Enjoy "The Fountainhead" and "The Inner Circle"
“源泉”是安. 兰德的代表作。 1949年被制成电影。 这部著作反映了美国个体自由的原则,有力地抨击了所有已群体为基点的社会主义专制制度。 “内情”是一部1991年摄制的美国影片。 它以一个真实的克格勃人员的故事揭露了斯大林时代的腐败。 从哲学到现实,我向各位真诚得推荐这两部优秀的影片。 --- 陈凯
"The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand was made a movie in 1949. It is the signature work of Ayn Rand. It denounces all tyranny based on collectivism and espouses the principle of American individualism. "The Inner Circle" (1991) is about a true story by a KGB officer, a projectionist in the Kremlin. It exposes the corruption and evil of Stalin and his cohorts. From philosophy to reality, I sincerely recommend these two movies to all of you. --- Kai Chen
[size=24]The Fountainhead[/size]
Made in 1949
To order "The Fountainhead", click the link below:

Long treasured as a masterpiece of camp, THE FOUNTAINHEAD stars Gary Cooper as architect Howard Roark. A paragon of integrity, he refuses to create buildings that violate his sense of aesthetic value, choosing instead to work as laborer until he can find funding for his own projects. He becomes involved with wealthy Dominique (Patricia Neal), a woman who combines sexual aggressiveness with an abiding belief that a woman must be subdued in order to love. Roark accepts a commission to build a public-housing project provided that no changes be made to his radical design. When a team of architects is employed to humanize his work, the enraged architect blows up the entire complex. He's placed on trial and is forced to defend the extremity of his action. One of the most unusual artifacts ever to emerge from Hollywood, Ayn Rand's adaptation of her novel is a contradictory hodgepodge of sub-Nietzschean musing, so laden with wooden rhetoric and hysterical ranting that it could never be mistaken for any speech ever uttered on this planet. The bizarre miscasting of Cooper as an arrogant Ubermann and Patricia Neal as a mildly sadomasochistic intellectual only add to the fun. In the legendary scene in which Dominique watches Roark pound his pneumatic drill into the quarry rockface, there's no mistaking the beatific look on her face for intellectual excitement.
[size=24]The Inner Circle[/size]
Made in 1991
To order "The Inner Circle", click the link below:

Andrei Konchalovsky have always been my favorite russian director, but this is his best film. It tells us about a national tragedy: Stalin tirany. Some wonderful forgein actors also add to the success of the film. They are Tom Hulce, Lolita Davidovich (Indictment: The McMartin Trial (HBO:1995)), Bess Meyer is wonderful as the Jweish girl Katya. The scene of Stalin's funeral is so shocking and touching when Katya is trying to get close to the coffin with Stalin and Ivan (Tom Hulce) is holding her because she could got killed. The most horrible thing about Katya's thoughts is that she is so devoted to comrade Stalin, she says that it's just because of her she is an educated person, she lives okay (really horrible), but 'twas Stalin who arrested her parents only because they're Jewish people. She says: What profession can I get - I am a Jew, you know. That shocks. There's no a thind more horrible than when since his or hers childhood a preson thinks that he/she is worse than the others... Thank you, Andrei Sergeevich for this wonderful and touching masterpiece.