Kai Chen Withdraws Signature from Declaration
With regard to: 80多位华人基督徒和传道人发布历史性六四20周年宣告
Dear all:
我(陈凯)在此重申: 我从来没有承认过中国政府/中共政权的合法性。 我从来不认为中共党政是一个合法国度。 更不认为它的权力来自上帝。 它的暴政、权力只来自反上帝。
Due to the following statement in the declaration which I only discovered after I agree to lend my name/signature to the document's initiator, hereby I withdraw my signature from the list of endorsement.
I have never recognized the legitimacy of the Chinese communist party and its regime. I have made that clear in all my public statements. I regret to have seen this following statement in the document I endorsed. I take my personal responsibility for not reading it before I signed it.
I paste this statement here as the reason of my withdrawal.
Best to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯
" 三,为当时和现在中国执政掌权者的悔改祷告。一方面我们尊重政府当有的治理权柄,因为这权柄是上帝设立的;另一方面因着这权柄是来自上帝,所以也必将在上帝面前交账。为此我们敦促政府采行下列步骤,使正义得以伸张,社会达成和解。"