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中国商人-传统专制/中共纳粹的爪牙与帮凶 Chinese Merchants

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:37 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Chinese Merchants - Pawns of Despotism

www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 陈凯博客网址

陈凯一语 Kai Chen' Words:

从古代的“红顶商人”到今天中国的“新富”商产阶层,其无一不是中国专制、中共纳粹的帮凶与爪牙。 为国经商、为民盈利、为社稷跑货是这些宦奴娼们的伪道德,也是法西斯纳粹商业信条的精髓。 在一个旨在消灭个体的社会中,为个体自身经商盈利是一个大逆不道的行为。 也正是因为这个中国专制社会的基点特征,中国商业阶层(和任何其他类似阶层如知识阶层)从古至今从不是社会变革的因素。 这与西方以个体为基点的商业文化(教育文化)形成鲜明对照。 由此,英国的工业革命所形成的中产、资产阶级对社会变革的积极作用便不会在中国产生。

中国的商人们自古以来只求依靠政府关系与政府保护盈利。 这种奴才的经商心态导致了资本主义的精髓在中国的彻底缺失。 今天的中国是一个毫无以个体盈利为道德的官僚贸易的商业畸形的经济怪胎。 专制并不担心中国商人们的奴性贸易。 相反,中共纳粹专制依靠所谓的“新富”与“中产阶级”巩固自己的非法政权。(90% 以上的中国“新富”是中国官僚的子弟亲眷。)说到底,中国今天的“新富”与“中产阶级”是对历史进步的反动。 --- 陈凯

From ancient time to today's China, merchant class has always been a pawn for the Chinese despots. It plays an important role in stabilizing the power of the ruling class in a despotism. The core reason for this phenomenon is a total lack of the concept of individualism in the Chinese society. The perverted but prevailing moral code in the merchant class is to serve the emperor and the state. Thus, there is a sharp contrast between the Western middle class and the newly emerged Chinese middle class. The former is a force for societal transformation. The latter, a force for stagnation.

Traditionally, the Chinese merchants only want government connection and protection. They corrupt themselves morally to please the ruling elite. A twisted commercial moral code thus has dictated the Chinese merchants to behave like slaves for the state/emperor. The Chinese despots and the current illegitimate communist government would never have to worry about the Chinese merchants sabotaging their authority. (90% of the "Newly Rich" in China have bloodline connected to the Chinese officialdom anyway.) The Chinese merchants are part of the despotic system. Their function in history has always been reactionary toward societal progress. China does not have capitalism today. China, in truth, only has a "bureaucratic mercantilism" which is typical in a Fascist society. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I have had some experience in dealing with some of the Chinese merchants today in the US. It has been indeed a learning experience for me. I had hoped them to be a mechanism for social change in China, and indeed I had helped them to establish their businesses in the US.

But after a while and through further contact with them, I have found that the truth is the opposite from what I had expected/assumed. What I learned in Western Social Sciences in school does not apply to the Chinese merchants. I found out that they are nothing but a sub-branch of the Chinese communist machine. All the Chinese merchants seem to have a pathological complex, feeling guilty to earn money for themselves but happy to say that they are doing it for the Chinese state, for the Chinese people, for China's society.... (and some other damn lofty titles)

Their business tactics are nothing more than to bribe the Chinese officials for a little favor and advantage. They fear if they lose the official connections they will not only lose money, they will endanger their own safety and their familys' safety. They behave like they are under the gun 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They look like some panic-stricken rabbits under the constant watch of the big bad wolf. The best they can do is to find ways to please the Chinese communist authorities, to bribe them, to donate to some meaningless public projects, to bring the children of the Chinese officials to the US, etc.... There is no pride or righteousness in their eyes. There is only fear, uncertainty, guilt, false sense of national greatness.... No wonder many Chinese merchants today help the communist authority spy on dissidents, steal political, military and business intelligence, host government intelligence agents in their business establishments, intimidate or seduce the people in overseas Chinese communities around the world, etc...

I then realized that I was wrong in putting hope into these Eunuslawhores. I must recognize the reality: Chinese merchants were, are and always have been the pawns of the Chinese despotism and tyranny.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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