陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

普世价值只能被追求与表达 Values Can Only Be Earned

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:01 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Values Can Only Be Earned/Expressed, Not Possessed/Begged For


奴性世俗的人们认为价值可以被占有与索取,有如任何的财产一样。 只有自由的人们才懂得价值(真理,自由,爱情,尊严、、)只能去被追求,赢得和表达。 那些认为真理(普世价值)可以被用强权所发明,占有和宣传,而不是被用道德所追求,发现与表达的人们只不过是一些自欺欺人的宦奴娼罢了。 --- 陈凯

Only those vulgar slaves can fathom a scenario in which values are just like properties, can be possessed, robbed or asked for. But the free beings understand that values (truth, freedom, love, dignity...) can only be pursued, discovered, earned and expressed. Those who think truth (eternal values) can be invented by guns and power, can be usurped and distorted to suit one's own purpose are only a bunch of Eunuslawhores (eunuchs, slaves and whores combined). --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Have you felt that when you talk to a Chinese person, you seem to talk to someone who thinks that truth can be invented or possessed depending on how much money, power, fame one has? So when you talk to a Chinese person, you are actually talk to someone who constantly measures your power, property and social status. Truth/reality is never what he is interested in.

Thus we have to assume most Chinese think that there is no such thing as truth, since truth to them is nothing but some play-dough to be manipulated and distorted to suit one's own purpose. Whoever has the gun has the truth. Mao himself believed in such a motto. So whoever has the power can invent the truth and propagate it to others by force. Truth to the Chinese somehow becomes properties to be possessed. "In order to possess it one must have power by guns." The Chinese firmly believe in such a saying.

Can truth be invented and possessed like any tangible things?

To a population subjected under a language system that is pictorial and syllabic, truth as an abstract value, as a concept from God is totally alien. So the Chinese only pursue marriage/procreation, but never love. So the Chinese only pursue prestige, but never virtue. So the Chinese only pursue power, but never justice. So the Chinese only pursue slavery, never freedom. So the Chinese only pursue a perfect despotism, but never democracy. So the Chinese only pursue social status, but never human dignity. So the Chinese only pursue the superficial, never the substantial. So the Chinese are still mired in the morass of never-ending dynastic cycles. What a pity!

Truth, love, freedom, dignity can only be discovered, for they are from God Almighty. Anything invented by humans can never be of any true value, for it is only created to reflect the values from above. Most things the Chinese have ever are not only non-values, but anti-values, for they are for the devil (despotic governments) against God. Values are intangible, yet they indeed exist. Because they exist, we as human beings are created to be different from animals. Because they exist, meaning of life exists. Because they exist, an individual's life is sacred. Because they exist, we as human beings can have a direction, therefore a hope for a better future.

I hope all of you who visit my forum realize the meaning of such a forum - to discover, to pursue, and to express truth.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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