陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum
不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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CW is Out of My Forum 通告:CW在陈凯论坛被禁
CW is Out of My Forum 通告:CW在陈凯论坛被禁
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:57 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Announcement: CW is Out of My Forum
I have just deleted CW's personal attacks on me with vicious ranting and name calling because of my previous comments (with my laying down the rules/focus of this forum) on his piece as shown above.
There is no room for hatred and venomous personal attack in any form or shape among rational beings in this forum. If his piece is against the "50 cent" communist agents, I may leave it here. But he wants to target the host of this forum with a personal/face-saving agenda and cause in-fighting among us to distract what we want to accomplish here. That is not to be tolerated. CW showed that he is not capable of engaging in reasoned dialogues to achieve valued goals. He has reverted to his old schizophrenic/bipolar self and retreated to his old poisonous cocoon, resentful of those who have the courage and are able to fly out of it. This forum is not for the cure of the mentally ill. He needs to see a psychiatrist.
CW has thus exhibited the worst traits and characteristics only a schizophrenic/bipolar patient can exhibit. Yet unfortunately this is the typical mindset of a person who identifies himself as "Chinese" first. This is what I call the "Monkey King Syndrome" so prevalent among the Chinese speaking population:
A Warrior toward Free Beings, A Coward toward Evil Despots
A typical Chinese mindset is such (Monkey King Syndrome 孙猴子情结):
He is not willing and able to lift himself up; yet he is immensely willing and able to put others down.
He is not interested in searching for truth; yet he is immensely capable of manufacturing illusions and creating lies, and even perfectly willing to believe in them himself.
He has no courage to find and face reality through which he can possibly have a healthy personal growth; yet he has immense audacity and countless tricks to escape it and all he wants is personal attention (no matter good or bad) to himself from others.
He is never interested in curing his own mental and spiritual diseases; yet he is perfectly enthusiastic and able to spread these diseases among others so he can feel a little normalcy himself.
He is never interested in looking for his own happiness; yet he finds immense pleasure in causing misery, distress and mental anguish onto others.
He is not capable of exchanging constructive ideas with others in a rational dialogue; yet he is perfectly content spreading rumors and engaging in endless street-corner gossips, as though this is where his spiritual orgasm comes from.
He is pathologically fearful of evil despotism (as of in China) with a permanent paranoia/paralysis, and he will tolerate evil to an extreme extent to preserve his physical safety selling out his integrity and dignity with no guilt at all; yet he always finds immense energy and satisfaction in a venomous infighting among those who have no intention of harming him.
He is not interested in understanding the concept of freedom with its necessary attachment of personal responsibility, individual decency and virtue; yet he has immense reverence for tyranny and the existential certainty that tyranny brings to him.... Power struggle is the only game he plays.
As the host of "Kai Chen Forum", I have the responsibility and duty to maintain the quality of the messages and the integrity of the forum's agenda. From now on, CW will be out of this forum. I have given him a chance to prove to himself that he is worthy of this forum. Apparently he failed miserably. This last piece by CW is what you will see him here on my forum for the last time.
Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen
[size=18]My previous message to CW: [/size]
Dear CW:
Please bear in mind that this forum is established with specific purposes - to advance human freedom by defeating despotism and tyranny and to seek meaning in life by defeating nihilism, passivity, helplessness and despair.
Nothingness is NOT existence. Slavery is NOT a natural form of human life that God has intended. Paralysis is NOT what a healthy person should have. Simply being here by being born does not earn one an iota of respect and freedom. Respect, love, friendship, dignity are values to be earned with paying a hefty price. That price is to live as one preaches. I know that most people in the world don't want to pay that price. That is why most people in the world still live in slavery. Simply because most people live in slavery, does that make slavery acceptable? Or does that make those who seek freedom by paying a price (sometimes the price is their own lives) idiots?
This forum is not for graffiti artists, or some kind of gossip column, or for apologists of a despotic culture that promotes human slavery of mind and meaninglessness in human existence. If someone simply wants or insists on wanting to vomit on this forum and brand the undigested garbage as something of value, something they "want the readers to make sense of" (narcotics are made for the weak to escape reality and once you get into it, you don't make sense of anything. And I know the Chinese are very good at manufacturing spiritual designer narcotics.), I will have to clean it up as a responsible host of "Kai Chen Forum".
I hope I have made myself very clear. And I don't want to waste my time making myself clear again and again.
Best. Kai Chen

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