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基督与安. 兰德造就了美国精神 Christianity + Individualism = America

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:01 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

基督与安. 兰德造就了美国精神
Christianity + Individualism = America


基督精神,个体自由,自我利益,资本主义自由市场是美国社会健康繁荣的基点要素。 它们并不自相矛盾而是互补,共存,紧密相连的系统组成。 只有懂得这一点的人们才真正懂得美国人自由的精神与美国社会繁荣昌盛的基点原因。 --- 陈凯

Christianity, individual freedom, self-interest, capitalism, free market are the fundamental elements that contribute to American society's health and prosperity. Not only do they not contradict each other, they complement each other in a most positive way. They coexist and connect each other in a most harmonious fashion to build a workable system based on human life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Only when you understand this crucial point, you can finally grasp the essence of American society, you can finally understand the spirit of freedom, human creativity and economic prosperity in America, which is the model and prelude to human liberation in the world. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Indeed Christ teachings and a Christian culture contributed greatly in the Western spiritual world, and built a solid foundation in the realm of human faith and spirituality. But do not underestimate the culture of individualism and an economic system that is capitalistic in nature. Both are parts of the foundation of Americanism.

It is no wonder that the most influential book in America is the Bible, and the second most influential book is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. Faith + Reason, Christianity + Individualism, Spirituality + Capitalism (Free Market) = America

To disregard any of the above elements is to disintegrate America. I applaud Mr. Liu's effort to instill the element of individualism and the culture of freedom into the Chinese mindset.

My fellow Christians and colleagues: Please do not use Ayn Rand against Christianity, even though Ayn Rand was a self-claimed atheist. Her "Objectivism", in my opinion, is only to state from another angle that absolute truth and morality indeed exist. And please do not use Christianity against individualism and free market that is essentially based on human self-interest, for without the latter, we have only skeleton without flesh and blood, without former, we have nothing to attach our physical existence. Because America has both, America is the most healthy society on earth.

Reason without true faith as a foundation often leads to perverted and warped states such as the Nazi Germany and the former USSR. Faith without reason often leads to extremism based on irrationality and mysticism. Islamic fundamentalism and the Jones' Town tragedy ("People's Temple" that was based on Christianity combined with communism) in which more than 900 people committed suicide are two examples. "Living for each other with good will" without "self-interest" as a moral and legitimate means to produce material values proves not only as un-workable mode of community, but as a thorough disaster.

China is a society that lacks both true faith and individualism, that lacks both spirituality and reason. This evil of the Chinese culture that based on Nothingness and Nihilism makes our task extra tough. You have to establish a true faith of Christianity, while eliminating a cultural habit based on the tool of nihilism - the Chinese character-based, syllabic language, for such a language inhibit people from thinking in a reasoned and logical fashion, therefore prevent people from knowing reality and truth.

Christ and Ayn Rand are complementary to each other in America, not in conflict. Both of them contribute to build a solid foundation for a truly free society. I hope my fellow Youpai colleagues are aware of that fact and reality.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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