Individuals Must Take Responsibilities
用爱国奥运消灭人的良知;用物欲肉欲消灭人的记忆;用血肉长城消灭人的灵魂;用十亿数字消灭一个人的价值;用眼泪灾难消灭人的理性与正义感。 为了强权中国政权的邪恶力量与狡诈的手段是不可低估的。 但自由与为自由付出代价,承担责任的个体是击破、消灭一切邪恶势力的最强大的武器。 拿起这个武器,邪恶就会消亡。 --- 陈凯
Using China-loving and Beijing Olympics to eliminate human conscience and decency; using material gains and physical desire to eliminate human memory; using a Great Wall of human flesh and blood to eliminate human souls; using a crowd of one billion to eliminate the values of one person; using crying and tears to eliminate human rationality and sense of justice..., for holding on power in China, the Chinese communist regime will invent and utilize all schemes in its disposal. But Freedom and the free individuals who are willing to pay the price, to take the responsibility to remain free will defeat all the schemes employed by evil. Treasure your freedom, take your personal responsibility, evil will be vanquished. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I have repeatedly stated my position on the Sichuan earthquake disaster. I have only pity toward the Chinese victims, but I have no sympathy toward them, for I always know this is coming. And the disasters, man-made or not, will keep coming to the Chinese population as long as they tolerate evil, follow evil and worship evil.
Tears, blood, deaths, misery, suffering are too familiar to the Chinese people. Unfortunately, they have yet to learn anything from them. I have yet to see a happy and healthy person in China. Without such happy and healthy individuals, a happy and healthy family or nation is impossible. To dream of such a happy and healthy family or nation, without free individuals taking personal responsibilities will have only one result - a never-ending nightmare.
I will not donate a penny through the current political system in China to the quake victims, for I will refuse to allow myself to be used to legitimize the communist regime. My position stands as always, period.
The best way to solve China's problems is to refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the communist regime. The quicker the criminal regime is vanquished, the better it is for the world and the Chinese people themselves. To perpetuate the nightmare only deepens the bloodshed, the misery, the suffering, only prolongs the dominance of evil in China.
Be yourself, be a free being, be an individual with dignity.
Kai Chen 陈凯