Pity/Fear is What Chinese Rely on to Feel a Little Existence
一个没有道德信仰的社会是一个依靠他人注意而自感存在的社会。 媚外,恐外,恨外,排外的情结只不过是寻求外人注意而自感存在的延伸罢了。 一个自觉没有意义的人或社会需要恐吓外人,讨好外人或自残自虐以求得怜悯而取得外人的注意。 这种病态的心理情结是中国人自感存在的唯一依据,也是邪恶基此而巩固延伸的主要途径。
你能告诉我为什么世界上有一个中国? 或世界上有一个你吗?! --- 陈凯
A faithless society or a faithless person can only rely on others' attention to feel its/his existence. Ingratiation, fear, hatred and xenophobia are only extensions of such a faithlessness, are only results of an overwhelming eagerness to prove one's existence by others' reaction. A meaningless person or a meaningless society needs to scare others, to flatter others, or to self-torture/self-demean to inflict fear/pity, to attract sympathy or shock from others. This pathological complex is the only channel for the Chinese to feel a little existence. This complex is also the main reason why evil persists in China.
Can you tell me why China exists? Can you tell me why you exist? --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
The Beijing Olympics and the current earthquake disaster have one thing in common: They are both being used to legitimize the illegitimate criminal government in China. More importantly still, they are both being used by all the Chinese to feel a little existence - a fake meaning of their personal existence, of China's collective existence.
I have talked to a friend in China lately. He told me that he feels a restlessness, a panicky feeling from among the Chinese everywhere. "It is as though the Beijing Olympics is the end of China, the end of their lives. They will have nothing to live for after that." He observed. I entirely concur with his observation.
Can anyone tell me why on earth there is China? Can anyone tell me what being a Chinese means? Can anyone tell me why on earth there is you the Chinese individual? Besides others' approval, fear, pity, admiration, detest, is there any evidence that China exists at all? Is there any evidence that you exist at all?
A country/a person, who constantly doubts its own existence will put a tremendous burden on others to constantly profess, fear, detest, pity... But there will never be love and respect from those China/Chinese people want to buy, to scare, to beg. There will always be a kind of cold nauseating irritation the world feels toward China, because love and respect will never be begged for, purchased, scared into or seduced with cultural narcotics and spiritual prostitution. Love and respect can only start from one's self, from one's strong faith in goodness and meaning, from one's righteousness deep inside. Love and respect can only be given in freedom and earned by goodness.
Unless and until the Chinese people discover a true existence by God - their own conscience, their own faith in goodness, their own individual uniqueness - their true "self", they will continue to live in the abyss of meaninglessness, still wandering in darkness but not found.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯