China Has No Foundation for Morality
如果我能“卖国”,我就将中国用一分钱卖给美国。 --- 焦国标
If I can sell a country, I will sell China to America for only one penny. --- Jiao Guobiao
我不知道从什么时候“国”,“脸”,“强弱”,“贫富”,“敌友”,“内外”,“忠奸”成了中国人道德的准则。 我只能说这些伪价值体现了中国人的无道德与反道德。
如果有一天在中国人的语言中“繁荣”,“强大”,“爱国”,“卖国”,“丢脸”,“丢人” 等没有道德价值的词汇不再成为文化的主宰,而“生命,幸福,真理,正义,自由,尊严”主导着中国人的心态,那一天就是中国人心态开始正常化的一天,也就是中国从恶性“朝代循环”开始走向有道德指南的“方向性进步”的一天。 --- 陈凯
I don't know from when things such as "China/country", "face", "powerful or weak", "rich or poor", "enemy or friends", "inside or outside", "loyalty or betrayal" have become the standard of morality in China. I can only say that these fake values only show that China is an amoral and immoral society.
If one day in China phrases such as "prosperity/rich", "powerful", "China-loving", "China-selling", "losing face", "losing popularity" will no longer dominate the Chinese mindset as some fake moral/cultural principles, and "life, happiness, truth, justice, liberty and dignity" will emerge as the donimant moral principles and universal values for all to pursue, China will start to become a normal nation and China will start to pull itself out from the nihilistic vicious "dynastic cycles" to walk toward hope and progress guided by the eternal moral compass. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Once again China is dragged into the eternal nihilistic "China loving" or "China-selling" vicious cycle. The dispute over territory and drilling rights with Japan now dominates the Chinese conversations. "Inside or outside", "Chinese or foreign", "enemy or friends" once again dominate everything and drag people away from their recent righteous concern over human rights and immoral/illegitimate Chinese government.
It is very sad to see that it is so easy for the Chinese to fall into their own cultural trap of immorality or amorality. It is so easy to distract them and misdirect them from the universal values of freedom and justice into the nonsensical racial, cultural, territorial, superficial strives with a foreign country.
If China is no country at all, for it lacks the fundamental elements of a country -- government by the consent of the governed, where does this "country-loving" or "country-selling" come from?? If the Chinese government is an illegitimate entity forced upon the Chinese population via the power of the muzzles of guns, how can it "sell China" without being the legitimate representative of China in the first place?? Why does some ancient claim of territories appear to be more important than the freedom of the Chinese people, than the justice and dignity of the individuals in China's society?? Why has the word "China" become the untouchable standard of morality for the Chinese??
Many who are against the CCP want China to be "powerful" and "prosperous" as in their imagined "Tang and Han" dynasties. Why do the past despotic dynasties become the aspirations of modern Chinese while they are entirely blind to their own indignities, slavery and injustices to themselves and by themselves in their own daily lives today?? Why does freedom of the individuals scare all the Chinese??
Is this phenomenon a demonstration of a perverted, pathological and incorrigible mindset out to destroy the world or what???
Some say my words are too poignant for the Chinese people to accept. I think not. Maybe I need to be more passionate and poignant in my expressions. Most Chinese are just too confused and numb spiritually to ever wake up to see the truth:
[size=18]The earth is revolving around the sun, not the opposite. Each and every individual in society is the sun. He/she is not just some planet revolving around the sun, reflecting the light of the sun (in their mind the sun is China, the society, the collective, the culture, the ancestors, the government, the powerful). He/she is the sun emanating energy, light, creativity and originality. He/she defines/determines what his/her surrounding is with his/her thinking, actions, words.... [/size]
The Chinese must wake up from their two thousand years of stupor to see the reality. In the world only those who can see the reality and follow the eternal moral principles can progress toward a future, because they have the moral compass. The "laws of gravity" in the moral realm applies everywhere in the world, not just in America. The Chinese must reverse their thinking from collective-oriented to individual-oriented, from power-centered to goodness-centered, from wanting a better despotism to wanting liberty and freedom, from victims/villains to independent entities bearing their own moral responsibility.
You are individual, you are independent, you are free, you are the sun.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯