自由的基点 - 个体责任
The Essence of Self-Government - Individual Responsibility
没有自由,人就没有责任感。 没有个体责任,自由就毫无意义。
中国人要自由,就要承担世界上每一个自由人所要承担的个体道德责任。 这就意味着中国人再也不能允许他们自己成为压迫者或被压迫者,成为害人者或被害者,成为被动的历史与道德的残疾,成为鸦雀无声的容忍邪恶而压抑不同的人们。 --- 陈凯
If the Chinese want to be free, they as individuals must bear the moral responsibility all the free beings in the world do. This means that from the moment you are free, you must never allow yourself to become an oppressor or a slave; you must never allow yourself to become a victim or a villain; you must never allow yourself to become a passive, historical and moral handicap; you must never allow yourself to become one of those who always tolerates evil but never differences. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Unless and until the Chinese rid off their victim mentality and helplessness, unless and until the Chinese start to assume moral responsibilities as free beings, unless and until the Chinese realize that they are not some small, insignificant, weak, passive handicaps depending on the collective and majority for their own meaning and existence, China will remain in the darkness, even after the communist regime is gone.
To avoid such a vicious cycle from happening again:
The Chinese must say to themselves: "Things happen because I/We allow them to happen. I/We must assume the moral responsibilities as a free being(s) and take the power back from the others, the collectives, the majority, the despots and tyrants.... I as a free being will never allow others to oppress me, and I will never allow myself to oppress others. I as a moral being will never allow myself to be passive and silent when facing evil. I as a human being will always tolerate differences, but will never tolerate evil."
The Chinese must say to themselves: "It is I/We who have tolerated the communist regime, who have supported the communist regime with my/our silence, weakness and helplessness, who have assisted the communist regime with my/our ignorance, prejudice, cowardice and injustice toward my/our fellow human beings. I/We must repent and reflect on my/our sins and crimes in order to move forward, away from despotism and tyranny. I/We must do something now, if I/We have not done anything yet, to rid off the communist regime, to progress toward freedom."
The Chinese must say to themselves: "I am grown up now. I am no more/no longer a helpless infant depending on some parental government and some so-called saviors for my freedom. I as an individual human being, with freedom and dignity from God alone, can and must do my share in this world to advance the cause of human freedom. I will never allow myself to be a victim/villain again in a never ending dynastic cycle."
The Chinese must say to themselves: "I/We must first establish the fundamental faith in goodness, in justice, in truth, in freedom, in human dignity, in order to pursue these values. I/We must take actions, make moral judgment to ensure my freedom and the freedom of my fellow human beings. I/We must establish a new nation - a nation not above God, not pretending to be God, but a Nation under God, not men."
The Chinese must say to themselves: "I must stop blaming everything and everyone around me for my own misery, pain and despair. I am no longer a weakling. I am strong. I am great. I am righteous. And I am indeed free."
Let Freedom Ring!
Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I/We am/are free at last!!
May God bless every free soul. Kai Chen