Appeasement vs. Victory - Taiwan Must Choose
亲共联共的绥靖政策只能使台湾走向绝路。 恐共屈共的懦夫心态只能使台湾走向窄路。 只有基于道德清晰与道德勇气的反共灭共才是台湾走向光明未来的康庄大路。 --- 陈凯
Appeasement out of moral confusion toward the communist regime on the mainland China can only lead to despair and destruction for Taiwan. Cowardice out of fear toward the communist regime can only diminish Taiwan's choices. Only steadfast policies of anti-communism aimed at total destruction of the communist regime on the mainland, only strategies leading to the downfall of the communist regime, based on moral clarity and courage can lead Taiwan out of danger and stagnation into a bright future. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
As my trip to Taiwan nears, I can't help worrying about Taiwan's future.
As the only democratic system ever developed under the guidance and the protection of the US, Taiwan is the hope for all Chinese-speaking population. Freedom is not so alien and inaccessible to the Chinese-speaking population after all. Not only we all yearn for freedom as human beings, we are ready for the responsibilities freedom brings to us as individuals. Waiting will not bring about change. Doing will. Taiwan is a living example.
But some recent development worries me, for the KMT which had fought a civil war with the communists now slid further toward a tendency of appeasement toward the communists, worse, even a tendency to bargain with the communists for some kind of unity. DPP is also disappointing in manifesting a tendency of fearing and escaping the communist regime on the mainland. Their independence agenda is not morally clear for somehow they also acquiescence that the communist regime on the mainland is legitimate. Both will lead Taiwan to nowhere, even to disasters.
The only choice that will lead Taiwan out of current stagnation, danger and despair is a mindset and policies based on moral clarity and moral courage -- a steadfast adherence to policies and strategies that will lead to the utter destruction and downfall of the communist regime on the mainland. Only with a mainland that is free and democratic, Taiwan's future can be bright. Any moral confusion and fear regarding an illegitimate and criminal communist regime on the mainland will doom Taiwan into an ever-lasting darkness and chaos.
As President Reagan's "Evil Empire" proclamation based on moral clarity and courage that doomed the USSR to its total destruction, Taiwan people should support leaders who have Reagan's courage and vision. President Carter's "human rights" demand was not only too weak, but morally confused to somehow acquiescence the legitimacy of the USSR.
Proclaiming the criminal and illegitimate nature of the Chinese communist regime does not exclude the possibility of talking with them, as President Reagan did with the Soviet leaders. The difference is that when Reagan talked to the USSR, he was in a position of moral superiority, letting his opponents know their regime is illegitimate and criminal in nature. Thus every talk occurred after the "Evil Empire" proclamation lead to a step-by-step weakening of the evil empire. Ultimately it lead to the total downfall of the evil regime.
Hereby I call upon the conscience and the intelligence of the Taiwan people and Taiwan leadership to proclaim that the communist regime on the mainland as "Evil Empire". Taiwan should act as a warrior to slay the dragon. Taiwan must assert its moral position as a free and democratic political entity in dealing with the communist regime on the mainland. Taiwan's dagger to slay the dragon is not physical, but moral. Nonetheless, Taiwan must act now to thrust the moral dagger into the heart of the evil dragon.
May God bless the people of Taiwan. May freedom spread to every corner of the world.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯