Saturday, August 22, 2009
一个良知美国公民给尼克松图书馆的信 A Conscientious American's Letter to Nixon Library
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
我非常感谢这位良知美国公民给尼克松图书馆的信-要求撤除毛周铜像。 了解真相的大多数美国人都会做出同样的举动。 尼克松本人在职时就曾犯下“水门事件”这一道德偏差/罪。 他在退职后的道德偏差也不应该被忽略,因为尼克松图书馆(一个美国联邦机构)应代表美国的自由,正义与人的尊严的价值。 美国的人们曾因尼克松的道德罪将其逐出白宫。 他在退职后的道德偏差也应被更正。 美国是属于正直有尊严的人们的,而不属于那些道德不健全的权贵们的。 --- 陈凯
I am very grateful to this conscientious American citizen (Margie Tiritilli) in her effort to demand the dismantling of Mao/Zhou statues. I believe majority of Americans, once they have learned about the truth with facts, will do the same. Nixon himself had exhibited a gross moral lapses when he was in the White House. His continued moral lapses in allowing the display of Mao/Zhou statues in his presidential library should also be corrected, much like when he committed "Watergate" transgression. America belongs to American people with the values of liberty, justice and human dignity. America does not belong to some morally inadequate/degenerate elite with power. --- Kai Chen
一个良知美国公民给尼克松图书馆的信 A Conscientious American's Letter to Nixon Library
In a message dated 8/21/2009 9:07:16 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
mtiritilli@earthlink.net writes:
Below was sent after having met a gentleman who gave me a DVD titled "My Way" while we were at the David Horowitz Freedom Center luncheon for Congressman McCotter August 19, 2009.
From: Margie Tiritilli
To: timothy.naftali@nara.gov
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 8:56 PM
Subject: Mao/Zhou Statues Are Not Appropriate For Library
Dear Director Naftali,
I recently learned that the Nixon Presidential Library features the statues of Mao and Zhou. Surely, you know the history of these men and the millions of Chinese who were brutally murdered under their regimes?
While President Nixon had a fondness for China, I don't believe he ever supported Communism nor its application of stifling the right of the Chinese people to freedom. Something - Americans have always enjoyed.
The statues of Mao and Zhou are not only offensive to those of Chinese descent, recent immigrants and to many Americans of other ethnic backgrounds, but their prominence serves to validate the notorious histories of these two men.
For the sake of human dignity and for the suffering that Chinese people feel when they view these statues at the library, I am asking most respectfully that you remove them from view.
Thank you for your consideration,
Margie Tiritilli
Dear Ms. Margie Tiritilli:
I want to thank you personally for your support and your righteous action in expressing your outrage.
We as American citizens must take moral responsibility to ensure the cultural health of this great country. I am deeply moved by your moral clarity and conviction and I believe majority of American citizens will be just like you, outraged by the display of the anti-freedom, anti-American symbols in a federal institution that is supposed to espouse freedom, justice and human dignity. We need to spread the words and gather more people of conscience to come out on October 1, 2009, in front of the Nixon Library. We need to call upon more people to express our moral outrage to the authorities of National Archive and Nixon Library to put pressures on them. And more than ever, we need to raise the consciousness of the American public and appeal to people moral decency to safeguard the precious values of America. The blood of American soldiers in Korea and Vietnam should never be shed in vain, and the murderers of tens of millions of innocent Chinese who also had a great amount of blood of American soldiers on their hands should never be glorified, romanticized and commemorated in any American institutions.
Thanks again for your courage and conviction. I am deeply grateful for your support and we will carry this righteous fight to its righteous end.
Best wishes to you and your family. Kai Chen
PS. I have tried to contact LA Times and OC Register to cover this protest, but so far I have yet to receive any response. If you can mobilize more people to pay attention, especially those in the news media, to this worthy cause, I will appreciate it.