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对台湾自由人们的四大威胁 Four Great Threats to Taiwan

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:46 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 陈凯博客

Four Great Threats to Taiwan People

陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:

Herschensohn教授的警言值得所有热爱自由的人们的关注:中共、台商无原则的对大陆投资、国民党的绥靖亲共倾向、与美国左倾无原则的对华政策是对台湾自由人们的四大威胁。 --- 陈凯

Professor Bruce Herschensohn's words are worthy our attention: The four biggest threats to Taiwan's security and freedom come from PRC, idiotic investment from Taiwan merchants toward the mainland, KMT's appeasement and weakness toward the communist regime and the US principle-less foreign policy. --- Kai Chen

Four Great Threats to Taiwan People

Professor Bruce Herschensohn, Pepperdine:

Bruce Herschensohn is Adjunct Professor of Public Policy at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy. He is the editor of Democracy: The Bridge between Mainland China and Taiwan and Hong Kong at the Handover. He was former Assistant to President Nixon. Below are Professor Herschensohn's comments.

PROFESSOR BRUCE HERSCHENSOHN: "Our policy inaugurated by our State Department can be encapsulated within two phrases, One-China Policy and Retaining the Status Quo". (Pepperdine University)"I believe that there are four great threats to the 23 million people of Taiwan. The first threat is obviously The People's Republic of China (PRC)".

"The second threat, in my opinion, are the business people who continually invest in China hoping to make money, and have produced a super power that will haunt all of us for a long time to come".

"The third threat is the major opposition party in Taiwan, the Koumintang (KMT). It has become in my view a proxy for The PRC".

"The fourth threat is U.S. Policy, which I consider to be absurd, antiquated, and flies in the face of President Bush's most magnificent pursuit in the history of mankind, in my view, which is the support of democracies around the world so that everyone becomes free".

"Our policy inaugurated by our State Department can be encapsulated within two phrases, One-China Policy and Retaining the Status Quo ".

"That One-China policy was born near the beginning of the cold war when Mao Tse-Tung took over China, called it the People's Republic of China, and said I am the legal government of China. And the vanquished government of Chiang Kai-shek, The Republic of China, was moved to Taiwan. Chiang Kai-shek and his followers went there. He said no, I am the legal government of China. I am the Republic of China. And so there were two Chinas. We immediately inaugurated a One-China policy".

"We did not want to have two Chinas, we could not recognize two Chinas. And the China that we chose at the beginning of the cold war was Chiang Kai-shek and the Republic of China on Taiwan. After all, Mao was a Stalinist communist, and the head of a communist government. Chiang Kai-shek was an ally in World War II and a friend of the United States".

"We retained that policy from President Truman all the way through Gerald Ford's administration to the beginning of Jimmy Carter's administration. But one night on December 15 of 1978 when the congress had just gone on Christmas vacation, Jimmy Carter asked for television time to give a major speech to the United States, in fact to the world. And he sure did. It was a total surprise. He switched Chinas, traded in Chinas".

"No longer are we going to recognize a Republic of China on Taiwan, we are going to recognize the People's Republic of China on the continent of China. Congress was mad as the devil. They came back to Washington after the first of the year in 1979 and enacted the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) that does call for the defense of Taiwan. So the TRA has really become the cornerstone of our policy there and it is still current today".

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