazis, so deep is his hatred for Jews and the United States.

Neo-communism is a view whose members consider themselves “citizens of the world,” not of America, and who therefore agitate for open borders and want the morally repulsive collection of autocracies, slaveocracies and kleptocracies called “the United Nations” to reign over us and the world.

A neo-communist is someone who believes that America is ruled by corporations who put “profit over people” — and thereby show that they don’t understand either profit or people. A neo-communist is someone who is convinced that race, class, and gender hierarchies make it not only legitimate but necessary to describe America as a “white supremacist” society. Neo-communists believe that a revolution is necessary (if not opportune at the moment), that the Consitution is a disposable document, and that America’s communist and Islamo-fascist enemies (Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Hizbollah, the PLO and Hamas), are freedom fighters or at least on the right side of the armageddon that faces us.

These are views shared by The Nation magazine, by Commonsense.org, by the Indymedia crowd, by the social justice movement, by the majority of the Black Caucus and the Progressive Caucus on the Democratic side in Congress, and by tens of thousands of university professors who indoctrinate their students in these pernicious ideologies every day. They are the views held by the leaders of ACORN, the SEIU, AFCSME and other leftwing unions, by radical feminists, by organizations like MALDEF and La Raza, by the ACLU and the Center for Constitutional Rights who are working to support the Islamo-fascist agenda in America, by the major Muslim organizations including the Muslim Students Association, CAIR, and the Islamic Circle of North America. And I could continue, but why bother? (Those curious enough can pick up a copy of my book Unholy Alliance and read for themselves my views on “The Mind of the Left” and its global struggles.)

This coalition, which I have called the “unholy alliance,” presents a massive threat to America’s security and its individual freedoms and its free market system, and if someone who has been as gutsy in going after America’s enemies generally (and going after the ACLU in particular) as Bill O’Reilly has still doesn’t see this, we have a lot of consciousness raising left to do.


David Horowitz is the founder of The David Horowitz Freedom Center and author of the new book, One Party Classroom.

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RE: 新共产的危险 Are Communists (or neo-Communists) Dangerous

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:05 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

从白宫旁升中国旗到帝国大厦点专制灯,中共在中国的合法性危机已经到达了一个致命点。 侵蚀腐败美国的建国原则与价值自然地成为了中共“以攻为守”的重要手段。 奥巴马当局的左倾政策正给全球的邪恶专制政权开了合法性的绿灯。 “全球逐毛日”則是热爱自由的人们反击中共的“腐美而守共”的有效举措。 醒醒吧,美国的人们! 美国的建国原则与价值正在受到前所未有的威胁。 --- 陈凯

From raising the Chinese national flag by the White House to lighting up red and yellow lights at the Empire State Building, China's evil communist regime has realized it is indeed experiencing an unprecedented "legitimacy crisis" domestically. The regime is indeed on its deathbed. Thus "infiltrating and corrupting America and making sure it abandon its founding principles and values" has become a top priority in the communists' "using offense as defense" scheme. Obama administration with its left-leaning policies/moral confusion opens the door in America for such wide-range attacks from all despotic regimes in the world in their attempts to legitimize themselves. "Global Day to Denounce Mao" is my attempt to rally all freedom-loving people in the world in a counter-attack to safeguard America's founding principles and values, and to defeat the moral confusion/corruption in America and the infiltration/contamination from the Chinese communist regime. Wake up people! America is in danger. --- Kai Chen


Empire State Building turns red-yellow for China's 60th

(AFP) – 20 hours ago

NEW YORK — New York's iconic Empire State Building will light up red and yellow Wednesday in honor of the 60th anniversary of communist China.

The Chinese consul, Peng Keyu, and other officials will take part in the lighting ceremony which will bathe the skyscraper in the colors of the People's Republic until Thursday, Empire State Building representatives said in a statement.

The upper sections of the building are regularly illuminated to mark special occasions, ranging from all blue to mark "Old Blue Eyes" Frank Sinatra's death in 1998 to green for the annual Saint Patrick's Day.

Just last week the tower turned bright red.

However, that was not to mark some other communist achievement, but the 70th anniversary of the film "The Wizard of Oz" in which Dorothy wears ruby slippers rather than the silver of the original L. Frank Baum novel.

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