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中国奖牌得主-失落的个体孤魂 Lost Individuals

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:52 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Chinese Medalists - Lost Individuals


在中国奖牌得主中,没有一个人在得奖后向观众席上观望,寻找自己的亲友去分享自己的成功。 从他们表演给他人的微笑中,我只看到了失落的个体孤魂,我只看到了屈辱和痛苦。 他们在心理上和良知上会为此承受严重的后果。 --- 陈凯

If you pay attention to the Chinese medallists in the Beijing Olympics, as always, you will find that none of them look toward the audience to find their family and friends to share their success. They only respond to the coaches and leaders. From the fake smiles designed to perform for others, and to cover their own pain/misery, I only see some lonely hearts lost in the crowds who care nothing about these athletes but want to steal something from them. I only see humiliation and excruciating pain. They will have to bear grave consequences of selling themselves to an entity that entirely dehumanizes them as individual beings. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Have you seen any smile from the Chinese athletes in Beijing that is from the bottom of their hearts? Can't you see that all the smiles are only put on their face to show others?

All the Chinese athletes will eventually have to face themselves and ask themselves: "Is this worth it to sell one's freedom and dignity for something that oppresses their own very individuality?"

Many Chinese athletes are picked from very young age and separated from their families ever since. Their own families are also willing to leave them to the cruelty and inhumanity of the athletic environment under Chinese despotic culture/government. No one knows their pain, inner torment and suffering. They are pressured from outside, not driven from inside, to succeed. And when they achieve, their achievement is stolen by the country, by their leaders, by the crowds that know and care nothing about them. The people around them only care about using them and their achievement to add some ingredients into their designer narcotics, so they will have a grand illusion to escape the true state of their own mind, the true meaning in their own lives. Who do they want to share their old medals if they are robbed from their youth of their own loved ones, of their own very individual identity, of something that is most precious as a human being?? The fake entities of course - the party, the collective, the country, the team, the leaders, the Chinese people.....

Contrast to the Chinese athletes, American athletes will first look into the audience to find their loved ones to share their success. That is what things are supposed to be and should be, for freedom and joy from inside of each athlete is the ultimate reward to himself/herself.

Have you wondered why the Chinese got more gold medals than Americans while in overall medal counts they are trailing?

In China, the system has no just and fair selective process to decide who is going to make the roster for the Olympics. In America, the process is just, open and fair: You have to qualify in an objective standard/system in the Olympic Qualifying Events. As long as you are qualified via fair competition, no one has any power to reject you from the roster. In China, the selective process to decide who is on the roster is purely political/arbitrary. The leaders first consider your chance to get the gold medal (besides your loyalty to them/collective/country), for only the gold medal can ensure the Party-state's National Anthem be played for the audience. Only the gold medal has the maximum effect to drug the Chinese population and induce maximum illusions. If you are considered just another athlete with minimum chance to win the gold, you are pushed behind and diminished as a less-valued asset, for your value as a narcotic ingredient to drug the population is negligible.

This collective-first mindset has caused countless misery and tragedies among the Chinese athletes. Yet in China no one knows the athletes' pain and suffering. No one cares. They are just some tools with talents to be used and abandoned. Everyone, not just the Chinese authority, in China views athletes like that, views all the people themselves like that. So strictly speaking, the Chinese are the victims of their own despotic and inhuman mentality. Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony is the epitome of such a collective/despotic mentality.

I, as an athlete having survived that inhuman system, now only want to tell you the truth - the truth no one wants to hear. Yet, here I am. I exist. I am not afraid. I will speak.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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