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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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别了,钱澄海教练 Goodbye, Coach Qian
别了,钱澄海教练 Goodbye, Coach Qian
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:45 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Goodbye, Coach Qian - A Sonata to a Good Man
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
My Eulogy for Coach Qian:
如果你看过“窃听风暴”,你就知道即使在极端的专制暴虐之下人的良知也不会全部泯灭。 我在中国的幸存与成功也有这些良知尚存的人们的保护的因素。 钱澄海教练就是那些良知尚存的人们之一。 --- 陈凯
If you have seen the movie "The Lives of Others", you will know that even under extreme tyranny and repression, human conscience will survive in one way or another. It will spark somehow in a most unexpected place and in a most unexpected time. My story of survival and success in China had certainly had such an element. Coach Qian was one of those with conscience who in his way protected me from total destruction by the evil regime. --- Kai Chen
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 8/9/2011)
I only learned that my former National Basketball Team Head Coach Qian Chenghai passed away on April 24, 2008, when a friend called me from China.
I had known Coach Qian for a long time. I stayed in the National Team both in 1971 when Coach Qian was an assistant coach and in 1978 when Coach Qian was the head coach of the National Basketball Team.
I had known that Coach Qian was battling bone cancer for some years, though I had not seen him for many years. Before almost every time he came to the States, he would come and stay in my house. He was the Head Coach for China in the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles and my wife Susan was the interpreter for the Chinese National Basketball Team.
I write this piece as a eulogy to Coach Qian, not because he was my coach, but because he was a good man with conscience.
In 1971 when I was put into solitary confinement for my crime of escaping to Guangzhou from the National Team without the Party Organization's permission, I was in total isolation, writing my confession under supervision and surveillance. No one wanted to talk to me or had anything to do with me as if I had some deadly contagious disease. No one showed any sympathy toward me, a 17 years old kid whose only crime was having Taiwan relatives, and because of that I was expelled from the National Team Program. But one day I had a very unexpected visit from Coach Qian. He came to me and consoled me with soothing words: "I come to tell you that you will be OK. They will not destroy you entirely. Some people have similar cases. Don't worry too much."
Just a few words to inform and to sooth is enough for me to remember him forever. He did not have to come to do that. But he did it out of kindness and conscience. Later on I learned that Coach Qian also had relatives in Taiwan. His sister's husband was even serving in the same KMT's air force with my uncle. Maybe that was the reason why he showed sympathy toward me. But nonetheless, I will always be grateful toward him for that single act of kindness out of conscience and good heart.
I had called him once, having learned that he had cancer. But he maintained a great positive outlook on life. That was probably the reason why he had survived for seven years having had many operations. He lost two legs and part of his lungs.
As I peruse through the official eulogy in China today for Coach Qian, my stomach turns. The state is still using him to rally the crowd for China-loving. The official press has listed many of Coach Qian's former titles, positions, party membership, and other achievements. But as for me, the most defining moment of Coach Qian's character came in that dark afternoon in 1971, in a most depressive era, under the most oppressive circumstances. Just a few kind words. Just a soothing gesture.
Goodbye, my coach. I will always remember you, not for some glamour or glory in the official books, but for that single shining moment - a spark in the total darkness. In that moment, I learned what goodness is.
穆铁柱 - 中国专制虚无的牺牲品
Mu - A Victim of Chinese Despotic Nihilism
A Eulogy to Mu by Kai Chen
Mu's Arranged Marriage by Communist Authority (Video Link):
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
铁柱死了。 这个与我同队六年的队友,(从国家体委集训到八一队到国家队),这个我曾动拳头与他打过架的队友,死了(5 9岁)。 我竟然找不出任何评价他的话。 他的一生是典型在专制下虚无度过的一生。 他的一生没有任何属于自己自由意志的价值。 他的身高,他的出名,他的婚姻,他的几乎一切都与他的自由意志无关。 它是一个被命运驱使的肉体存活。 他的死甚至也被专制官方利用来稳定其统治。 哀哉!
Mu died. He was my teammate for six years or more (from the National Training Camp to August 1st Team to the National Team in 1978). One time we even had a fist fight on the court in a training session. He died at age 59. The ironic thing is that, unlike the time when Coach Qian died, I can't find any words of value to comment on him. His life was an example of lives under despotic nihilism. In his life, nothing seemed to have belonged to him or up to his own free will. His height, his fame, his marriage, his promotion, etc. all were up to others and the government. He was a victim and slave of his own fate. Even his death is now being used by the official media to promote the government's agenda. Sad, isn't it?
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 8/9/2011)
I learned about Mu's death early in the morning (9/14/2008) from another (August 1st Team) teammate of mine. I watched the official Chinese media about his death and his life. I was in some of the photos they had shown in the video clip.
Sadly, I had very little emotional reaction to his death. Am I too cold and cruel? No. I don't think that my reaction to his death is a sign of my cruelty. Yet as I dwell deep into the origin of my emotion, I realized how meaningless Mu's life was and how nihilistic his life was about. His free will made no imprint on his own life if there was any free will on his part. Nothing was up to him at all. He merely existed in a form of slavery and nothingness to entertain a crowd of zombies/vampires. I had only pity and a bit of sadness toward him.
When we were teammates, I occasionally witnessed his rebellion against the inhuman system, throwing temper tantrum toward the authorities. I often enjoyed that. But it was the fact that one time he threw a game to the Jinan Military District, showed me that he had no principles and morals. Everything was interest-driven to him. Satisfying his physical needs/saving face was the only thing he was concerned about. He was his own worst enemy. He lived a life of humiliation with no dignity, partly because of himself, because of his own valuelessness. He bought into the official nihilism and allowed only the government and others to define him.
He started with nothingness. He went through nothingness. He served nothingness. He was defined by nothingness. Now even after he is dead, he is continuously being used by the official nothingness. He, as I now view him, is the typical representative of nothingness promoted by the Chinese despotic tyranny.
I pasted a link above and here for you to judge his life yourself. This is the official view of him from China.
By the way, have you noticed that Mu's forehead grew out two horns, a sign of out of control Gigantism. But the official conclusion is that he died of heart failure. If the heart failure was not from the Gigantism, I don't know what was. The lie continues.
Link to Official Chinese media:
http://sports.sina.com.cn/k/2008-09-...23947173.shtml "

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